Is hating black people racist?

Is hating black people racist?

No, but believing they are sub-human and shouldn't be allowed the same rights as everyone else is.

Not really

If it's just because their black, yes. That's the definition of the word.

That is like saying people who hate fat people are racist.

Obesity isn't a race retard.

Was Harambe an innocent ape?




i dunno op you tell me

You're right. Being an obese lard is a choice. Being a dumb nigger is usually genetic.

Look well White Man. This is your equal.

That is like saying people who hate tiny little manlets like you are racist.

Angry retard?

I refuse to accept that they are as intelligent as white people. Back to the argument of what have they achieved, fuck all. At the time Romans were building coliseums and working on mathematics, they had only just invented the stick. A lot still live in mud huts and whites have built their infrastructure. I'm sorry to break it to ya' libs, whites are superior.

no because blacks arent humans

All we have to do is cut off their welfare, food stamps and section 8 housing and they'd go extinct. Easy.

Proof that blacks cannot survive without evil whitey taking care of them

Hating Black People is.
[spoiler]Hating niggers isn't. Like the difference between trailer trash and caucasians, there's a difference[/spoiler]

Your question is flawed. Blacks aren't people.

Lol one beta white guy in the audience

Only if you believe they are people.

Yes, but it's also rational.

>be haiti
>kill all opressor white men
>become the shittest country in america, so shitty that everyone thinks that you are in africa
>an earthquake happens
>6 years later everything looks the same as the first day of the earthquake and they still get help from brazil army today

Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...

> is hating a race racist
> do words have meanings

>is racism inherently bad
>do words have connotation

>believing they are sub-human

They literally are.

>shouldn't be allowed the same rights as everyone else

Well thats up for debate I'll admit. If an ape could walk and talk we would have the same conversation.

Being a realist is not the same as being a racist.

Hating all black people is stupid, but being aware that the majority of blacks are less intelligent and more prone to crime is not.

>Hit by Earthquake
>Hit by tsunami
>Which create a nuclear emergency
>Everyone including the yakuzas is helping, no one is looting and all lost possessions are gathered at lost items centers, everything is back to normal in less than a week and rebuilt in less than three months


It's called being realistic

>comparing gorillas to subhuman niggers.
user please, you offend the gorillas.

This wall-building gentleman have a point, that was rude of OP.

>You will never have a Gorrila bro
Fucking why whats the closet thing too one? Is it legal to get a bear for a pet?

This, if I meat a cool black guy who works hard or was in the service I respect them pike any other person, but when some weird looking nigga approaches me at the gas station I am on my toes, and not relaxing.

Not an argument

It's obviously racist, pros/cons of racism are separate issues

> leaf

Race is a social construct shitlord