Have you paid your fair share of reparations Sup Forums ?
Website allows white people to offer ‘reparations’ directly to people of color
I'm a spic, how do I get free money from this?
Sounds like a good way to siphon some money from supple cucks. Hello my name is Tyrone and I need money for my education.
>SJWs launch money
1. Wait for Hillary to be elected
2. Take a boat to the US
3. Never leave
4. ????
5. Get your gibs
I already have a green card and am attending a college in California
I just want gullible retards to throw money at me
Just tell them you're 1/8 black. Not like they can't disprove it.
нигpы , I'm a slav - we don't owe you shit.
This is pretty good, it's a shame how disturbingly racist it is, though.
I'm like 1/8th black and also studying in the US. I still had to pay basically full tuition.
I am also attending college in the US and want this.
If you go to thier Facebook page, you can see that some cucks are offering services like massages and therapy session for free. For some reason, theyre all from seattle.
>I'm like 1/8th black
You are a nigger
thats because people in seattle are more caring
Would it be jewish if I opened a site with a similar premise but created a fund to pay back muh reparations and scrape a 20% "administrative" fee off the top?
I was semi-angry about this till I thought about the people who these niggers will be taking money from. Now I think we should spread this around, get tons of Bernbots and other SJW types to donate all their money to this cause. Niggers will go out and spend the money on shoes and watermelon, boosting our economy.
actually we should get reparations, you know the whole slav - slave thing
gib reparations westerners pl0x
Holy shit she actually has an option for people to donate a dollar for EVERY time someone posts a troll message to the site. Should we, Sup Forums?
wtffffffffffffff is this
if repeating numerals i'll bang a black girl
Wait let me sign up first pls
Tuition don't pay itself
a soon-to-be-realized bad idea on the website's part
If I'm understanding it correctly people sign up to auto-donate every time a troll message is posted to the site, which could potentially mean thousands of dollars of auto-donations being instantly sucked out of the bank accounts of large numbers of gullible self-hating white people (most of whom I assume have probably even less money than the niggers they want to support) in the event that """"somebody"""" were to hypothetically bomb the site with racisms.
A fool and their money are soon parted.
Why can't I think of a scheme to get some stupid people money?
Where does this notion that "reparations" are deserved/required even come from? The left that taught them this can pay them.
>black people literally begging for World of Warcraft expansions and iPhones
>all offerings are time
>all requests are money
niggers and libs are hilarious.
>Dominican Republic
you are probably darker than most blacks here.......... you will not have any problems collecting yo money
we have to protect them from the latest WoW expansions
otherwise they'll ask for a million more reparations for blizzard's shortcomings
Keep vapeman in /cum/
Salsa por favor.
this reminds me of that financial domination shit where the girls go on about how the men are their slaves who are only worthy to pay for their shoes ect, except that's just the fantasy and the guys are jacking off as they are sending them money they dont really think they're slaves, but this is actually real, and there are real white people who really do think they need to give repartations because a school was named after Christopher Columbus and all white people are racists
So in addition to trolling some gibsmedats, I also get to bankrupt some cuck.
They make a great argument.
>be poo in loo
>can claim I'm Greek, Italian ,Spanish, Muslim, Romanian..etc
Sure feels good too be aryan.
I might even claim to be don one day
Why is it that most Americans think that we look like this?
Most people don't believe me when I say I'm Dominican over there because I'm not black enough apparently.
"Make sure it's perfectly balanced mix of race and gender"
"What about Asians?"
"Fuck them, they do well already."
it's actually нeгpы
>muh heritage
Guys, read this. They have people pledging money PER NEGATIVE RESPONSE. Is it worth it to bleed SJW faggots dry if it makes some niggers rich? This is really worth considering.
>Hillary gets elected
>she gets a law passed that requires white Americans to pay an extra "reparation" tax
what do you do Sup Forums? no meme bullshit answers either. seriously, what do you do?
This is a donations site hosted in Montenegro? That doesn't sound like a scam at all.
Yes it's worth it. The nig nogs will just blow it on sneakers and drugs and not be any richer.
>Identify as transnigger
>Acquire gibs
go back to belarus, ivan
force them to define what black is. if its too restrictive, then it will exclude some 'blacks' that think they 'deserve' it. if its too loose, it will bankrupt the nation
100% dutch, aint going nowhere m8
>ignoring the fact that a shitload of Spaniards, Italians, and other Europeans etc migrated here in the early 20th century
My grandparents shake their heads at you
And then they kill each other over sneakers and drugs.
Dod you say a 30% administration fee, a 20% hosting fee a 15% transportation fee and a 35% liability fee?
I'm half-black. Is there a way for me to cash-in on these idiots?
kek at the picture xD
>what do you do Sup Forums?
You fuckers started a revolution for a tea tax, and now you're asking what to do in case of a reparation tax. What happened to you?
You forgot the 10% handling fee goy
>anonymously offering free childcare over the internet
Nothing suspicious about this at all
We are pussies. You guys do more with sticks and chairs than we do with an arsenal of guns.
