How far into the first episode did you get before realising something felt wrong?

How far into the first episode did you get before realising something felt wrong?

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when the korra was resting on the polar dog and looked like a butch lesbian

I actually felt real good about the first episode, I thought the setting was interesting and it would be great when the show explored the city.

9 episodes later the only places we saw were the fucking stadium and a handful of warehouses.


I was really excited during the first episode. My biggest problem with AtLA was how generic and boring the setting was, and Korra's looked really interesting - it was going to be Avatar, but in the 1920s! And kind of steampunky!

I started to feel like the writing and characters were off towards the end of the first season. Once I was done with season two I just stopped watching.

episode 5 was awkward and dumb, especially after episode 4 but I thought it was Bryke making fun of shippers, boy how wrong I was

I started losing interest when she got to the outskirts of the city and someone was on a soapbox. Even less so as she entered the city and was chased by authorities, hated the scene where she hears about the tournament on the radio, then decided I was done during the fight.

I just wasn't fond of the setting

Aang entrusted us to keep you safe
>Nothing comes of this and no one is protecting her at the stadium nor does she have a White Lotus guard in her team and to keep it with the 1st episode there are no White Lotus guards with her when she's making her speech at the end before it shows Amon.

Toph invents metalbending
>Korra doesn't know it nor seismic sense despite that being something any Avatar should learn especially if their past life was best friends with its inventor and closest practitioner.

She went to the city without any money
>So her parents didn't give her any? Nor did the White Lotus ever move them up in life for giving them the next kung fu Jesus?

Korra earthbends the street, a street made of earthbendable materials
>She's the bigger criminal than the people threatening civilians in broad daylight and have a known history.
>Why can't they just re-earthbend the street to normal? The shot pans out so we see the destruction of the earthbending, not the damage done to the shop.

Random hobo is living a hobo life
>Republic City is messed up! Good thing no other place has homeless people except for Republic City otherwise that would be too much.

They say she lacks restraint
>Recall AtLA where Roku trashed his teachers.
>Recall AtLA where Kyoshi broke the continent.
>Recall all the big displays of bending that broke and ruined stuff.

Tenzin can't train her because he has a job
>All her teachers were unemployed apparently.
>Apparently the Air Acolytes are mud and Tenzin doesn't consider them worth anything.
>Apparently you can learn to speak for the world and its people if you are completely isolated from them.

It felt off that they started having a triangle romance drama five episodes in especially when this was back when Mako had zero personality apart from "asshole" while the other two characters were brimming with personality but the show still insisted that Mako "is so cool no really guys". But I ignored it because it really didn't ruin anything for me.

I only started hearing warning bells when Korra got a back her powers for no real explicable reason apart for "We need her to get powers for the other seasons we were just told we have to make now".

>can bend without any training
yeah, something was off from the start

I rewached the origiona lseries over the summer last year after years without seeing it, and it turned out better then i remember. I tried watching Korra after wardsa and got through half of episode 2 before I had to turn it off, because i hated every character as felt no connection to them, when tears came to my eyes during appa's list days and I felt nothing when Korra was wheelchair bound, and crying the show lost me completely

How the fuck was it boring?! Did you see the firenation?

Remember when it was a simple story of a bunch of kids trying to save the world.

It wasn't until the middle that something felt slightly off. The love triangle was annoying, and the first two seasons were in love with ending on a cliffhanger for EVERY single episode, which was a little grating. But overall, the first two seasons had overwhelmingly redeeming qualities despite also having glaring flaws, and the second two seasons were pretty much perfect except for the excalation to 4's final battle feeling rushed.

I'm still of the opinion that book 3: Change is literally the greatest thing the Avatar series ever produced

It's funny that people claim Bryke went for representation points to distract from criticism of Book 4, when there IS no good criticism of Book 4 to begin with. Balance is right up there with Earth and Fire.

Even the clipshow story with Amon, Zaheer and Vaatu teaming up but ignoring Unalaq because he was super lame was on point

>Aang isn't Airman
>Katara isn't Splashwoman
Y tho?

>>So her parents didn't give her any? Nor did the White Lotus ever move them up in life for giving them the next kung fu Jesus?
To be perfectly fair, she left for Republic City without telling anyone first.

