Empire Magazine's 100 Greatest Movies

This is from the results of a reader poll. Yes, they actually put Guardians of the Galaxy on the list, and it's ahead of Raging Bull, The Shining, and Lawrence of Arabia. It's over, cinema is dead, Reddit has won.


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>Reddit magazine gets Reddit ranking
Imagine my shock


>all that fucking capeshit
literally why

What does the website reddit.com have to do with the magazine Empire? Aren't populist news aggregators the reasons magazines died?

Sure, you may not agree with the results of that Empire poll. You may even find them ridiculous. What do they have to do with reddit.com?

>Old fogeys and psuedo-intellectualists get triggered the thread

This list is nearly as shit as i expected from a readers poll, but at least The Godfather made it to #1. I genuinely expected shit like Pulp Fiction at the top.

It's about time they started phasing out old boring b/w movies that nobody can sit through anymore.

I mean has anyone seen La Règle du jeu recently? It's boring as fuck.

Godfather is a good movie but it's is extremely overrated.

I honestly think Conan the Barbarian is a better movie.

>one third from the 21st century
>over half from 1990-now

>Social Network is good

That's because you are cinema illiterate and probably retarded. Sure, The Godfather is overrated but in no way is Conan the fucking Barbarian a better film.

It has like three Marvel flicks and Social Network is the one you complain about?

Aslong as Gfather says at number 1. I have hope and fuck anyone who calls that shit overrated as they clearly have no comprehension on how the themes of the movie transgress not only time but cinema; it's a spiritual experience hidden as a simple elevation of pulp fiction; to argue anything less is plebism

Babby's first symbolism flick

>The Dark Knight #3

How will Marvel ever fucking recover?

Because Reddit promotes plebeian views.

> cocaine-flavoured bubble-gum

>Guardians of the Galaxy is roughly of the same quality as Schindler's List

this is just the IMDB top 100

i mean, neither of them are good.

>back to the future #11
you tellin me that bttf is better than alien, blade runner, jurassic park and 2001: a space odyssey? fuck you and your shitty list empire magazine

>mad max > saving private ryan
pls kill me

It's almost like tastes and attitudes towards films change and are molded over time to the point where the audiences are not the same between now and 30 years ago. Almost as if classics are relevent to those audiences and the context of the time period they live.

Really makes you think.

> 1. movie about bad guys
> 2. evil vs.good
> 3. evil vs.good
> 4. movie about prisoners
> 5. movie about bad guys
> 6. movie about bad guys
Fuck this planet

>Godfather is a good movie but it's is extremely overrated.
I'm not some fedora fuck but this is pretty underage to think.

>being this obsessed with rebbit
How much are you paid?

this is the only time i will say FUCK WHITE CIS MALES.

(i am a cis white male but at least i have taste)

ITT: "film experts" buttblasted over a list putting le stupid capeshit and any kind of new and mainstream movie over muh classics.

Everyone thinks they have taste.

>Fellowship of the Ring highest LotR movie

Well they got that right at least

>Yes, they actually put Guardians of the Galaxy on the list, and it's ahead of Raging Bull, The Shining, and Lawrence of Arabia.

And rightfully so.

>capeshit 1
>capeshit 2
>capeshit 3

>capeshit can't be good.
Are you still going to double down on this meme?

>Empire Magazine's 100 Greatest Movies

There's AFI

Empire is for retards who watch X-Men movies
Which is probably on their list by the way

It can, I just like to meme. Having only 3 capeshit movies in a list of 100 coming from a pleb poll, is not that bad.