But then again you probably don't get thrown into a 3rd world prison system for 5 years for getting in a fist fight either.
I heartily approve.
He's right bros...
I'm Irish.
My ancestors were enslaved by the British and sold in Cuba. Then went to the U.S after escaping and then eventually ended up in Australia in the 1900's.
Can I get reparations as well?
The native americans got them once now blacks think they should get them because slavery happened. Their lives are better than if their ancestors had stayed in Africa anyways. It's not like black people are owed anything because they can always leave if they don't like it here. The native Americans we just sort of shoved onto tiny reservations. Now they get tons of welfare and got 3.4 billion from the government because white people "bought" land from them and ripped them off because they were dumb enough to sell it for shiny beads. They are still drunks though. reparations don't work, it's just a way to get human filth to stop complaining about "muh ancestuhs"
>offering: childcare, rides
>it's just a way to get human filth to stop complaining
>replying to a German
you're probably more white than hanz is at this point.
I would refuse to pay it. If I get arrested/prosecuted I notify Breitbart/Faux News/Kikebook/Twatter/anyone else I can think of, then have my lawyer set up a gofundme to pay my legal expenses. Then in 4 years, when this ridiculously unpopular law causes Hillary, whose presidency was on shaky ground to begin with, to lose in a landslide to literally any Republican who promises to get it repealed, I very publicly sue the US government for...wait for it...REPARATIONS.
not only massages, yelling sessions are offered too
Bernie supporters lose ANOTHER $200 million lol
I'm of Polish ancestry. My paternal grandparents came here around WWII. I don't owe these folks anything for something as simple as being "white." And according to Sup Forums, us Slavs and Slavic descendents are black anyways.
>whites offer reparations
They already do. It's called taxes.
> cant ask for money from my family b...
because they are niggers? its because they are niggers isnt it?
How much money do you think I can jew out of this idiot?
you have to prove you're black first. prove you're black, Jamal
>Sup Forums complains if minorities want to be successful they should be enterprising
>Minorities create a website where they siphon money out of stupid cucks pockets who are so fucking worried about white guilt they ignore the many better charitable efforts out there.
I approve.
I'm Welsh, my people were unfairly forced to become civilised, gib me free moneys.
It's called transnigger you shitlord.
Nig Nogs are violent but they are funny too.
Ask him for $50 first.
Then raise it some more later.
Don't get too greedy.
i'm sure you could add a few more adjectives on that. try again Dequan
>liberals can now directly assist niggers with their own money
>will still try to claw at our money because they don't actually want to suffer any financial harm from their charity
According to blacks, all whites regardless of heritage or race owe them money. So pay up, honkey. Don't matter if you had nothing to do with slavery, you still benefit from it, cracker.
One drop rule. Elizabeth Warren used it to get benefits even though she's about 1/1000000th native American.
that person in the pic is doing it wrong.
if you're getting a doctorate and the institution is not funding you and waiving your tuition 100%, it means the same as if you were not accepted. they're just using you for free(well, you pay for it lol) labor.
t. phd candidate, funded
>people of color enslave jewish people for over one thousand years
>people of color want reparations before they recuperate jews
seems kind of racist, you know?
People of color still enslave themselves in their motherland.
>Slavery still haunts Africa, where millions remain captive
>JOHANNESBURG, South Africa -- African countries dominate a new global index on slavery, with 38 of the 50 nations where the scourge is at its worst found on the continent. The Global Slavery Index, released Thursday, estimated that nearly 30 million people remain enslaved globally, millions of whom are in Africa.
I'll have them shipped to Auschwitz. I'd sooner be a black uncle Tom living in my master's home than a Catholic Pole dying of typhoid at an infested work camp or being assassinated on the streets of Warsaw.
The more you pay, the more you owe.
>white LGBTQI
Which one are you, you dumb cunt? You can't be all of them
Hahaha, oh what grand times all these negroes scamming whites. They don't even have to HIDE their own face while doing it too.
Never understood this logic. On an international level American Black people really aren't doing that bad. If benefiting from things outside your control is what's wrong shouldn't American black people be lining up to shove money into Africa?
Sweet, I hope they also have a section for reparations for white and ethnic minority victims of modern blacks.
What the hell does the I stand for? I just recently learned that the Q apparently stands for "Queer" which is apparently somehow different from "Gay". They add a new letter to this thing every time I see it written.
>thrown into a 3rd world prison system for 5 years for getting in a fist fight either.
That's a ridiculous judicial system.
Holy fuck is that cell tiny. Pic related makes sense now.
I don't hear native Americans complain as much as nigs. if natives haven't already integrated into society they just sit on their reservations while their tribe leaders collect money from the casinos and museums. Nigs don't even know which African tribes they came from so they just convince themselves that they waz kangz n shiet.
lol can i give like $0.02 to one of them? Is there a minimum? I think it would be pretty funny.
that negress in the pic is hot as fuck
>Get fake bills
>Give nogs bills
>Nog gets arrested
>Help nogs stay off the streets
It's for your own good Tyronne.