Sup Forums can't refute this.
To be fair, this comic does make pretty good sense. What do you think, Sup Forums? Am I missing something?
Sup Forums can't refute this
The difference is 1/4 muslims become violent and have oppressive laws incompatible with the US Constitution built into their scripture.
While 1/5,500,000 white men become violent.
Also, 1/5 black men will be convicted of violent crime.
Wow, its almost like math makes liberal talking points look stupid!
FPBP etc etc
>ban men
>everyone dies
It's the exact opposite of banning mudslimes!
One is a biological factor and another is an ideology. One is the perpetrator and the other is the motive.
You know men can become women, right?
Men also create pretty much everything. Muslim men destroy everything
>white countries have always had men
>the current flux of immigrants is something similar
or you could just "Muslims countries ban Christians but not men, don't them?"
You're funny.
Weak bait America. Do you have any idea the shit posting I had to learn to survive around as a Canadian?
>textbook strawman
>using one factor to make decisions about a group rather than using the net impact
No they can't
>1/5,500,000 white men become violent
hol up.
are you saying there are 30 violent white male criminals in the US?
Its the ideology. Why is it that liberal always makes a comic based on their feeling
"Islam" is a violent supremacist ideology, "man" is a biologically necessary category that can subscribe to any ideology.
I doubt your fractions somewhat, oh distributor of dubious data.
Balls, your missing balls....
Not an argument
>ban male muslims
would be a happy compromise
All societies have men, those good and bad. Every Muslim society is FAR worse than any non muslim society, and this is because of implementation of Sharia and islamic laws that are anti western. If you think the problem with Muslims is just terror than you are a fucking idiot, terror isn't even the biggest problem with Muslim migration.
You can choose to be a muslim. Can you choose your sex?
wtf I hate maths now
>Islam, the ideology, is the same as being born male
Top lel, liberals will really reach far.
There are female terrorists
kek, this
How do you remove the y chromosome in each of your cells and replace it with a second x chromosome?
Terrorists aren't always men though.
>same difference
Only to a brainwashed faggot nigger.
>really makes you think
Yeah and all terrorists are mammals. You can broaden these categories until they lose all meaning, the fact remains, that one's religion is much more predictive of extremist views than biological sex. Whether this increased risk is big enough to warrant a complete ban is a different discussion, but it's far from nonsensical.
thats all folks!
>Based American
Upvotes and likes all around friend :^]
I am not a fan of the Feminists but they are absolutely right that men are way more fucking violent than women are. And much more destructively so
>I am not a fan of the Feminists but they are absolutely right that men are way more fucking violent than women are. And much more destructively so
That's because in order to survive and pass on your genes you need to be violent and destructive. Otherwise someone more violent and destructive than you will come kill you.
Women are to be at home, getting pregnant, raising children and cooking food.
It's called HRT, Canada. You have free schooling and healthcare, surely you've heard of it???
men occasionally contribute to society
Name an empire built on something other than male violence.
The point is that the Muslims are conquering and our men don't have what it takes to get violent back at them. You can't "solve" male violence, and if you want the human race to continue being great you'd never dare try.
The problem isn't that Muslims are being violent,- that's called standard human shit and the greatest thing ever - it's that our men aren't violent enough in response to safekeep what's ours.
I have nothing wrong with violence, i am pretty violent myself, and I couldn't be happy until i accepted that.
The question of gender roles is complicated. Successful civilizations have all been patriarchal, that much is obvious. On the other hand women aren't retarded, being afforded no opportunities to do what they want is cruel. The current situation clearly makes neither women nor men happy but I have gotten over idealizing the old European aristocracies, they had a shitload of problems as well.
idk man, don't have the answers
and much, much, MUCH more constructively so.
Male violence is literally the best thing that ever happened to the human race
Now that's a
I'd be fine with banning male immigration
>Ban men!
Women would literally die without men desperately keeping them alive. They're too stupid to survive on their own, which is why society treats them like children and refuses to keep them accountable for their actions.
Compare the amount of terrorist attacks in Germany to those in Poland.
Why not just ban Muslim men?
>3.5 billion = 1.6 Billion
>2+2 = 5 begins.
>Ban VS
>Purge, Genocide, Infanticide, Mass Deportation
>Car X of brand Y causes the majority of mechanical accidents because of a known fault in the brake design
Do you ban the specific car model or do you ban cars altogether?