>"Remember Peter, your race is the most precious thing you have."
"Remember Peter, your race is the most precious thing you have."
Other urls found in this thread:
It was a different time.
>if I flip these pizzas, mr. aziz is going to castrate a nigger
was bring raimi back for the new games really the best idea?
>swinging through the air with a box of pizzas with horst wessel lied playing in the background
It was a different era
this meme is shit
>"So long, Spiderman, I am off to join the Fuhrer in Valhalla, to receive the eternal peace of Aryan spiritual purity that was granted to me by my forefathers. Perhaps you as well, someday, shall come to see the universal Truth of National Socialism. Until then, farewell!"
you're shit
I honestly don't get how Raimi got away with that.
Is there a word for a meme that started out as ironic but eventually because real and everything everyone has said in this thread is true and I want to kill all the blacks?
>villian of the movie literally gets gassed
Not even trying anymore huh Rami
Raimi is that you?
Sup Forums in a nutshell
t. reddit
since it was the villain saying that it was ok
>You know, Peter, I'm quite glad that you're finally hitting it off with that nice girl next door. I was starting to worry that you were a faggot.
I get that she's old, but seriously?
> You gold teeth, gold chain wearing, fried chicken and biscuit eating, monkey, ape, baboon, big thigh, fast running, high jumping, spear chucking, three-hundred-and-sixty-degree basketball dunking, titsun, spade, Moulan Yan. Take your fucking pizza-pizza and go the fuck back to Africa.
Jesus raimi
"Go get 'em, nigger."
What did she mean by this? She knew Peter was white, didn't she? Did she consider him a slave or something?
>You know, Peter, with great power comes great responsibility. Rudyard Kipling called it "The White Man's Burden." Myself, I just call it as I see it: the responsibility of the master to discipline the servant.
>Ben looks directly at the camera.
>"The niggers, the spics, the chinks...It's our responsibility to civilize them. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle from the elm tree. The Day of the Rope is near, Pete. We'll have every nigger in this country dead or in chains in 10 years, and may God have me shot in a carjacking this very night if I'm wrong. God bless the American Nazi Party."
someone post the fuckhut one
Full movie dub when?
I still don't understand the subtext that Raimi was going for in that scene.
Oh fuck I forgot I wanted to work on that. You guys need to post all of the best fucking copypasta this meme has inspired. I'll find a copy of the movie's screenplay and go to work when I can. And don't underestimate me either, I fucking love this movie. I could watch it every day until the end of time and not get bored of it.
REQUESTING MAN OF SPIDERS SERIES OF PASTA, that's where the real money is
Worked as a mover when I was younger. Once moved this black couple into a home of sorts, although it seemed more like apartments where they only rent to old people.Old lady saw us moving them in and when she saw they were black said "are these niggers moving in?" in a way so casual I cannot put it into words. It was a different time ye old ones.
the problem is, there need to be extended scenes aswell
whats the point to have the dialogue if you dont have the scenes of genocide to go along with it?
There should be a law to prevent down syndromes like you from accessing the computer.
Oh, you're sad because a girl at your high-school doesn't like you back? Peter, when I was your age, I left school to bullseye some gooks from a helicopter in the middle of a some god forsaken jungle. Don't tell me you have it hard because you're a pathetic kissless virgin. You can act sad when you have to leave behind the lady-boy you fell in love with and made passionate steamy love to in a collapsing bamboo shack, just like I did. You think I felt good about firebombing his village and watching our fuck-hut burn to the ground? We were going to build our lives together there, Peter! You know what? Fuck you. Get the fuck out of my car.
fuck off retard
>Peter, do you remember when I told you all races were created equally? That wasn't true, you see..... the kikes infected my mind.....
I know how to edit videos, man. I might not be the best but I know I can easily edit some extended scenes into a pre-made movie. It'll be even easier since the whole thing will be dubbed over.
We'll probably inevitably collaborate, too. I'm gonna need your guys' input for pretty much everything. I love these threads but it's a lot of content to sift through. Too much for one man to take in.
Thanks for being the first! Looking up the screenplay now.
Classic raimipost coming through
You don't have to do the whole film, just pick out notable scenes and do voiceovers of them
All of the official versions of the screenplay online are not the final film version of the script. There seems to be one version floating around that was passed around in 2000-2001. I found a shitty off-hand version, but it seems to have all the dialogue. Which is all that I need, so I guess I'll use it.
No, I think I'll have to do the whole film. I can't promise that I'll actually fucking do it or even have the patience and dignity to see it through all the way, but I can at least give it a shot.
We're gonna need a weekly general and >tripfags
If we're gonna coordinate this movie dub
my post was very lynchian. It's not your place to decide how I write my posts?
thanks i needed this
>purposefully flip the pizzas just like Uncle Ben would want
Uncle Ben and Riami would both be proud.
just do one or two scenes to start off
Be carefull, mods are kikes too, so they will delete everything if you become too cocky.
I am so glad raimiposting is still alive
>Look, kid. If there's anything I learned growing up, it's that there's two types of people in this country: you can either be the one doing the lynching, or the one getting lynched. And you're no nigger, son.
why do I love these threads?
