ITT: Sup Forums food that looks delicious
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that cake is pepto bismal
more like pepto abysmal
Your a hizard warry
i wonder what it's like to be hot
why do yanks eat that then say fried bread is weird?
It's literally a cheese sandwich made with fried bread.
The bugs in Lion King. Always thought they looked delicious
Same. Sadly, I can tell you this isn't the case.
Food fight scene in Peter Pan
Never heard anyone say fried bread is weird
it's pretty good, get plenty of personality concessions.
the antidote in temple of doom
the onions from Holes
that black and white cookie from seinfeld always seemed delicious
I bet she does too.
Look to the cookie, user.
That neck
>his waifu is 3d
That looks heaps good
these fuicking sandwich looked so tasty
really made up for the rest of the film
>implying 2d can even compete
Indeed, that cake certainly gives the appearance of a tasty treat, it's just a shame its origins lie in one of the dullest franchises in the history of movie franchises! Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the books were good though r-right
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
>the kid who ate that didn't like chocolate irl
Fucking dedicated little guy
It's not even a hp thread you fricken idiot this pasta is irrelevant
>being this assblasted
>S-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-ss-stop m-m-m-m-m-mm-m-m-m-m-m-making fun of m-m-m-m-m-mm-m-m-m-m-m-my ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-childhood m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-memories! :^(
>Menstrual cake
What are you hiding, Hagrid?
T at traumatized me from chocolate cake for a while
>being this new
>being assblasted over criticizing a children's book series
>y-you are a newfag and... and you are a reddit too
Everything in Hannibal is mouth-watering.
>its an user gets his cover blown episode
>british """pastry"""
You killed a decent pasta right now, fuck you.
> trying this hard to fit in on an appalachian sled-racing forum
It's just some unidentifiable coloured shapes but it looks incredible
Looks like a fuckton of campbell's chicken soup with pepperoni thrown in
I came
Where is that from again?
can't believe this hasn't been posted
>uh oh! You just misused a pasta you fricken idiot
Also anything from this channel.
All of the pizza in the intro to TMNT 2: The Secret of the Ooze.
This is a good one. Also the cheese burger in Pulp Fiction.
Beat me to it
Who are these "Yanks" who say fried anything is weird?
And pretty much all food they have in Breaking Bad.
>inb4 Jurassic Park """""""food""""""
>wustshusureshuh sauce
I hate that fucking joke so much. Now whenever I want to watch or talk about this movie to someone, theres always some asshat who spurts off retarded lines like that. Fuck you assclown
All the food in this scene
I've always thought that it tastes like mint
posting a 5/10 in an argument
I started to eat mustard with my toasts because of this movie
This looked delicious
You were a bit late user. This is usually one of the first five posts.
the onions? the fuck?
I've always wanted to try Sploosh
before anybody asks, yes she is
Is this Chicago or something?
>not knowing famous 'ver 'za
>implying the rest of the film needs to be made up for
She's what?
who bites a cherry tomato in half
the whole point of cherry tomatoes is so you can put the whole thing in your mouth and not spray tomato juice everywhere
is this some power play by the king
That chocolate waterfall looks like sewage.
Fucking retard left the paper from the cheese slices on the sandwich before sticking them together, some CHEF he is lmao
>Wanting to eat something after seeing it made with the guy's bare hands with no latex gloves or anything
Spot on mate - every time I see this cake I immediately develop a hankering for some chocolate fudge cake of my own. Without fail.
man that sound...
Yeah because you're going to get the plague because someone touched some bread.
What do you mean by sound? I just see front page of Jewtube.
This is some nice looking pizza
I wonder if Wakanda people can do the same with little KFC boxes
it would have been infused with the essence of hagrid's butt sweat though.
It's a meme, I know, but let's honestly think about this one for a second.
Obviously the garlic wont melt, because it's fucking garlic, garlic doesnt melt, it's a bulb of cellulose, sugary water, and some sulfurous shit. It WOULD more easily soften and break down though, but it wouldnt do that as you fried the aromatics in the oil...unless you didnt fry up the aromatics and instead cooked them in the oil for longer at a lower heat, which you would NEED to do if you have really thin shavings of garlic or else you would burn them to shit almost immediately.
Deserves testing, i think - gently warming the oil and letting the garlic cook down in it, and the using the now garlic-infused oil for the sauce.
shit, sorry
probably pidgey stew with celery and carrots and some nice PO-TA-TOES
I don't know how, but somehow TLBT movies made leaves look like the tastiest food in the world to me.
I think it comes down to their chewing animation and how much THEY enjoy the leaves too.
the steak in Matrix.
>american "humor"