This guy builds everything from scratch using only nature.
He has as a single individual has created more technology in one year than the collective of Africa has in its entire history.
Really makes you think
This guy builds everything from scratch using only nature.
He has as a single individual has created more technology in one year than the collective of Africa has in its entire history.
Really makes you think
Other urls found in this thread:
This dude is based as fuck. I have watched all his videos.
Our ancestors couldn't google search "how to make a forge and enter the iron age" in case you were completely fucking retarded on all levels
Seen this thread before
Slide thread
Cracking the fuck up irl
Africans had fire for millions of years. They've been making weapons and shelter and tools for tens of thousands of years. They've been making iron and similar technology for about two thousand years.
I don't think you know what that word means
How do you know! You weren't there!
This stuff is so easy to figure out though, if you're in the wild your entire life this shit is so easy to do. It's not hard to figure out that blowing air into a fire makes it hotter, and from there design a very basic device in which to blow said air and contain heat.
>being this absolutely dense
Thank goodness this place isn't completely retarded.
Fucking beavers and birds can build better houses than niggers
This is the perfect example of how females have thoroughly ruined academia in the past 3 decades
Men do all the work and build the modern world and women just shit all over it because it's infinitely easier to complain than actually contribute anything concrete and meaningful
Primitive Technology is required viewing for every white man
>This guy builds everything from scratch using only nature.
>camera is made from mud, sticks, and bug guts
Pic related. His next invention.
from prehistoric to iron age in 1 year.
Kid is a fucking saint if he lives out there. The only reason I hate the woods is fucking ticks and shit.
I have been around bears and cougars my whole life, but ticks scare the shit out of me.
/end blog
I really want to see this fucking retard burned at the stake for heresy.
It's probably just Sup Forums memeing around.
I wonder what he used for ore. I didn't quite catch that. Looked like fucking charcoal and mud. Dafuq
>I have been around bears and cougars my whole life
Sorry you had to grow up in Boys Town Toronto
>Me rock when cuckcuck say I not google how forge
>It's super easy to figure out that heating a fucking rock to extremely high temperatures that aren't achieved in normal firepits makes a blob of another shiny rock that's useful after a fashion.
The knowledge that it's possible was a major breakthrough. It's not something intuitively obvious you cad.
That comment can't possibly be real.
He doesn't live out there, he makes a decent amount off youtube, it's just his hobby
Fuck off faggot, not every canadian is from that gay shithole you know.
Yet Africans have all the tools we've given them and they still have produced nothing of value with the tools we gave them.
The charcoal and mud were there to bind the oxygen from the iron oxide. That diarrhea looking thing was the iron oxide inside iron bacteria.
I think it's pretty damn impressive that he built a camera tbqh
Andrew Ucles is pretty good too. Steve would be proud.
I'm done.
Many (if not all) African countries have internet access.
cool man, looks like just some mud or watery turd.
iron bacteria. it's a pretty shit source of iron, but it's easy enough to find on the surface if you don't have shitloads of time to waste prospecting
Is this how humans hunter before spears and shit?
No, but our ancestors could watch their peers doing these things, learn from them, try to improve on the things they'd learned, etc.
He does some very basic research about methods but all the improvements he makes on things (like that bitchin' press drill firestarted) he develops on his own through trial, error, and refinement.
Sure, he has the advantage of not having to spend 16 hours a day hunting and gathering and providing the basic necessities of survival, and he doesn't have to spend a hundred generations waiting for an ancestor to stumble onto things like metallurgy... but that doesn't make what he's accomplished any less impressive
the guy wasnt disputing the fact that niggers are stupid, idiot.
>Disguising himself as an Emu
Is he trying to ambush the Australian army?
Remember that somalian with the uncircumcised maid?
White women
I would like to see a woman do what this guy does.
D...did he died?
Severely underrated post
Actually what we used to do is run. Just that. Run for days. Turns out most animals don't have the stamina...but we do. Or at least our ancestors did.
>power of the white Man
You people are as bad as the "WE WUZ KANGZ" fuckheads.
He doesn't kill it, does he?
underrated post
Are you sure about that?
Take your normie memes back to kikebook and never come back
We didn't run for days, you maniac.
We just were capable of doing marathon running, whereas all animals which run to escape either sprint, or animals which hunt also sprint.
