When Will Wonder Woman Be a Fat, Femme Woman of Color?



*Takes out gun and aims toward own head*

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When Captain America and Thor are fat blobby men.

Jews are POC though

I get POC but why fat though?

Liberals, conservatives, SJW's, Sup Forums, and Jews themselves can never decide if Jews are white or not

>SJWs shill for disney
More news at 11

Because most feminists are fat?

>*Takes out gun and aims toward own head*
Take your roleplaying bullshit out of here.

Please make this happen, it would be hilarious

imagine her flying through the air dropkicking some guy. I would see that movie 10 times

terrible idea, but it could work if they have a new character for the sequel: wonder man. He rapes wonder woman then beats her senseless.

Sup Forums is pretty clear on that question actually

When will Superman be a fat, gay Japanese man?


There won't be ever. Nobody wants to see an unattractive superhero no matter how much they bitch about claiming otherwise.

Sup Forums is coherent on the answer to that question.

Feminism is dead.
This was the magazine WW helped launch.

>that whole fucking article
Sweet christ...

You only think she would be unattractive because heavy people don't get the representation they deserve. That's what needs to be fixed. If a heavy person were put into the position as a superhero, it would become attractive and become more accepted and our society could actually grow and be beautiful no matter what shape it is.

She's a jewess already.

>those comments

this world is past it's expiration date

The comments all disagree though?

This is what the author looks like.

>ANative American sidekick called Chief(Eugene Brave Rock) tells Diana, “The last war took everything from my people.” When she asks who took everything, he responds, “His people,” pointing to Steve. Later, Chief ends up communicating via smoke signals, which seems a bit trite, but having a Native American in Europe in the early 1900’s doesn’t just happen: it was a conscious decision by the filmmakers.

Holy shit this is racist (and goofy) as fuck, how come the movie isn't catching any flak for this?

are they saying gal is not a woman?

You know, I'm not even offended by the ignorant attempt at trolling via strawman misogyny (hurr durr teh rape is edgy)

Just don't call him Wonder Man

I agree. I would break my ribs from laughing seeing that shit.

Because of you respond to Wonder Woman with anything but fawning adulation you're a fucking shitlord.

>put in a woman as the main character
>get away with all sorts of racist shit

Par for the course. Using minorities as shields and excuses to get away with stupid, lazy, agenda-driven horseshoe is par for the course. That's the main reason so many game developers stuff their games with nigs and queers - if you say that Gone Home is a pretentious, shitty walking simulator that can be cleared in literal minutes and give it a 3/10 for effort you have thousands of people screeching that you're homophobic. If you say that Remember Me is boring as shit and the main character has the acting chops of a stump, you're racist. If you say that Dragon Age is a buggy, poorly-written garbage fire of a game, you're both because it has nigs, fags and gayniggers from outer space.

When will she be afflicted with boils and leprosy?
Check your health privilege shitlords.

>le reddit asterisks
Fuck off.

>fat, british, Bruce Lee fag
>your move

Wouldnt being a feminist include being healthy?

mommy :3

>In 1917 the United States entered into World War I. While Indians were not liable to be drafted, they enlisted in large numbers. Many of the volunteers were eager to count coup, gain war honors, and to maintain the warrior traditions of their tribes. An estimated 10,000 Indians served in the military during the war.

>One of the problems facing the American forces was communication: since English was frequently spoken by the Germans they could understand radio transmissions as well as telephone conversations (lines were often tapped). American Indians provided an interesting solution. One regiment used Choctaw officers to transmit messages in Choctaw regarding troop movements and other sensitive operations.


There weren't that many Native Americans in the war overall, but there was a fair amount of them. It wasn't like they just randomly stuck a Native there.

Exactly. Why doesn't this woman who clearly got ahead on her looks give up her job to some ugly fat black woman then?

>Her writings have recently appeared in McSweeney’s, Al Jazeera and Bitch.

Insufferable, shit-stirring cunt.

>If you say that Remember Me is boring as shit and the main character has the acting chops of a stump, you're racist
Barely anyone played Remember Me. I doubt that there are enough people out there to defend it.

be careful with threads like these, Sup Forums has been overrun by sjws and they're gonna tell you that the article has a valid point

Well, they will gradually come to hate the left, as most people here do.


I know right, it's just like Sup Forums.org/tv/

>muh sjw boogie man

Keep telling yourself that, you dumb extremist. Not everyone is stuck at the mental stage of a twelve year old like you are, sorry to say.

t. blue-haired troglodyte

"Stephanie Abraham"
so she's a jewess, IMAGINE MOY SHOCK

Isn't she a kike?


>While people have said that warriors can’t be fat, some of our best paid male athletes are, particularly linebackers on the football field, and no one doubts their physical strength.

But those fatties aren't athletes

>niggers are now attempting to steal history
what can't they steal

Don't you have a holocaust denial thread, or a white genocide discussion to shill in?

