Holy fucking shit.
Why the fuck isn't this masterpiece discussed more often? Seriously, this is fucking astonishing. I am simply flabbergasted at the fact that the sheer existence of something on this level of perfection is not even acknowledged. I have never heard anybody talk about this before.
Holy fucking shit.
Battle Royale
the hunger games did it better lol
It draws you in.
This film reminded me of when you are like 8 and you are about to play a game of lazer tag.
You get your vest and your gun and go hide somewhere in the dark indoor maze, ready for the mvp attempt.
>tfw won't even feel that level of adrenaline again
Now read the book.
because it's a surprisingly dull movie
the children are not anywhere close to interesting enough to make their stories interesting
and at the same time, the action is too infrequent and is too bland to make up for it.
only upside is cookies sure were good
the boner on the boat at the end is the scene in the movie.
I loved it. The premise was executed well, I loved how it was told in almost a series of vignettes where you follow one group of survivors for a bit and see what causes their demise. A great cross section of teenagers and humanity in general, and an entertaining movie.
It's good, but the book is better.
Because most of us watched it 15 years ago when we were 12 and came to that conclusion then you slow ass seabiscuit.
>tfw won't even feel that level of adrenaline again
you should try hunting. specifically hunting where stalking is involved.
The terrible jap acting that you come to expect from all of their "films" ruins this one because there is nothing else in it. it's a bunch of dumb ass jap children smiling as they take a grenade to the face. It's dumb
Read the manga and see how shitty the movie is
The manga is fucking awful. Both in the way the story is done in it and the art, which is extremely ugly. Just read the book and watch the movie.
Does anyone have subtitles for the theatrical 1 hr 53 minutes cut of the movie?
It's not discussed because everyone already watched it and know it's great.
Manga was better even with all the DBZ bullshit. It was more thorough. BR needed to be a mini series.
why the fuck is all japanese acting over the top melodramatic shouting?
>you and I, we're the same
>tfw won't even feel that level of adrenaline again
I know how you feel bro, but since I started boxing the level of adrenaline I have going through me before, during and after a fight or sparring session made me start believing in God again.
It just now struck me that I would love to see Lovitz as Quilty (Lolita).
It has Takeshi Kitano in it, obviously it's a masterpiece
>old chink shit Hunger Games
>why the fuck is all japanese acting over the top melodramatic shouting?
They come from a different theatrical tradition as the west. Shit like kabuki where they wore masks and had to over emote.
It's only fair to give the original some praise when you make a shameless ripoff. Now go ahead and bring up the running man