We can both sprint AND maintain a pace, but sprinting is purely an instinctual reaction. You burn your energy off if you panic, and sprint.
Just keeping a steady pace you can outrun any prey, easily.
>This is why in horror movies, the hunted sprint and panic
>the murderer just casually jogs along and catches up anyway.
>Turns out most animals don't have the stamina...but we do.
Not even about stamina. Turns out sweating is the fucking shit, so we have a much better cooling system than most animals. Don't persistence hunters do their shit by essentially overheating their prey?
I didn't know this was a yryl thread
What's infuriating is that faggotty Facebook pages rip his videos off all the time and get several dozen times the number of views that he does(this is slowly changing). Every time someone posts them I report it and the page hosting it because fuck those cunts.
They couldn't beat them so they joined them.
damn that brutal, imagine you have to do that every day, JUST to stay alive
Why the fuck is Trudeau chasing Kangaroos?
Nah, he fucks it and releases it. The man truly loves nature.
most animals don't have sweat glands like we do, like how dogs pant to cool down
To cool down they have to stop and rest so they can pant for a while, whereas people can just keep running whilst sweating as they go
Basically you'd just jog after, say a deer, eventually it would stop to rest and you'd catch up to it, then it would get up and sprint away again, but again it would have to stop eventually to cool down. Meanwhile you just jog steadily after it and every time it stops to rest, it'll see you slowly catching up to it. Eventually it would just collapse from exhaustion because they can't keep up that constant level of exertion.
I hope this is just an impression of the sweater troll from Homestuck
Thick cunt.
Meanwhile in Sweden.
The more i read about Sweden, the more i think they are the cuck of Europe.
Also it's the internets, allow me a little metaphor.
All modern tribes are black.
All modern tribes know the tricks he uses.
OP is an autistic, press F.
Every time.
can someone find this cunt and cull it?
>I won't judge you if you take what I say and learn from it
Get a load of this self-important, sanctimonious cunt.
he likes to throw them down the stairs
Do they know this particular trick?
His face, I've seen many times before
Are all swedes inbred or something?
thats a dirty word in spanish
So you're saying that the only primitive people left in the world are black?
As soon as I read the first sentence and saw the profile picture, I knew it was coming. I just didn't expect for it to come so soon.
>implying Africans didn't have a shit ton of colonials leaving behind knowledge that they could've utilized but didn't
Step it up senpai
>tfw every time I see this guy's videos, I feel like buying cheap land up north and doing this, but realize it's a lot colder and is populated with bears and moose
>separates it from its senpai
>thinks he's doing it a favour
Do you think this is for real? Showed my buddy the one where he tries to wrestle a deer and my buddy laughed and said it was fake.
Makes ya tink
I think they call this "Pursuit Predation", which is kind of terrifying.
>be gazelle
>munching happily on some grass
>see bipedal figure in the distance slowly getting closer
>runs, can barely see it in the distance
>"imma take a nap to rest from that sprint"
>wake up
>bipedal figure is still walking to me
>jeez not this shit again
>sprint again
>whew, now im tired, i need to rest even more, it's kinda hot out here too
>wake up again
>bipedal creature is a few meters away
>nigga it's been like two days, leave me alone!
>wtf, i cant run
>uh oh
>this bipedal thing is just some bionic android monkey shit
>the ride never ends
close, but he actually just finished making this.
Abbos can't even "invent" gas cans to huff in the privacy of their own "rock we pass out near"....but the white man is fucking roos up with a passion.
Yes, he watched a video online and filmed himself doing what he WATCHED online. Comparing him to a village near f blacks who don't even have electricity is right.
tfw never will go live in forest like primitive animal
Just found this, he actually responded to one of them. Sad that you need to stoop to their level in today's society if you want to have any level of fame.
No wonder their women fuck migrant
Who taught you Internet Dar'Quan?
yeah, Norway too. Fins would be inbred, but they got raped by enough Mongols to prevent that from happening, and the Danish have had their fair share of traveling around and raping bitches in their past.
what the fugg dude?
Well, to be fair, he answered it much better than anyone on Sup Forums would.
Shhh...wait for The happening
africa can do just that actually and they refuse.
I don't get this dank meme