what is your favourite black-and-white horror film Sup Forums?
What is your favourite black-and-white horror film Sup Forums?
the crawling eye
>tfw no qt Barbara Steele gf
This is fucking disturbing even by modern standards
Pretty great, highly suggest the book if anyone here is /lit/.
Mines either The Old Dark House or Creature from the Black Lagoon (though I'm more partial to Revenge of the Creature)
Black Sunday is my favourite, but since it's already been said I'll go with Night of the Demon.
Carnival of Souls
Good idea for a thread btw OP
dead of night is the best, but the one that freaked me out the most on first seeing was night of the living dead, at age 9, on tv while i was alone in the house. cant top that ever, when the hands come through the boards.
Seconding this, excellent movie. If you can find it there's a podcast, Filmically Perfect, that goes into the making of this film.
Here is another b&w horror film I enjoy.
Night of the Living Dead is great, forgot about that one.
Is this the one with the ridiculous looking skeleton? Have been meaning to watch it for ages.
caught this on hulu awhile back. Fantastically creepy with the atmosphere of fairy tale. A real treat
Ah, shit. Most of my favorites were already mentioned.
I'll go with Burn, Witch, Burn then.
Oh shit, how did I forgot about these
The Wolf Man and Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man
The Innocents. Really underappreciated horror film.
This. Every scene with Max Schreck in it makes my skin crawl. Incredible acting and makeup.
That's because they did it better with The Others
Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein, and Son of Frankenstein.
Each one is better than the last.
It's a toss up between...
>F.W. Murnau's Faust
Eraserhead and Repulsion
kekkles quietly
Came here to post this. It's pretty schlocky but it'll always have a place in my heart for some reason I can't quite explain.
I really wish I'd gotten to see it in the cinema with the gimmick where a skeleton swoops down from the ceiling. Must have been a hell of a special experience at the time.