Which group of people should collectively drink bleach?
>inb4 OP and his family
Which group of people should collectively drink bleach?
>inb4 OP and his family
The first country to get repeating digits ITT.
inb4 I get them
Delicious bleach rates nice with Clamato
Hillary voters
leafposters, kikes, niggers, arabs
Leftist politicians, intellectuals and propagandists.
All the people that visit Sup Forums including me.
Whites of course and lots of it.
Most of the world's problems will be solved in light of the benefits of no negro.
OP you're a dumbass. Only impure no name bleach like no name quality will kill you if you drink it. You can drink Clorox and survive with a burnt esophagus and an upset stomach.
Paramedic here, was called to a scene where a teenage girl drank Durex, her parents thought (and she) thought it would kill her.
Trump shills, but only the ones on Sup Forums and lereddit. The rest will be spared. Kek confirms it.
They probably meant that the first iberians was ruled by kings who was irish. Tarquinius superbus the last irish king of iberia was overthrown by the iberians who ruled iberia for a couple of centuries. Until sulla the great irish general overthrew the iberians and exterminated them in the social war. Now irish was running iberia again and a iberian wasnt seen in the region again until it was sacked by alaric and the iberians eventually killed or sent the black irish to ireland. Julius caesar was irish
CTR shills posting here. I genuinely hope they all die horrible deaths.
People who claim to love nature but then can barely do an overnight camping trip without having an autistic meltdown
You're severely overestimating the impact blacks have. They're a drain on resources, but all they do beyond that is kill one another. There aren't nearly enough of them in the west to make a real difference even if they somehow organised to do it.
Demographically, your problem is Mexicans. Socially, your problem is Muslims. Economically, your problem is Jews. Politically, your problem is leftists. Blacks just aren't really relevant in America.
Trump supporters, whites, racists (though I repeat myself here).
Why are you so angry, op?
>Which group of people should collectively drink bleach?
Political activists.
I miss them.
Nah, with the abundance of resources up for grabs, lack of crime, lack of hip hop polluting the minds of young people into degeneration, lack of single motherhood, lack of disruption in the educational sector, and loss of profits to mega corporations like crapple and jew media, lack of focus on sports, taxpayer money back in hand and so on; we'll have so much to improve on the entire world will just be happy as fuck.
Kek you spelt nig nogs wrong
Oh my god look what you've done faggot now we collectively have to drink bleach
And you'll still have a rapidly shrinking white demographic, Muslims shooting up anything that triggers them, Jewish bankers milking you for all you're worth, and Democrats voting down any attempt to put a stop to it.
me since im an alcoholic
im actually probably going to just go live in the woods until i die
OP and his pets
If kek want the US to die the we shouldn't complain. Is not like we are going to become any less degenerate anyway.