
What's the downside of a country's population drinking vodka? It is the most redpilled, spirited drink

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crippling alcoholism?

Mixer based drinks are always a bit girly no matter how strong you make them.
It's fine for shots but sambuca or tequila make for more fun nights.

How is yelling alcoholism different than yelling racism? It's crippling to addicts. Sad things are crippling to clinically depressed people.

What are the actual downsides of having vodka, or similar substances, as part of a cultural identity? For example, Russia is in bad shape financially but more stable if there's economic collapse. The vodka arguably helps dull the fear of the populous to allow for more adherence to the populist, albeit soft authoritarian, government. If vodka is shared and promoted in a society, I argue it functions better than a society filled with anti-government individuals (libertarians to anarchists) who think they have hot solutions to widespread issues.

You faggot.

The only downside is that there is an increase in idiots who think drunk driving is not a bad idea. The mortality rate spikes for a bit, but these faggots wind up working themselves out of the population eventually.

> how is alcoholism different from racism
nigga wat

My house brand is Sobieski, but I also keep Luksosowa (potato vodka, like Belvedere, but a quarter of the price), Zubrowska (special "bison grass" infused vodka), and Spiritus (like Everclear but cannot into space). All these brands are Polish.

i only drink tito's

alcoholic detected

What are your favorite potato vodka's?
Just asking because I might have Seliacs disease (that gluten free shit) Ill know for sure in a few days.

>idiots who think drunk driving is not a bad idea
yes, and the state can and already does punish those people in most first world conutries


Only slavshits and freshman girls in college drink vodka.

Real men drink wine and whiskey.

>Real men drink wine

Why not whisky? A decent one doesn't cost that much and you can actually enjoy the taste. Vodka is just good for mixed shit and shots. Even the good vodkas like zubrowka taste like solvent for me, not enjoyable at all.

They do. If you don't enjoy red wine, you are objectively a plebeian with no taste.


you'll lust for bears

Luksosowa is great, no sacrifice in quality for the lower price.

>Vodka is just good for mixed shit and shots.
Wrong. Vodka is best clean, it is cleanest alcohol, less poisons easier on health and lighter hangover per amount of alcohol consumed.

>Why not whisky?
Fusel oil poison. But yeah tastes good. But not good for heavy drinking.

Colored alcohol is much more likely to give hangovers and headaches compared to colorless.

Michael Savage swears by vodka over rubbing alcohol as a topical muscle relaxant, sonething to do with the body having an easier time absorbing it.

Wine is the beverage of the free western world. Vodka creates shitfaced criminals

Vodka - it's Gallic drink. The Germans are not fools, they know a lot about alcohol.

cuck - go check how your wife's son is doing

>less poisons easier on health and lighter hangover per amount of alcohol
this is an important factor. I may be biased because of my Russian heritage, but vodka tastes the bests and negatively impacts my health the least. I am perfectly healthy and a fully functional nationalist.

I've never tried it, but drinking it does help with stress and jaw clenching.. something I've previously had to take muscle relaxants for

>Wine is the beverage
In what way? Wine causes more dangerous drunken states and massive, often physical, hangovers

>In what way? Wine causes more dangerous drunken states and massive, often physical, hangovers

That's beer son. Which is mostly disgusting but some high end brands are better quality

Never noticed that.

Doesn't that depend on the whiskey? I mean they often start with stuff that's been distilled at least 3 times, sometimes more. You get pretty pure alcohol+whatever comes into it from the barrels its stored in. Auchentochan for example is known to use giant potstills and thus use extremely pure alcohol

>Killepitsch isn't the greatest drink

Vodka is the most redpilled drink.
So what? Want to get drunk fast? Nice, take shots. Want it to taste good? Mix it with whatever the shit you have in your house.

Fuck off back to rebbit with your walls of text holy shit

Or drink a whisky that tastes delicious without mixixng it up with anything?

Wrong. Beer barely has any ill-effects directly related to the alcoholic content. It makes Ameritards fat because they drink too much of it and can't moderate themselves.

Wine on the other hand is the worst culprit for hangovers and dependency. Take a look at the effects of histamines and tannins, especially in red wine


Vodka is cheap, plentiful, and clean. You don't drink vodka to modestly enjoy your beverage, you drink vodka to get shitfaced. The fact that vodka with less taste is considered superior vodka should clue you in.

Are there any studies that have even assessed the relevance of the additional toxic byproducts in things like whiskey and wine?

Compared to the acetaldehyde that alcohol metabolizes into, i doubt the trace amounts of other toxins are relevant to health at all.

Groceryfaggot here, only alcoholics and niggers buy vodka.

Rum is the most "redpilled" drink, especially for an American/the Anglosphere.

Why the hell would you go chasing the tail of nutritional pseudoscience to find what spooky miasmas can be p-hacked into a carcinogen confidence interval when you are drinking ALCOHOL? Not to disparage drinkers, counting myself among them, but on side A, you have 40%-by-volume of a poison which destroys your liver and wracks the body, and on side B you have some oak particulates.

scotch is the most redpilled liquor

Distillation poorly removes substances that have boiling point below main matter (alcohol), they boil first and go straight to end product. To separate them you need more complex process called rectification:

I'll check it out. Thank you.


tfw im an alcoholic anxiety ridden failure
its not really fun anymore

i dislike alcohol the older and older i get.

i was a major alcoholic in my 20s. i loved that deep buzz, it felt like my brain was getting a massage.

i no longer get that. i just feel uncomfortably hot and woozy. and it leaves a wicked hangover.

i occasionally drink to try to get that high/euphoria i got in my 20s. but it never happens, and i regret it. i guess that's called "chasing the dragon."

i haven't drank for months. i don't see myself ever drinking again.

time to find a new drug.

it's a great drink
it makes me feel less like myself and puts me in the ground faster
10/10 would drink