That's a good idea. I'm sifting through this script right now, making it easier for myself to read. Gonna have to watch the movie while I do this.
Well, rewriting the script will be the easy part. Editing the video won't be too difficult, but recording all that dialogue is gonna take a lot of patience. Don't know if others would want to chip in with their voices.
You can do a simple mouth loop.
poor editing but can extend scenes.
Raimi knows what we want from our heroes
he is, dare i say, literally /ourguy/
because nu/pol/ is complete shit now and we need a safe space to share our political ideology without redditors sucking drumfpt dick
was he the villian though? antagonist sure but i dont think the villian. more of a tragic hero
That's what I was planning on. I can edit videos but I can't lip sync an entire movie to a completely rewritten script lol.
You want door fix, Man of Spiders? Yes, I know these things you do, I learn how to find many secrets in old country. You will not pay rent? This is fair. We will take rent in other ways. When I was in old country, my friends and I... we do things to women. Terrible things, make them ugly women who will never be loved. Your friends, redhead girl and science girl... they will beg me to stop, as my men and I rain fists upon them. And when they are broken, Man of Spiders, when they are nothing more than shells... you will know the rent is paid. For this month.
because you all white racists inside. We need to purge your shit from the world. Africa and Asia are already the majorty of the world population but thats only the begining. You will pay for evry racist thread and statement, your kids and daughtrs will pay
Fuck, if we actually edit all of Spider-Man 1, we NEED to do Spider-Man 2 just for this scene alone.
>tyrone got a (stolen) thinkpad
go 2 bed tyrone, you're emberessin yourslef
Haha, thank you! There was one of these threads like a month or two ago and I'm pretty sure we hit the bump limit. WAIT A FUCKING SECOND... I'M PRETTY SURE I SAVED THAT PAGE. FUCK GIMME A SEC
Honestly doing the whole thing wouldn't work.
Take the Uncle Ben car scene. There's like 7 fucking pastas set there. How the fuck are you gonna do that?
It would work better if people just posted individual scenes and dubbed them.
Either we fit them all in or we choose the best one. We can make Peter say whatever we want in order to continue the conversation.
>putting on my robes with the klan
>party rockers in the house starts playing
>talking about dubbing the whole movie when most of these scenes are alternatives of the peter/Ben car scene
It's a good idea but I'm not sure if there's enough material lads, maybe just do the scenes we've already memed
that would be pretty fun to go to a party where everyone is dressed the same and everyone has similar political ideologies and you have something to talk about automatically so you don't have to stutter like an autist and when the music starts you all just start dancing and it doesn't matter who does what because everyone is wearing a mask and looks the same so you can really let loose and go wild.
>tfw no ku klux klan dance parties
You know, I've made a lot of mistakes in my life. The kind of shit I think about on a daily basis. But I'm really fucking impressed with my ability to think ahead. This is a screenshot of the html file I saved of that thread. I have the whole damn thing open in a separate tab right now.
dont worry, its just newfag retards 'tisming hard
>When Spiderman just fucking lynches those niggers outside of that chinese convenience store while a crowd cheers him on.
What did Raimi mean by this?
You're right fuck drumpf fuck white people
>Of course I got good aim, I'm fucking Spiderman. Watch, I'll bean this 747 right in the cockpit window.
>Quit your bitching, what's he gonna hit up there?
This was out of character, but really it was the following scene that just consisted of footage of 9/11 jumpers while Raimi was superimposed over them, doubled over in laughter making plane noises while Yakety Sax played on the soundtrack really took me out of the film.
Only white boys can play spider-man because the BBC wouldn't fit in that tight suit.
>Bernard: [to Harry, upon his refusal to aid Peter] If I may, sir. I've seen things in Germany the history books have never spoke of.
>Harry Osborn: What are you trying to tell me?
>Bernard: The night Deutschland died, I... I learned the truth. The blade that pierced its back came from der Juden. I-I know you're trying to defend your race's honor, but there is no question that post WW1 Germany was killed by the creeping Jew. I loved the fatherland, as I've loved you, Harry. As your friends love you.
Was Bernard supposed to be this old?
>Peter Parker: (regarding Uncle Ben) Aunt May, you shouldn't blame yourself.
>May Parker: Oh, I know I shouldn't. It's just...you wanted to go to the rally, and he wanted to drive you. If only I had stopped him, then all three of us would be having tea together.
>(There is a brief pause of silence. Finally, Peter speaks)
>Peter Parker: I'm responsible.
>May Parker: For what?
>Peter Parker: For what happened to Uncle Ben.
>May Parker: But, you were at the klan rally. You were lighting thw fiery cross.
>Peter Parker: He drove me to the rally, but I never went in.
>May Parker: What do you mean?
>Peter Parker: I went someplace else, someplace where I thought I could learn about racial harmony, to be tolerant of faggots, because I wanted to impress Mary Jane. It happened so fast... I learned about privilege, a guy wouldn't check hjs, then he got robbed... a nigger was running towards me... I could have stopped him, but I didn't want to...look racist. I let him go, I let him get away. He wanted a car, one could only assume, he tried to take Uncle Ben's, as his negroid blood denied him the ability to work for his property. Uncle Ben said no... and then he stood his ground. Uncle Ben was arrested that night for being the only one who did the right thing. I held his hand when his character was assassinated by the kike run media. I've tried to tell you so many times...