Now, why she herself didn't remember to bring any money...

>Now, why she herself didn't remember to bring any money...
Since when needs the Avatar money?

>Since when needs the Avatar money?
Technically she doesn't. The White Lotus pretty much take care of all her needs. Except when she runs off on her own without telling anyone and arrives in an unfamiliar city where nobody knows who she is and might not care even if they did (at least they wouldn't care enough to give her stuff for free).

>To be perfectly fair, she left for Republic City without telling anyone first.

We see her say goodbye to Katara and her parents. And the White Lotus discovered her at a young age and then it's later revealed why she was locked up. But her parents weren't secured or given stuff. If her parents were captured did the White Lotus think that wouldn't be useful leverage to coax the Avatar to action?

And on the White Lotus: If the leading bending experts of the current time believed an Avatar could attain full maturity while isolated from the world, then perhaps the worldwide quest of past Avatars for the same purpose was a waste of time. Apparently the main prerequisite for attaining Master of Balance status is to master fighting. Mastering the elements is no longer a pathway into a deeper understanding of the nature, people, cultures and philosophies of their world, it's just martial arts with airbending being the only spiritual one.

>Since when needs the Avatar money?
The pit fighting that Korra ended up doing where those jokes came that she took to whoring herself for money in season 4.
When she can use fire to cook what she catches using waterbending from the aquatic wildlife. Purify drinking water. Heal any wounds she gets. Earthbend shelter. Cool herself or warm herself with airbending.

I don't know why Lin didn't have money though. Did it all go to Suyin?

Literally within seconds

Already know the first three elements? Alright
Mastered them? Great
Can't learn Air literally the easiest one? Perfect

>Can't learn Air literally the easiest one? Perfect

Fire for passion
Water for whatever man, go with the flow
Earth for being stubborn
Air for letting go of all you know and returning to zero.

I don't know, seems difficult when you are told from 3 years old that you are kung fu Jesus and they have the DNA test to prove it. Plus you really like the idea of being kung fu Jesus.

Nothing felt wrong. It felt different from TLA from the beginning and I expected it to not be as good of a story, because nothing could.

I was fine with the show and ignored all the Sup Forums circlejerk threads like this one. It wasn't great but it wasn't as bad as you all make it. Get over it for fucks sake. Just watch the original again.

The first episode was fine. Like the others said, it was the love triangle and the "got my powers back" asspull at the end that mainly killed it for me.

I never did watch seasons 2-4 after that.

You have a point but what about when shes older, she should learn that shit instantly

It wasmidway through the first season. Holy shit did it have a lot of filler with the competition. I wanted to give it up but Amon being so bad ass kept me watching

Only in the season 1 finale it became apparent that nothing really amounts for anything. Before that, there was still hope.

To be truly honest, nothing felt "right" about Korra, even from the very first episode. I looked past that though because the first few episodes were promising and I knew they were trying something different, so I went along with it.

But then after several episodes it became abundantly clear things were wrong. The show was clearly trying to do too many things and not really succeeding at any of them. There were too many jumbled sub-plots, none of the characters were really that good, with Korra herself being awful, the love triangle was unbearably forced, the equalist stuff was not given anywhere near enough time as it needed. And then there was the botched ending, which was just icing on the shit cake.

>Korra runs away
>gets lost in a big city, where no once knows her
>nearly starves to death
>Aan runs away
>Would have been killed otherwise, learns Energy bending
Is that an air thing that running aways always results into being in a better position?

Once it became clear that the story was about her tooling around Republic City for no real reason, it seemed like it was only going to get worse.

About three minutes in when korra fist appeared.

Probending, specifically the small scale and bland choreography.

Why didn't we get a whole season about whatshisface
aang's son

Even before. Brown Athletic Female MC = Warning Bells!

triple minority status correlates heavily with shitty characterization. they don't want to offend anyone.

Never, the show was solid Watching through and through even though it triggered the patriarchy

Everybody liked first few episodes.

Ten "I empty my nine on the Equalist line Can't flim flam the zim-zan" Zen

Learning Amon's lame-ass backstory at the end of season one was probably the first point that something felt "off" about the series, but it was only with the introduction of the giant mecha in season 4 that the show became truly irredeemable. I kept hoping it could pull something out of it's hat up 'till then.

yeah that dude
he was cool

Not really. You could feel there was something really wrong.