This sounds like a more interesting movie than Nolan's Boats meme movie

>saying fat people aren't athletes is tantamount to holohoax denial
go be a crazy person somewhere else

>jews don't exist
is le bad Sup Forums bullying you again?


reporting you, don't post gore on a blue board

That's correct.
I've been saying since day one that these whiners whine for something, and when they get said something they don't consume it and to justify it they whine about it still not being 'correct'.
The moment someone makes a fat nigress wonder woman they'll ask for xer to be genderfluid or some other retarded word over and over again.
I don't know why Hollywood or any self-respected business caters to these retards when it's not smart to do so economy-wise.

They made a few movies about it, actually.

The last one in 2010.

Disney never did anything to shill for tho. Which is the weird part. Every other motion picture company has appealed to them, yet Disney never has and always casted their leads white male for over a decade.

>Watch WW
>They have black chicks in an ancient greek island
I'm a long way from Sup Forums but this was so jarring to watch that I couldn't ignore it
It really didn't fit
Granted, the nordic women are also out of place but you can't expect Hollywood to have a cast of attractive mediterranean girls besides Gal

see? already caught one

They're from the comics. This isn't history, it's superheroes and mythological supernatural secret ancient civilisations shit.

>yes goy, it's just innocent fun, not propaganda

It's movies and comics. They don't influence how people really think. On a surface level, they do, but not in any profound or lasting way.

>like Ancient Greeks never had black slaves.

Why would you blatantly lie like that?

Just because people use them that way doesn't mean it works (or ever worked before).

Jesus fucking christ man. Just look at le first black president, gay marriage, free love, le drugs are good and all the anti-white sentiments. If the internet weren't around, they would've gotten away with it.

Except when they claim that Jews aren't actually Semitic

We're talking movies and comics. The goalpost is that way.

Some Sup Forumsacks believe that, most don't.

Lol, what did you think I was talking about?

The internet.

No, the internet put a spoke in their wheels. Centralized control of the media is what allowed them to get away with it.

One day I will write retarded articles that no one reads until they get caught in some retarded controversy and I get lots of money. Seems like a chill job

But they weren't slaves in the movie

>it's the Jews fault that girls won't talk to me and that dad abandoned me

Beacause Amazons freed every slave and made love and shiiet

>le adhom

The Amazons are diverse because they weren't born from other humans, instead they were directly created by the Greek gods from a bunch of dead souls and just materialized on a beach as a bunch of fully grown naked women. And the souls came from all over the world I guess.
That was the reason back in the 80s comics anyway, I don't know if this is currently canon as I ran out of patience to keep up with the constant changes about a decade ago. Did the movie even go into detail about how the Amazons came to be? I don't remember.

Wonderwoman is only worth watching to lust after gal gadot.
Tfw you will never ever marry a hot jewess

why can't these "culture commentators" never ever talk about the reason they change white fiction characters to black instead of creating compelling new black characters and franchises? why there is a need to sweeten that pill , why are the producer worry about losing money over this? its easy to bitch because you can pass as being morally superior , while opening up the discussion like i said makes you look weak if you don't have all the answers. being real and honest is not being weak... these fools should try to get better as a person instead of making the whole culture toxic.

>We are taught at a young age that leaders have to adhere to toxic masculinity (see every movie ever).

>lust after gal gadot

I don't find skeletons sexually attractive, sorry.

You have terrible taste, tumblr

>Did the movie even go into detail about how the Amazons came to be?
Created by the Gods to defeat Darkseide invasion on Earth, feminazi now are saviors who can beat high-tech aliens with bronze weapon

You people are just being contrary. Gadot looks really good in the film.

>Gadot looks really good in the film.
Nope, fuck off JIDF

Imagine her getting winded after throwing that kick and then asking the bad guy to "give her a minute".


Here's another one: a fat acceptance diatribe disguised as a swing 'n a miss against capshit.



Why do they use that word? It's just the french for "woman"

"Why isn't Bruce Wayne a transgender chinese man?"

He is already muslim, dude.

Wonder Woman's theme is the only DC Universe song I can remember and I think that says something.

What part of 'dismantle the systems of oppression' you did not understand?
You think they care about fullfilment of their demands? About the groups they claim to represent?
Are westerners really this dumb?


>How to catch affirmative action whore

When is Wonderwoman finally being played by a proud cis white myle?

Was this written by a high school student?

It's too late for the media to make the think fat people are attractive. It's already invested to much time making me think thin people are attractive; the programming is too deep-seated to be overwritten. You lose again, media.

>the year is 2060
>Wonder Woman reboot casts morbidly obese black woman in the lead role
>immediate outcry for why Wonder Woman wasn't a cyborg futa furkin

>fat femme woman
>fat woman woman


Feminine dicks not allowed, I see

>superhero landing
>break ankles

>exposed gum
Some people need to be aware of that shit and never smile that much.

Women like to complain about everything. Nothing will ever make them happy, so do what makes you happy.