Do Sup Forumsacks have a "look",the same way people sucked into the far left have a Look?
The Look
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The cringe is too fucking strong
sweet EDC bruh
They may look pathetic but insanity is mostly a leftist trait.
That can of mace though
I wear bright solid coloured clothing (v neck, shorts and adidas shoes) when not at work, no body modifications at all, dunno if I'm representative though.
what's wrong with wearing sandals?
I forget that I look like an inbred retard.
The sandals with fucking stocking length socks just look plain retarded.
Are you ok?
They're comfy though.
I usually wear clothes.
Ex: Shirt, shorts (during the summer), shoes (it feels better when I'm walking places), sandals if it's hot, glasses (because of my vision),
typical Sup Forums look
So are onsies,but you don't go out in public wearing one.
Probably not. If you saw me in public you'd probably think I was a normalfag even though I'm a fucking turbo weeb, mostly because in my early 20s I had a vanity phase and bought a decent wardrobe albeit more subdued compared to contemporary styles since kids today are wearing the gayest tightest tees and pompadours and shit.
>glasses (because of my vision)
This guys a polack right?
Not the monster but the person presenting the video? His look is about right for how I imagine the die hard natsocs dress. Understated but formal at the same time
Think he's British btw which one of you is this and will you show penis?
Numales wear specifically thick frames and have a uniquely odd shape.
The frames on my glasses are pretty thin.
That's Sal Governale.
Same here but I'm still pretty insecure so I'm gonna call you a numale because I'm afraid of being called one
numale cuck
Nah, Sup Forums is diverse, whereas liberals are all white guilt cucks.
>le fedora meme
This is what all Sup Forums members look like.
I look kind of like Mark Zuckerberg if he were a virgin with dark hair, glasses, pale skin and acne.
Kek as if
There's a Sup Forumsack in the OP,but I bet you can't figure out who.
in the hi vis vest?
yes they do
sals on here
People from Sup Forums look like this.
how do you know there's a Sup Forumsack in the OP?
Not on their own. Neither are the shorts, fingerless gloves, shades, condoms, headphones (though not those faggy ass green ones) and knife. The shirts' not too bad either but perhaps not dragonforce fcs. Trenchcoat and the rest are fucking weird as fuck though.
To the left and behind the guy with a button down shirt.
>fingerless gloves
only if you're riding a bike or something
this is Sup Forums, /r9k/, or Sup Forums
this desu senpai
Cause he's my m8,I found Sup Forums through him.
we're disguised among normal people, we walk around unnoticed
>Cause he's my m8
once we work it out provide proof
Yeah that's what I meant, or it's fuck cold but you work outside. Again, if you can fit it into your style it works.
Fashion really isn't that hard to grasp I don't know why people have such a problem, I only wear shit half the time because I'm too lazy to find something better just for yard work or going to a pub.
I have a seperate picture of him,that proof enough?
I found irl Sup Forums
I've tried regular condoms and they hurt my dick.
Honestly not that bad
>average bodies
>humour capable (see the second guy)
>based hobby to spend time with the lads
yeah that's perfect
I hate seeing faggots like this,they should at least fucking learn to spell.
i've tried improving my wardrobe lately. still an autistic friendless virgin but i look and feel better
as for guessing I'll say the guy in the brown shirt next to the lad in the purple shirt
I try to blend in. I always have. I don't like people being able to determine anything about me from my attire so I completely conform.
Pretty much describes me
>In pretty good shape from trade job with a nice belly from drinking beer and shitposting
>Relatively Funny
> Fishing, Hunting, PC gaming with the boys with the occasional drunken argument/fight about why niggers shouldn't be allowed to live here.
>hair neatly cut because long haired men are basically pacifist faggots
>no slogans or symbols on clothes because I'm a human bean not a fucking billboard
>tuck in shirt because I'm not some baby boomer slob
My principles dress me.
That is a vile looking group of people
this desu
You're my new best friend
>dogging your m8s
You are a shit m8 m8.
If he wanted his picture here, he would post his picture here.
Who do you care about more? A bunch of angry strangers on a Balinese pottery fanciers bulletin board, or someone you consider a friend IRL.
>average Sup Forumsack
his pic is already on the site, what major difference does it make?
no one here is going to dox him anyway
If you dont walk around like this in public with your pure christian wife, youre not redpilled
We have something called freedom over here bong, and that includes freedom to privacy and to not have your likeness or political leanings broadcast without your consent.
You just wouldn't understand.
It's like looking into a mirror
>14 words
>(((echo chamber)))
>Nose ring
Jokes on you m8,my m8 is the one posting his picture here
We also have this thing over here called plausible deniability homo
I actually met and bonded with my girlfriend because of Sup Forums. i randomly messaged this cute chick on facebook and she looked through my pictures and asked me randomly one day
"are you a nazi??"
"um, no, excuse me??"
"___ was right?"
"shh, we dont talk about that"
and we've been best friends ever since, sharing youtube links and funny anti hillary memes and watching blm chimpouts. triggering furries on instagram, etc.
Life's great.
I remember that thread
>wearing tight jeans and black boots in fucking straya
/fa/utist to the max
She said she could tell by the way I dressed.
The guy on the Far Right looking down on the Aryan girl's legs.
Thats glasses + beard. One or the other is okay.
>someone posted his pic on a website
>therefore its proof that he browses the website
do you not think?
>dragonforce T-shirt
>Bad Motherfucker Wallet
>into dogecoin
>thought trenchcoats were cool
>played magic
>likes soiaf
>wanted a butterfly knife at one point
Pretty scarily accurate for me on some of these. But it really only applies to early high school me.
Pretty relatable, desu
>getting /fit/ but still skeletor
>banter a lot
>football and barbecue with friends every sunday
But I guess you can still tell my political positioning because I have a stable family and I'm not a faggot.
Is that the guy from the hair thread?
Looking at him I think he knows what I'm thinking...spoopy.
I met a like minded fellow recently. Well spoken. Engaged in community. Clean cut. Physically fit. Headed for military service with an ASVAB in the 90's. Reminded me of myself quite a bit.
>long haired men are basically pacifist faggots
varg would disagree
>>no slogans or symbols on clothes because I'm a human bean not a fucking billboard
Agree with this though, so many cunts with tattoos, piercings and brand clothing now
>I was only rusing
People make assumptions and legal or not, they affect the opportunities we have.
You can get passed over for a job, house or whatever without recourse to plausible deniability.
If he is posting his likeness here, all power to him.
For you to do it without his consent is pure shit.
Its really not that hard to understand, even for an unemployed meth addicted freezing worker from Paeroa like you.
You got it m8
that is not normal
what were you wearing, brownshirt and jackboots?
6'4" blond hair blue eyes with a muscular build and wielding a claymore in battle
Yes, here you go.
>those boots
And what do you wear John? I hope its something like this. Otherwise youre a fucking bluepilled goy.
>the same way people sucked into the far left have a Look?
>someone posting his likeness here and claiming he posts here isn't enough to raise alarm bells in some peoples minds
Why don't you post your name right now if it is not such a big deal?
After all, anyone can type some words right?
And people are always interested in getting rock solid evidence before they crucify someone as an extreme rightwing baby killing nazi, amirite?
my name isn't already on the site user
thats the only reason I asked at all
is that thom yorke on the right?
>implying employers well versed in chan culture would assume I'm realposting and not shitposting with some randoms photo set I found online
>implying employers poorly versed in chan culture would even be on this board
Artistic works of fiction and falsehood yadda yadda ya
Steel caps nessecary for his job
And possibly autism as well
This but 6'3 and no claymore.