Are Film Festivals really where the best films come from or is it just a meme?

Are Film Festivals really where the best films come from or is it just a meme?



It's a cooperation between big and small filmmakers. Big studios provide the popularity and buzz and small studios sell out their images of being indie and artistic to cover up the commercial and promotional nature of the the event for the big studios

Stop posting this autistic FAS tryhard attention whore faggot

I love this picture on so many levels. The super excite pupperoon, the laffin lorde, the level of stock image to the whole thing.

Films don't come from Film Festivals, they are submitted.

he's a good boy

and the dog ain't bad either

if i pushed him in the pool would the pupper attack?

he doesn't age
is he even real

This is.. foooood review

not unless you're an aggressive spic


Who is this gaylord and why are you tryig to make him a meme?

Its my pa

I want to know what his sister looks like.

There was this guy in county into that sort of thing

Ive watched 40 hours of reviewbrah videos over the past 5 days, ama

What are his most common mannerisms?

He fucks.
