Would Sup Forums ever date or marry a widowed woman?
Widowed Women As Marriage Potential
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>likes cooking, gardening
She's prefect m8, go for it.
why not? it's not like its her fault.
plus, widow means she was committed to a guy rather than jumping from one man to another.
Ty Leaf. Do it man, ask her out. Bee yourself.
Maybe. Depends on the girl. Not one with kids though.
>implying Sup Forums gets near any woman
sounds good, if there are no kids, absolutely nothing wrong with it.
looks mostly mestizo, prob is 5'3 with an apple bum
guessing you're no prize either.
why not?
nice self projection.
theres a lot /r9k/ here lately.
>who will be my best friend
what did she mean by this i wonder?
>pic related says 5'8"
stop making burgers look dumber than we are
Only acceptable if the kids are very young (
>Age: 32
So what she's really saying is that after a good 16 years of whoring her body to probably 50-100 other men, she thinks she still has value as a woman, and is still a suitable partner for a man who would treat a woman well.
Utter trash.
Avoid any woman like this, men.
Get them from their fathers through connections or similar.
Absolute disaster. A whole generation of women wasted under the marxist doctrine.
>I want one man who likes to cuddle, hold hands, honest, kind, caring [...]
That makes no fucking sense.
>all these betas
>self projection
I'm not even Sup Forums, I just shitpost here sometimes. I'm talking about you angry neckbearded Nazis.
>cleaning is part of her hobbies/interests
Shit wife material m8. Who the fuck needs gardening unless you can grow tomatoes and oranges and shit.
>ages 32 to 64
She's going to get GRAMPED
Craigslist. Broken/bad English. Claims to be athletic. You're about to get ass raped. Better stretch your pooper before you meetup.
She looks good. But I'm not in her age range.
Do it, OP. Seems like a good candidate. The train comes only one in your life.
*one time
Anyone who would post widowed instead of single shows they aren't over their dead partner yet. Not sure this is a good idea.
women lie user. she isn't 5'8 you can deduce this by her head to ceiling height.
>they aren't over their dead partner yet
Good point. There is always that question if you're living up to the standards of her late husband. Plus you will never ever replace him.
>tfw you will never find a decent girl that's wife material that can wrench/work on cars
>wanting only guys older than her
She shouldn't be picky.
oh so just an unfunny virgin that gets bullied in school?
>32 to 64
God damn she reachin hard.
Yup sure would, but im going to be forward about it.
After all, she knows the drill by now.
nice meltdown, robot faggot
She's WIDOWED. she wanted a mate, she chose a mate, and then, tragedy struck. what a dumbass
It's almost as if she's gold digging
sure..... just gotta confirm the kill before marrying her
Im pretty sure the only acceptable time to be a cuck is for a fallen soldier with a solid widow left behind. A top tier mother/wife (even with the son of a soldier who gave his life for his country) should not go to waste if she is still fertile and requires help raising her family.
>2/10, would not bang
>ages 32 to 64
>She's going to get GRAMPED
underrated comment
M8, tomatos are easy as fuck. I haven't bought any from the store in years since I started growing them
Did it, loved it, raised kids as my own, have grandkids, consider myself the exception to the rule.
Wait, is that you, OP?
She sure looks like it don't she
Someone is bound to get triggered by this.
Widowed just sounds better, you have no guarantee that she didnt just cheated her ex and got dumped.
He wasn't talking about projecting about being on Sup Forums you sensitive cuck.
>my mom died when I was 15
>weeks after my dad just left up all his eharmony profiles
>at least he didnt marry some asian
shit was kinda lame desu
Well she looks latina, and latin people tend to be very caring with their partners.
I would go for her, too bad I am not in the States.
>seeking my lifetime soulmate to walk through the /path of light/ with
Yes please.
men should be athletic
what is the problem here?
Not an argument.
In her mind, her dead friend/husband whatever is probabbly the 'perfect' one who got away/taken away by xxx.
She thinks that now, they all do. Even if back in the days they despited their friend/hubby whatever.
She is alpha widowed. If you come into her life, she will keep comparing you to this image of her dead friend/hubby whatever that got away.
Which wont turn out good
Getting cucked by a soldier that gave his life for the nation is likely ok for the beta dude looking for a woman online.
Better than getting cucked by fratboys or tinderniggers
>they aren't over their dead partner yet
And what the fuck is she gonna do about it? Bring him back to life? Dude is dead. Thats like the best kind of ex your partner can have. You will never have to worry if she is secretly still talking to him (unless she has a Ouija board) or seeing him (unless ghosts).
