

I know right?
They didn't even try to fuck while Joker was like that.
You can't tell me that Batman doesn't have that fetish.

Yea it's dumb but the good part was it freed up the rest of the series to be Joker free!

I never understood the hate for the titan joker end.

It was a rehash of the other titan and Bane battles that were throughout the game.

That is my biggest complaint about Arkham Asylum.

>rehashed titan battles
>Joker titan ending boss

The only positive thing about Joker Titan was it established the second game.

The boss battles were definitely the weakest part of the whole game in general but people also seem to hate the concept itself as well which I don't get. It seemed pretty in character for joker all in all.

I liked what it led to with Joker in Arkham City, but didn't like how it was handled at the end of Asylum.


Is the prequel third game worth a shit?

I really want a Emperor Joker movie, the joker is great when he is with other heroes.

So why was Joker the only one whose blood was poisoned by the Titan formula?

>Yea it's dumb but the good part was it freed up the rest of the series to be Joker free!
You're joking.

No because the pc port release was a trainwreck and I'm still butthurt about it

Get a console, you PC Master Race faggot.

Who else took Titan? IIRC it was just Joker and nameless goons.

The story went on he took a lot more than most who had taken it, and it became infused to his blood.

So are you gonna click on the image or what? Because he's clearly being sarcastic

Bara porn when?

No, I don't even like videogames so why would I by specialized equipment to play them?

It wasn't bad, it plays a lot like Arkham City. I liked it a lot better than Arkham Knight. It had the best boss fights of the series. The Mr. Freeze DLC was great, clearly inspired by the "Heart of Ice" episode from the animated series. Doesn't compare to Asylum, and City though. Not having Kevin Conroy as Batman for this one is a bit jarring, the VA didn't sound right to me. Troy Baker did a near spot on Mark Hamill Joker impersonation.

I'm a bit disappointed it won't be part of the HD remaster coming out. It was a fun game once all the bugs were worked out of it.

I played the PC port, but i didn't get it until it was under $10 on a Steam sale. I guess by that time they fixed all the problems with it because it ran great for me on max settings.

You mean Origins? It's pretty decent and the combat is the best of the series desu

>I'm a bit disappointed it won't be part of the HD remaster coming out.
That's OK, everyone seems to be disappointed in the remastered edition

This is objectively wrong. Origins ducked the combat by removing your ability to cancel animations with your counter. Being locked into a punching animation while another goon hits you despite your responding to the counter prompt destroyed the free-flowing concept that the combat was designed around. You either continued to fight and had your combo inevitably broken or play defensively without any sense of flow.

That reason alone is enough for the whole game to be Shit, and that doesn't factor in the terrible overworld design or the shitty boss fights.

>shitty boss fights
Are you for real now ? the only problem the game had was the fact that i was slow and the combat, the boss fights were actually fun and the story was better than Knight


The bosses were the worst part of that game.

Trying to remember the Arkham Asylum boss fights:

>The Titans guys which you do WAY too many times. Two of them being the subboss before final Joker was particularly lame

>Scarecrow which was atmospheric and cool but the gameplay wasn't much. I totally forgive that but having multiple Scarecrow fights was shitty

>Poison ivy which was just kind of dumb and corny as fuck

>Killer Croc which was ok

>Final Joke fight which was shitty

Is that it? Is there a Bane fight somewhere?

There was a bane fight, it's been awhile but as I remember it I think it was not much more then playing matador. Let him charge at you, roll, hit his back. Do that a bunch of times and it's done.

So it's just a Titan fight?

Knowing Dini wrote these made me feel like Timm and Radomski were the brains of the operation...

It's alright, but they basically just copy and pasted Arkham City's map then made another area about the same size so it's a big map, but most of the missions are padded out by making you travel from one end of the map to the very far other end. That and a couple minor bugs were the only things that really annoyed me about the game, otherwise it was alright.

The Arkham combat system is specifically designed for 1 vs many battles, which is why the boss fights are a bit rubbish. They either have to rely on gadgets or be take place largely outside of the combat engine, like Mr. Freeze.

There are a lot of people who like the QTE garbage in Arkham Origins, but those goobers probably like David Cage games, so fuck 'em

"Writing" a video game like this amounts to "put some dialog in here to justify these scenarios that we built." It's like "writing" the back of a cereal box.

Which I'm surprised Johns hasn't done yet.

For everything Knight did wrong i have to say that the combat was so fucking great, the animations felt so much better and the new moves actually made it more fluid

I like how Azrael stopped by in Arkham City just to say "I exist." and to make 13 year olds cream themselves.

Why didn't anyone just build a boat to escape the "prison"?

Nigga you forgot how the place was full of Tyger guards and shit ? the only reason that Black Maks escaped was because of large amounts of TNT

>Joker injects Batman with Titan
>"Cool, I get to play as Monster Batman!"
>Batman resists the effects of the chemical through sheer will

Fucking stick-in-the-mud spoilsport

Say what you want about how retarded it was, but that ending segment of explosive gel+punch was cool af