Europeans are waking up, post freeways


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If Americans stopped viewing public transport as something for peasants, their roads could be less congested

That gave me a headache, enjoy being shot during a road rage

we unironically did that up until recently lad

I live in LA. The city is like forty miles in diameter. There's no way to get to a specific location in a reasonable amount of time other than driving.


I don't follow. That's only because you don't have an effective public transport system.


Are you jealous yet, Europoors?

You could easily put bus stops in certain key areas, yes, but there's just too much physical space to put bus stops everywhere. After leaving the bus, you'd have to walk as much as a mile to get where you need to go. No one would ever do that.

our dicks are not small so we dont compensate with large useless things

you are meming right? theres no way you could be proud of that.

Big American roads...

How can Europoors even compete? They will never know this feel!


Pobrelarguiruchos RAUS!

I've noticed that Americans only talk about buses but buses are the most unattractive (and expensive in the long term) form of public transportation. How about some light rail or commuter trains?


Public transport in America is honestly trash so you cant blame them.

>American able of doing anything

Hell, even the Russians managed to build a somewhat decent public transport in a fucking city double the size and with 3x more people.

Those would be even more limiting than buses and be insanely expensive to install. In order to put a train in an existing city, you'd have to rip down thousands of buildings to make room.

>In order to put a train in an existing city, you'd have to rip down thousands of buildings to make room.
You litterally have to remove two driving lanes in the streets for a tramway.

Europoors use bikes they can't afford the cars

Neck yourself. Moscow metro is good and the best thing about this shitpile of a city.
Yeah, after their corporate overlords effectively dismantled and sabotaged the public transportation.

>take the most beautiful natural land on the planet
>build a dystopia

feels good man


The commute time there must be horrenderous. I can't imagine having to commute more than two hours a day by car.

Train is honestly more comfy

Are you neet?
As I tourists I liked it quite a lot too, but gf comes from Moscow and she said it is sucking the life out of you, using it in the rushhours...

What would happen if someone were to break down in the centre lane?

Which Cities: Skylines, mod is that? Looks awesome.

Been looking for that image. Nice.



I want American freeway to sit on my face

comfy useless waste of money

Your gf is a dumb whore, and you're no better than her judging by using ...

Wew lad.

where is this?

The tramway system in Lyon is financially self-sustaining. Roads, on the other hand, have to be maintained by the city. Car users are the parasites famalam

A 2-way railway requires as much space as a 2 lane highway

Assuming that could be done, there are a few problems with that.
1. It would take years to build the train, during which those lanes would be unusable and there would be no train, so the traffic (which is already bad when you have fourteen lane freeways) would be unbearable).
2. Cost, of course.
3. The freeways aren't always centrally located to where you need to go. If there was a train on the freeway and I took it to get home, I would have to walk about a mile and a half from the nearest offramp to my apartment building.

That map is outdated, they have another outer ring.

>Moscow metro is good
This, it's fast, the intervals are pretty short, nice stations.
"The palaces of the proletarian class" to quote Lenin.

>take two years to build 10 km of four lane motorway
>need to pay a heavy toll to drive it for the next 15 years
>put up automatic toll stations on the local roads too so that you can't avoid it

>Your gf is a dumb whore
Pretty sure she is right, tho.
The Moscow Metro is not exactly comfy, quite, windless or anything. Beeing cramped into there every morning and evening for an hour each way does sound a bit annoying.

>you're no better than her judging by using

How else would I judge anything?

Traffic goes around them until AAA shows up to tow their car. It causes traffic to back up for half a mile at least, but I've seen two-mile long jams caused by one car breaking down. It's the absolute worst thing.

1- having more lanes on a road never helps with congestion, it has been proven multiple times
2- more than self-sustaining in the long run
3- a tight network of public transport is needed, not only big lines on the highways

However it's not like I give a fuck. I've seen tramway coming back in my city since I was a teen and honestly it has done wonders to reduce commuting time and congestion. The tram company is expanding continuously because it simply works. Local businesses and shops profit from it a lot.

How long does it take for the average American to get to work?

Depends on the city. I live in Los Angeles, though. I'd say 30-50 minutes is average.

>when you have fourteen lane freeways
Do they ever get empty enough to swerve all the way from one side to the other. I'd love to do that at high speed.

Sort of. At like 2 AM you can pull that off but only for brief moments. There are still people on the freeways, you just have to wait for a lull.

>I'd say 30-50 minutes is average.

In LA?
Better than expected. I live in a 500k city and need around 20-25 Minutes already.

