So, this is pretty much confirmed as the best movie made after the year 2000, correct?
Prove me wrong.
So, this is pretty much confirmed as the best movie made after the year 2000, correct?
Prove me wrong.
This !!
And this !!!
idk, i was gonna watch it because i heard tarantino liked it, but then i heard he only liked it because he dated the director sofia. so im not sure, what makes it so good?
This one !!!
Take this with ya !!!
>what makes it so good?
The ching chong scene. You can turn it off after that unless you're trying to impress a female
That's not Master and Commander.
that movie fucking sucked
This was the most boring piece of shit I've ever watched.
I thought this starred Will Ferrel?
No Country for Old Men
There Will Be Blood
fuck off, kiddo
>In The Mood For Love
>Mulholland Drive
This, anybody that likes it only watched it once. Wow being isolated in a land of people native to their country while you're the foreigner is such a novel idea!
Same message but done better in every single way.
I never watched the movie because of how his moustache looks.
>If you go to a foreign country, make no effort to learn their language, spend all your time faffing about in a hotel, avoid talking to people and ignore people who talk to you (because you're so special and they don't understand!) you'll feel isolated.
The soundtrack and Bill Murray's performance was the only good thing about this pile of shit.
looks like a normal mustache
This was boring as fuck, so overrated
You have autism if you didn't get the strong emotions conveyed in Lost in Translation
In my eyes it might be the best movie of all time, seeing as how I haven't found anything else made more beautiful than what Sofia managed to
Never seen it, I have aspergers, should I bother watching?
Didn't you read my post?
If you want to, sure but you won't be moved by it you sperg
Unironically, it's really well directed so if you just have a knack for cinematography you'll like it
You made the right decision and passed the iq test. I failed because the poster wasn't enough to put me off.
It's OK i guess... Was anyone else ever bothered by the fact that nobody would give a fuck about this old guy if he wasn't famous?
>ITT: virgins who dont know what love is
You're not the only one who's fallen in love with is operating system before, asshole.