Republicans are aggressive, combative, intrusive, threatening, barbaric, intruding, quarrelsome, rapacious, offensive...

Republicans are aggressive, combative, intrusive, threatening, barbaric, intruding, quarrelsome, rapacious, offensive, destructive, antagonistic, beligerant, powerful, vigorous, dynamic, forceful, industrious, tireless,


Why do you hate your dad so much, user?


Being forced into blue-collar work because they continually fail to get an education doesn't make them any of these things.

Muslims are aggressive, combative, intrusive, threatening, barbaric, intruding, quarrelsome, rapacious, offensive, destructive, antagonistic, beligerant, powerful, vigorous, dynamic, forceful, industrious, tireless.
>Fixed your post

And they are also right.


>CTR resorts to copying straight from a thesaurus

>testosterone is a con

oy vey big scary white men

OP probably doesn't even know her dad.

>Looks like he can actually be useful on the job unlike the DYEL numales who can't lift heavy shit and constantly require help

Lol all democrat properties

>Being forced into blue-collar work because they continually fail to get an education doesn't make them any of these things.



>he doesn't know that all of the trump supporters are cute boys.

lemme guess
STEM major?


>wahhh i cant refute their political beliefs so ill call them names
:The Post

I'll always remember where I was and what I was smoking, when the nu-male began to fear again.

That sounds more like a leftist nowadays.

Describes your typical leftist protester perfectly.

Enjoy your pattern baldness and mood swings.

99% of the time Horsey is dead wrong. But look at Trump speaking about political issues in the 80's. He speaks so fluently and with so much etiquette its actually satisfying to watch.

Fast forward to 2016 he has to act like a loud retard to get the white hick vote or else he'd be labeled as a uptight city boi. Pic very much related.

Oh how the mighty have fallen, stong men=bad and scary in their minds. Only in the lefts twisted slave morality can weakness be seen as a virtue, no wonder they vote for a woman.

I've seen this exact, same post yesterday, you goddamn shills are gettin lazy

Also 1 post by this ID (OP)
Everyone just stop responding to this bait thread

thank you. nicest thing anyone has said to me all day.

If trump was black would you still support him?

wtf i hate strength now

Are we supposed to NOT want to be this guy?


No one cares, horsey

That's right cuckolds, Republican Bulls will ravage your liberal girlfriend's pussy and impregnate her with their Powerful White Seed. This is what your girlfriend has always wanted, but your limp wristed liberal self simply can't provide it for her. Sad!

legit paperback, or just online thesaurus?
go on, you can tell me.

hello satan

Intruding and intrusive makes me angry and angered

That image describes me perfectly

>1 post by this ID, 1 post by this ID, 1 post by this ID, 1 post by this ID, 1 post by this ID, 1 post by this ID, 1 post by this ID, 1 post by this ID, 1 post by this ID, 1 post by this ID, 1 post by this ID, 1 post by this ID, 1 post by this ID,

wtf, imma liberal now

No, but then again I already don't support him. I would just hate him more if he was a nigger.

Trump made his entire fortune rubbing elbows with shady fucking Jews, hard to believe how many supposed "NatSoc" or "Redpilled" people shill him.

Too bad none of these things negate the fact that they're right

Lol actually a fucking cuck


Immunity cat, fag.

Men who look like that are the most sensitive cry babies you'll ever meet.

I'm serious

Nice ad hominem. Get off this board.


Democrats are mass shooters