What did america mean by this?

>Be American
>Pump my own petrol
>Get arrested

>this is a service only qualified people should perform

lmao what the fuck

>Try to pump my own "gas"
>Break down and spill it all over
>The army invades and claims the spillage

Its the new /brit/ gimmick

>get shot


Oh god you learned about Oregon

I'm so sorry, just ignore them, no one else likes them.

Is it also Maine where you can't fill your own cars

>Europeans don't have freew-


From STICC (old highway on the left) to THICC (right)

The main highway to/from Amsterdam

dude in china they have to be at work the whole week cause of the traffics

Semi-THICC intersection

why are there 4 roads
why are they separate
it makes no sense

>be american
>tip even when pumping petrol into your car

what even is this bullshit

show us the waterways

I did that in Poland, tbqh.
Had no idea if they expect that or not since this service is very, very rare here and just gave that dude 2-3 €


The thing about cities like LA is that they were designed to be driving cities. Any type of public transport is less efficient because of the sprawl that a driving city creates.

If Americans love roads so much, how come they don’t have roundabouts.

Are the Dutch the only ones beside us that do this?

My pic is Belgium
But yeah, probably only Low Countries have the terrain to do it.

A proof that the Earth is F L A T T

>this scares and confuses the ameridumb

>If Americans love roads so much

They like straight roads. That way they can eat burger without touching the wheel and making it greasy.

No, thats just Netherlands

What kind of gas pumps do you people use? You just put in the hose and squeeze the handle until it stops pumping

>fix the handle by accident
>have no idea how it works/that it stops when the tank is full
>pull it out at some point because... burger
>gas everywhere

You realize this is only a thing in Oregon, and that it's an archaic law that's become part of the state's culture, right?

You forgot :
>twister police is alerted by gas smell
>preventive shot into the gas tank
>everybody dead
>officers safe
>mission accomplished

>The Netherlands is fla-

uhm try again sweetie :)

Not really surprised they also do this, tbqh.


Where in that pic does the German border start?

who the fuck would take public transport in LA?
id expect some weird shit to go down all the time, especially at night.



Why is one of the guys in the picture talking about qualified personnel?


you got a huge traffic in your ass OP

YES YES ve vill kill the Americans as Revenge vor ze 2. Weltkrieg! Poisen them with GAS! MUHAHA

>2-3 €
You just gave him a bonus of like 1.5h of his work or bought him 4 beers. He definitely was quite fucking happy.

A-at least we-were not communist!

That must be the first world quality of life everyone keeps talking about

That's the point. It's a paradox. Their public transport is so shit only the scum ride it, this in turn keeps people preferring driving over taking public transport. Since most people are driving very little investments are made to improve it.

Massachusetts is probably the rotary capital of the world, I swear every town here has at least three, often several more

Stfu you piece of shit, nuke this dumb fkin city to the ground and better nothing grows here ever again. If we took fkin two lanes or even one lane away to build a elevated railway all the fkin congestion problems can be solved. Instead you fkin cagers blow your steam like retarded 2nd graders "Nuuuooo, Cars are my personal freedom! It's in the Constitution." "Nuuuooo Trains only take you to the station and I don't have legs so I don't wanna walk anywhere so you better build my 2miles of freeway to my little neiborhood. " Buses never run on time, like if you wanna go some where that's like a 30min car ride. It takes like 3hrs on public transport, plus it is sometimes 20mins late. Metro Rails are generally okay, except I hope they have a fkin cleaning stuff so they can get rid off the smell of piss in the stations. Also wish they could spend a bit more money so the newer projects are not some retarded hybrid between a light rail and a tram. The Metrolink (Equivalent of a S-Bahn or RER system) however is completely garbage, like the Amtrak it shares track that is owned by freight companies, most are single tracks. While the system itself has a length of 500+mi/800+km, with 7 lines but only 61 stations. Compare to this with 237 stations w/ 587km system length of the Paris RER and the 166 stations w/ 327km system length of the Berliner s-bahn. The schedule of Metrolink is also retarded, tho understandable, since they have to make ways for the Amtrak and freight trains. Most of the Metrolink system doesn't run on weekends and holidays, and usually runs with a frequency of a few hours, and because it is mostly single tracks, it runs mostly one direction before noon and the other direction afternoon. Which is why some lines have a ridership of barely 4k and the system as a whole 30k. The train is comfy tho can't complain.
Wew that really triggered my autism.

Wtf is it with autists and trains Jesus Christ

silly norwegians