>the talkback threads were full of rave reviews for the first few episodes
>Sup Forums only started turning against it around Spirit of Competition
>fast forward to today
>"I knew it was going to be bad at the end of the first episode!"
>"Well, *I* knew it was going to be bad when Korra got to Republic City!
>"Oh yeah, I knew it was going to be bad as soon as Korra appeared!"
>"Pffft, I knew it was going to be bad as soon as I knew Korra would be a...ugh...a GURL!"

How soon until someone says they knew this show would be bad as soon as an Avatar sequel was announced?

Nah, Sup Forums was pretty hyped up. Everybody liked that finally benderless people were addressed, everybody liked mystery behind Amon, everybody loved fucking Lin... until it got to 3-4 episodes later, mystery started unraveling, love triangle, pro-bending and you get the idea.

>Nah, Sup Forums was pretty hyped up.
I guess
I watched it a month ago and I couldn't get past episode 5/6

Your sense of "something wrong" is greatly influenced by Sup Forums memes. Because when Korra got bad, it wasn't subtle change, it was an immediate punch to the face.

Bryke can build up setting really well, they just can't tell a story for shit. Amon, Republic City, it all could've been good. But first episodes were doing exactly that, they were setting up Korra's world.

>Your sense of "something wrong" is greatly influenced by Sup Forums memes.
I honestly never read or watched anything about korra before
I just watched korra do and I was like "shit, this is not gonna be good."
And I wasn't disappointed.

Someone tell me if they agree. My. Number one issue with Korra is that the cool, unique thing that only Ty Lee and Kyoshi Warriors could do, becomes a generalized thing that everyone can do.

Made me very mad.

I didn't becuase I don't hate women.

Bryke please leave

sasuga Sup Forumsmblr

Well I watched it for a few minutes and then I realized--


Hating Korra and hating women is not related.

That one scene Korra somehow knew that hobo could use telegraph in season one.

The first episode was amazing though.

It was episode 4 when things started to go wrong


It all went to shit the moment it was revealed to be a female protagonist. Only to be further ruined as a teenage female protagonist. They pretty much asked for it to fail.

Honestly, within the first few episodes. Korra and Mako were a horrible couple that they tried to force. Probending was boring as hell elemental dodgeball. Battles seemed less stylish and extravagant and Korra did mostly elemental punches and kicks with no discernible martial art style. We were introduced to an enormous city that looked truly alive and fully realized only to never explore it very much in depth.

It really just gets more and more disappointing the more you watch. Even right up to the end with Kuvira, i still cant believe they considered that a good resolution. This bitch fucking builds a skyscraper sized bipedal mech with a laser beam canon that can decimate cities and she even fires it on the man she loved out of her unrelenting determine and devotion to her cause only to throw it all away with a few minutes of hamfisted sympathetic garbage.


Eh, it seems like it would have made more sense to suck with Fire. Just because opposites and all.

Although I get why they went with Air.

red flags :
-joining a sport team for filler episodes
-romantic interest with guy she just met
final flag :
-the way amon is "defeated"

the whole concept of a girl who is the complete opposite of aang was great, amon was terrifying, his henchman were amazing

love interests and half-assed villains ruined everything

The first season was mostly fine. What was wrong with the first season was Amon ending up being a bender. It made his entire character and especially shit like walking through the bloodbending WAY less interesting. Korra getting her bending back at no cost was also bad.

Only at the end of the first season did Korra go downhill.

The use of "You gotta deal with it" was when I knew it wouldn't be as good as the last airbender, the "We're not together together." in episode two was when I knew I'd hate it,

Isn't this the show with the love triangle so awful, it turns the two girls into it gay?

In hindsight, this sloppy "female power" insertion should be a warning sign. Such awkward display of beating your own chest about your progressiveness (especially after, let me remind you, the only reactions to the next Avatar being a grill were either "cool" or fapping to a delicious brown girl) oftentimes betrays a lack of storytelling abilities.

>joining a sport team for filler episodes
Korra was a very physical character who was good at fighting and had major respect for martial arts. It makes sense that this would be something that appealed to her.