Also, dingus, she mentions she is widow because at 32, single, a woman can look very fishy. Maybe she is insane, maybe a whore, maybe nobody can stand her shit. But if she is a widow is like saying that there is nothing wrong with her, except bad luck.
Why not OP?
In old times, it was very common for widows and widowers remarry. Especially if they had children.
Grandfathers browse Sup Forums?
>unless she murdered her husband
Just make sure to maul any present children to death.
Trust me, cunts love that.
No, that's not me.
I knew this would happened but I cropped the image a bit. I thought at least one pixel would be enough. I did more than that. Did I not edit the picture enough?
>he actually believes she's a widow
not like there's a 50/50 chance she's crazy and super desperate and made up the dead husband thing
>Previous Husband couldn't take any more of her shit and became an hero
>sure i'd date that.
nigger please
If she was only ever with that one guy, then sure I'd consider it
Although if she has kids then no fucking way, and if she was only with one guy up until the age of 32 and didn't have kids that's also a red flag
Probably just a bad idea 2bh OP
>buying damaged goods
>If she was only ever with that one guy
Why do I see this so much on this board? Why is Sup Forums scared of a bitch who knows how to work dick? It reeks of insecurity tbqhwy famalam.
>32 to 64
tfw u have a date tonight with a girl who lurks Sup Forums
Didn't found it via image search
Start memeing hard as fuck over dinner. If she's into it, you'll know.
I guess some guys like you actually need a chart to know what most guys know instinctively. Whores make for less stable marriage partners.
I also make for a less stable marriage partner. Guess it depends what you're looking for.
Say grace in the name of kek and when you get the bill tell her to check 'em if you get doubles (e.g, $55.09).
Is she like a memer or just a faggot?
They are damaged bro
If they haven't been widowed for more than a few years don't go near then u less you just want to get your dick wet. They are seriously damaged in most cases and will fuck you over mentally
You cannot rush the grieving process and if they aren't over their dead lover they will do their best to hide that fact. They will want to fuck with reckless abandon though, so there is that
Let schopy redpill you fags
She's a bitch who deserved a divorce.
Or she killed her husband.
>getting cucked by an actual dead person
beta as fuck
Sure thing. I would have married a single mother to a White child, even. Widows had no say in what happened to them, unless they're some lazy whore that married a dying man in order to get that social security income for life (this actually happens).
But yeah, depends on how many kids they have. One is good to go. Two and they better have a career and be hard-working. Three is my limit, I can't do this unless they're rich and I'm marrying them to live comfortably for life and they're willing to have one more baby with me.
But yeah, I ended up marrying and having children with a girl with no children. I wouldn't have discriminated against a single mom, though. Shit happens.
If she agrees to split the life insurance.
right wing Lauren southern fan who sends me memes daily
I dated one for a while. She had a baby too and they were both great. However she already had some issues dating back before her husband who was in all honesty a great guy. She ended up "breaking up" with me during an overly emotional moment which should have only lasted a day or two. Anyway about a week later she got drunk and pregnant from a one night stand and asked if I would still be with her. Telling her no was the hardest thing I've ever done and it broke my damn heart
Because you'll always have that little faggot that shouts "YOU'RE NOT MY REAL DAD" when you tell them to clean their room
Throwaway mental cumdump
If she cant type she can get on her bike
OP what country is the female currently living in. I reserve judgement until I receive that answer
>Telling her I have self respect as a man and that I didn't want to become a cuck was the hardest thing I've ever done
You did good, user.
>terrible grammar
>seeking lifetime soulmate
>32 to 64
>not realising she killed her ex husband for his money and plans to do the same to you
The United States
>tfw you find out the girl you're dating killed her last husband for the money
Go for it. If you deem the kid is a little champ and the woman is caring towards you and concerned with your emotional wellbeing in tough times as well as good she's a keeper and you've given a woman a complete family and a kid a rolemodel and someone to lookup to (you)
Hahhahahahha idk why this was so funny
3DPD no exceptions
>go on aussie right wing dating site
>theyre all Asians
Why are Asians so redpilled? Is it the high iq?
Not sure mate, but your 60 IQ abos vote liberal.
the culture and the fact "probably their parents or grandparents came from the front lines of the bamboo jungle with no welfare and no hug boxes and safe spaces, so "see clearly", it's not an IQ thing, you would be wrong to assume it is IQ related, instead, they haven't been brainwashed yet.
>those eyes
>that age range
i *GUARANTEE* you that that woman killed her husband
There's so few of them, it doesn't matter.
>likes to cuddle
>looking for man
Pick one.
She's a cutie, but looks like the female version of the illustrated man.
That's a man and you know it.