>"You're on the wrong side of history, Pete. Civil rights laws were not passed to protect the rights of white men and do not apply to them"
I think New Sincerity is similar, but that's more of a trend (larger scale).
>"I won't live in a world where Spiderman is a fucking nigger sympathiser"
When I'm done with this script, I'll post it in a Google Doc so everyone can look at it. I won't finish it tonight, but next time I see one of these threads, I'll post it if I'm done. I'm still formatting it a little better before I rewrite it with any of the copypasta. I'll post the reformatted version so everyone can read through it and see what scenes we need to work on.
>meme? MEME? you think the 14 words are a meme Peter? They're a creed, a code to live by and a reminder of the constant struggle of the white man and the necessity of spilling mudblood to secure our existence.
meh i think 3 was an ok movie
>Ah, Doctor Connor's student. He says you're brilliant.
>[Peter smiles, pleased]
>He also says you're as lazy as a nigger on Martin Luther King Day.
Share pls
>My dream is dead. My Rosie is dead...
>[looks out the window at a synagogue across the street]
>And those...monstrous things...should be floating out of a chimney over Bergen-Belsen.
>Along with me...
Um, how so? I guess I could upload the html file to MEGA or something? Never done that before to be honest with you.
Spider-Man: Doctor Octavius!
[Doc Ock frowns puzzledy, He recognizes that voice - and as if to confirm it, Spider-Man removes his mask and reveals his identity... ]
Peter Parker: We have to shut it down! Please tell me how!
Doc Ock: Peter Parker...? A nigger but brilliant."
[He chuckles at this statement made by his old friend, now seeing its irony]
Peter Parker: Look at what's happening! We have to stop it!
Doc Ock: I can't stop it... I WON'T YOU DIRTY NIGGER!
[He creates a spicy meme, grabs Peter's neck and glares at him]
Peter Parker: You once spoke to me about memes... you said they were a gift to be used for the (You)'s...
Doc Ock: A privilege...
Peter Parker: These things have turned you into something else... don't listen to THEM...
Doc Ock: It was my dream...
Peter Parker: Sometimes... to do what's right... we must be steady... and give up the things we desire the most... even our memes.
Doc Ock: You're right.
[a young naive user gets sucked into the memes. Outside several cars are stolen by niggers.]
Doc Ock: [to his racist overdone memes] He's right...
[the memes click and whirl, strongly disagreeing with him]
Dr. Otto Octavius: Listen... listen to me now! Listen to ME now!
[He finally acquires his sanity, and control over his memes. With a BRRRAAAPPP, a meme lets go of Peter]
Peter Parker: Now... tell me how to stop it!
Dr. Otto Octavius: It can't be stopped. It's self-sustaining now.
Peter Parker: THINK!
Doc Ock: Unless... the servers! Destroy them!
[Peter turns to leave, but a copy pasta grips him once again... ]
Dr. Otto Octavius: I'll do it.
[He heads towards his oldfag creation, pausing for a moment to look back at Peter. Peter meets his glance, and then sensing someone, looks behind him and sees Mary Janed getting BLACKED... ]
Wtf Raimi???
The Sup Forums of MXC
This thread is so funny
>not "listen to meme now"
Unironically kill yourself
>So you think you should write the headlines, huh kid? Let me tell you a little something about making news...
>De Nang, 1968. I was just starting out when AP puts me on some bullshit "hearts and minds" building a bridge story. I'm sending back pictures of GIs shaking hands with gooks and giving the slopes inoculations and shit when I realize this shit isn't ever gonna win me a pulitzer.
>So the CO is a raging hophead, he's been smoking Laotian opium since he's gotten there. It doesn't take more than a little fairy tale about the slopes feeding news up to VC on the Ho Chi Minh Trail.
>Now this is where it gets important, Parker, so pay attention: the whole thing was bullshit. I knew it from the start. But that hophead CO called in a fucking napalm strike that very night.
>I was the first civilian in. First picture I took was the burnt remains of a nip clutching her greasy little zipperhead baby. That alone would have been worth the Pulitzer hanging behind you, but it wasn't enough.
>The Stars And Stripes headline the next day was one I wrote myself: "V.C. Digs In: 'You Will Have To Burn Whole Villages To Kill Just One of Us," Says V.C. POW." A little wordy, but it got us ten more years of war...and ten more years of stories.
>So shut the fuck up and keep taking pictures of that cocksucking twink. When you've been in the business 40 years, then you can tell me what the fuck to write. Now get the fuck out of my office.
Until I saw the unedited version, I didn't know why his left wristshooter was labeled "Coloreds" and his right was labeled "Whites."
>Irish? Are you sure Peter?
>I can spot a potatonigger from a mile away.
you left out the best part
>I fried so many slopes, they named a brand of rice after me.
ur lucky since i have saved quite alot of these
classic one