Also, its been a long ass time since ive seen Korra but when was there ever a pro-bending filler episode? And even if there was, both Aang's and Korra's series had a pretty good track record of most of the episodes being relevant to the story. What's the problem with some lighthearted stories that really matter. Tales of Ba Sing Se is fucking GOAT.

>romantic interest with guy she just met
Again, I feel like this makes sense with her being a character who is very physical and likes and respects martial arts as much as she does. To me, it felt very organic for them to bond and connect over something like that.

I also cant think of any instances where the romance slowed things down much. It never really got in the way of anything even if you didnt like it.

I expected brown muscle Wizard Lina Inverse.

I got female Terra from BBS

The first season started out pretty alright. It could've been the foundation for a good show, and it seemed like they knew what they were doing. I was so high on hype that I held out hope throughout the first season even as all the warning signs became apparent. The airbending ass pull was bad, but making Amon just a butthurt bloodbender was even worse.

It really didn't sit right with me during the long wait for season 2. I still watched the premiere, but after Korra became a stooge for yet another obvious villain and was praised to high heaven for doing fucking nothing and had a stupid bitch fight with Mako over some bullshit, I gave up. A friend of mine stuck with it for the rest of season 2 so I got to hear him relay each stupid fucking decision and moment step by step ("the dark avatar" fucking really).

I loved the travel aspect of the original show, how the writing and pacing kept you interested and delighted, even the filler episodes were well done. That one episode where each character gets their own little vignette of a story in the Earth city was one of my favorites. The Korra Show just didn't have any of that charm to me. It took place in a static, boring city that in which forgettable encounters occurred. Tournaments. Forced love triangles. Unlikeable characters. Uninteresting writing, etc.

I watched the entire first saison and fucking boiled with all the wasted potential.
Then i never bothered with it again.

''Deal with it''

I hated her from that point forward.

For me, the show lost my interest around the love triangle episode. Not because of the love triangle itself; that was its own class of bullshit.
What made the show lose my interest mostly was the lack of a clear connective tissue between Korra's airbending lessons and her performance on the pro-bending field. The second episode seemed to imply that the formula for episodes would be that Korra learns something new through her airbending lessons with Tenzin that would become helpful in her pro-bending matches that would help the team work its way to the top. Go ahead and include the love quadrangle or whatever as a B-plot, but the primary focus should have been that, at least until it came time to bring Amon to the forefront.

Instead, what we got was one episode with a good premise, and ten episodes that amounted to a whole lotta nothing.
I suppose what "The Legend of Korra" needed most of all was a second writing team.

Sometimes, I only feel like the only person in the world who enjoyed the concept of pro-bending.

Have you not seen any criticisms of book 4?

>Just watch the original again.
I did, but what if i want a good Korra series? I can't watch atla again since she's not in it. Can't get based Zaheer from atla either.

I think those who didn't see Legend of Korra while it was airing missed out on perhaps the greatest trainwreck in Western Animation

The writing was terrible, the production was FUCKED(The episodes leaked online ALL THE TIME), and Mike and Bryan went full fucking narcisstic tier, LITERALLY comparing their show to Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones

It was fooking bonkers

This, though Book 2 was an incredible lowpoint, but atleast you could rationalise why it was shit since they might have been rushed by Nick. But after Book 4 that excuse doesn't work anymore, because even when they have time and get things as they want them it turns out shit.

>What's the problem with some lighthearted stories that really matter.
No problems with that, but Probending didn't matter to the story. It was dropped after Amon crashed the tournament and never really mentioned again. It's one of those things that LoK did really poorly, they introduce a thing that could have potential and then never does anything with it. It's the same with the Civil War and Nega-Korra in book 4.

>LITERALLY comparing their show to Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones

Sup Forums was making things saying GoT was a kids' show and LoK was more.
Bryke only said the format of LoK was similar to GoT because of the small seasons. But no one told Bryke that GoT is one hour long instead of 23 minutes plus commercials like LoK so 12 episodes of LoK doesn't compare to 12 episodes of GoT.

Concept was ok and the concept art was pretty great, but it just wasn't put very well into the show.


>Bryke only said the format of LoK was similar to GoT because of the small seasons. But no one told Bryke that GoT is one hour long instead of 23 minutes plus commercials like LoK so 12 episodes of LoK doesn't compare to 12 episodes of GoT.

