What does Sup Forums thing of this movie?

what does Sup Forums thing of this movie?

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Please someone explain the main story

In rural India people find the idea of shitting in the place you live as disgusting . Most likely this is a movie made so that people get used to the idea of a toilet at home . Plus there's a love story included .

did you not watch the trailer? its not hard to figure out

I can already see the lines forming.

India is so fucking disgusting, vile, and repulsive.


As stupid as the movie is, at least its good to know there are some trying to fix their shit.

Lmao have you never seen people standing in a line ?

didn't get a word but whatever floats your shit subhumans.. enjoy

Usually you don't get too close to other people, that line its fucking gay.

Why are they holding each other?

You do know there are a billion people there right ? So space is tight in places.

Also this is a great test to see if you're gay or not(not that there's anything wrong with that )

To counter people who cut lines

Is it kino


is this an educational film to train indians how to use in door plumbing?

Its not about the lack of space. It is literally their disgusting culture to cut in line when ever there is an open space. If there is a slight gap, someone will try to push themselves in EVERYONE fucking does it to the point that they have to guard their spot like by making sure no one can jump in front of them. If you are ahead, you don't give a shit. But the people in the back, while annoyed, won't step outside the line to to push the line cutter out as his spot will be taken and will not be allowed back in the line.

If I lived in India I would make a deal with a bro to always be his line back up and just stand outside the line to deal with line cutting niggers.

Meanwhile in Japan

pic is of Thailand.

See this


Despise anyone who tries to tell me that shithole india is close to being a first world country. All the indians I've come across online have been low iq, uncreative, scummy, garbage people.

Shouldn't it be called Loo?

Dawn of Lookino

Hah, gay!