No, fuck you you LIAR!

>How far into the first episode did you get before realising something felt wrong?

when they started pro-bending

Yeah, I agree that's the main problem with pro-bending: Despite all the effort put into building up the game, including a full set of rules and limitations, they did next to nothing with the concept.

I suppose this plays into my gripe about the show, that Korra's airbending training didn't factor into pro-bending performance. Hell, pro-bending itself didn't really factor much into the show other than the arena being a climactic set-piece for a fight. Come to think of it, the show didn't really have that many elements being interconnected outside of tangential strings. It all existed in one universe, sure, but nothing really affected each other.

Page two of the pro-bending rules.
If I recall correctly, the rules were made for the animators so that they wouldn't fuck up, correct?

You can pretty see how bad she was going to fuck up in the long run

Page three.

Y'know, for a while I was wondering if it would be possible to make a board game out of pro-bending. With all the rules and zoning given, I still think it might be possible if we can just figure out how players actually fight.

roll d20 to hit
one target: 15+
two targets: 18+
all three: 20

Before the opening song/narration of the first episode of ATLA.

You wouldn't happen to have the Probending stats from the show right? The ones where you can see how many knockouts and such Bolin, Korra and Mako had.

This, Korra started off knowing 3 of the 4 elements already.

We see every earth bender and can now metal bend

Then we're shown every janitor in republic city can lightening bend, this was too much

The concept could easily have carried its own short series or maybe a movie. Sports drama is a genre that works, and pro-bending is a visually interesting sport in a well fleshed-out fantastical world-- it could have been pretty good if allowed to be its own thing, rather than being tied to Korra like a ball and chain.

Shiro Shinobi was also fantastic, and could have had a much larger role in something actually about pro-bending, instead of just something including it.

long after the show ended.

Sup Forums really opened my eyes to it.

honestly, when the little korra appeared. This kind of personality just doesn't work for the protagonist. Especially daring since despite all the character development, she always reverted back in the beginning of each new season

Actually a story about Korra coming to RC to learn airbending and having nothing to do so she joins a probending team to have something to do might've worked. I just don't think you could also have some big threat the avatar needs to deal with alongside the sports plot.

You could even tie in some of so while Korra is learning airbending she gets to implement those teachings into probending getting some practical experience with the concepts through probending.

There is actually a little of that; she manages to dodge a projectile by using one of the bagua circles Tenzin taught her-- it might even be in the first episode, but I don't remember exactly. Of course, that's the only time it comes up, ever.

Nvm found it myself.

Yeah it in the first one where she "becomes the leaf" which was nice they just seemed to drop that approach afterwards. What i meant, and i think user meant, was to continue to do that throughout the season.

When I realized there was going to be no "roadtrip" aspect to the story like in the last season was what first set off some red flags in my head.

That would have worked if the timeline hadn't been so compressed. Going through season one, I expected it to end with Amon taking over Republic City, forcing the gang to flee, and then subsequent seasons would be them going around to the four nations to build support for taking him down, while he works to extend his reach beyond the city, eventually having the gang going back to the RC for the series finale to finally confront Amon directly instead of running away from him again. And then things just kept accelerating and by the time the season was over Amon was dead.

It almost seems like a logical formula: Korra learns something from her airbending training that she can't fully grasp until she uses it elsewhere. It doesn't even have to be in the pro-bending arena; she could use her training in an outside fight. Ultimately, it would be a dual progression between her skills as an airbender and the Fire Ferrets' ranking in pro-bending.

Like I said earlier, you can even keep the romantic subplot as an ongoing element as long as it's in the background and doesn't take over an entire episode like it did.

It could have been possible in a twelve-episode series, but it would have required trimming out as much filler as possible.

Because we never saw anyone learn Airbending since Aang was already a master.

Not like we actually got to see anyone learn Airbending in Korra, though.

I'm not gonna. I was super psyched before the show premiered, pretty happy with the first... 3 episodes or so.

Then everything started to fall apart fast.

Never even finished S2.

When there was Probending filler in a 12 episode season.

I didn't feel anything bad, until i came here and everyone told me i should hate it.

>mako was by far the worst player on the team
thats hilarious to me given how much of a mary sue he was season 1