Bet that Frenchie feels bad now...
Bet that Frenchie feels bad now
*fans self*
Yeah I'm sure she feels bad about his tits that are level with his bellybutton and those tiny wrists
Brad and Leo are still hotter and don't have girl wrists and gross scar tissue. She would still send him out for them.
>insulting wrists
really grasping at the straws aren't you
Be careful who you make fun of on television
hes just been on /fit/ for too long is all.
What the fuck? Is Sup Forums full of wrist fetishists or something? Who cares about wrists?
inb4 some retard brings up rollercoaster weight gain and loss when he has only lost weight one time before
Small wrists limit your arm muscle sizes
wrist r8 thread?
Doesn't matter when you can put on Gauntlets of Strength.
Ugly ass shoes desu, nigga look like he's up for bingo night at the retirement home
Doesn't matter how the shoes look when they're shoved ten feet up your ass.
This guy has more weight fluctuations than Christian Bale, except Christian Bale does it for acting roles, I don't know why this guy does it
He looks worse skinny. Now he just looks like your average low t, inbred jew.
I had a friend who would fluctuate weight like this guy does, would drink a couple of two liters of soda a day for a year, one day look in the mirror and realize he put on 60lbs. So he'd switch to diet for a year and lose it all.
He flip floppped for like 10 years before he died of diabetes complications at age 32. Pretty sad.
You don't seem very sad about it for someone whose friend fucking died.
>post yfw the press finds out that's not even Jonah Hill and they just took a photo of some random dude
Nah I tried intervening a couple of times but he told me to stop bothering him, couldn't do much for the man
yeah because the fruitcake doesn't lift weights and build any muscle
Too bony 3/10
Yep, that's a wrist
>hey man can you not kill yourself?
Fuck off, DSP
I think that has more to do with the soda and all the sugar that comes with it. My weight has gone up and down many times in my life but I've never even been pre-diabetic because I almost never eat sugar.
he is still not that fuckable for that frenchie sooooo... i am glad he looks good tho.
>implying her plan wasn't to insult him so he would improve himself
He's been thin before, but this is the first time I've ever seem him looking good, good for him
Can't wait for the reaction when he gets cast in a role that calls for a handsome guy.
this, she was motivation
>t. high test goy
his facial features are a huge improvement just look at him before
>implying her plan wasn't to insult him so he would improve himself
he was already starting to lose weight by that time
nigga look how fucking fat he was
Guess you'll be waiting forever then
No, I literally can't wait because it already happened. It is impossible for me to wait.
Jonah, go to sleep.
When has he been cast as a handsome guy?
Wrong and small wrists are actually preferred by bodybuilders because they make every other arm muscle look bigger in comparison
Heh heh...
Serb here. Why he does not just hire someone to kill the woman?
I even read this post with an accent, good job.
Not wrong. More robust bone structure means greater potential muscle mass. You're right about bodybuilding, but that's only because they're concerned with mass and proportion (or at least used to be) for ultimate aesthetics.
who here /wristlet/
Jonah is honestly an impressive guy.
>chicken neck at age 30
I am tall with broad shoulders but tiny wrists
That's a good weight for him.
Aiden Gillen: That's a good weight.
Tom Hardy: For him.
>narrow shoulders
>skinny wrists
>skinny dick
Is suicide my only option?
He still looks like a kike. Like David Ayer, but with hair.
David Hayer
your option is to stop caring about women
But I can't, user. My brain won't let me.
You can care about them but don't expect them to care about you.
Just make a lot of money so you can afford a regular prostitute who will pretend to love you.
It won't help. Once a woman laughs at you it stays with you forever
He's just messing with you. If your that insecure over you DYEL-ness, start lifting. Especially for your shoulders.
Your wrist sucks
there is nothing worse than a fat smelly jew with greasy hair
why do we let these "people" live?
Well it made him perfect casting for Wolf of Wall Street, especially when he pulled his dick out and started jacking off.
how did the same guy who made taxi driver make the degenerate film wolf of wallstreet?
how fucking dyel are you?
Looks like the doctor in Saving private ryan
Wolf of Wall Street was no more degenerate than Goodfellas.
>especially when he pulled his dick out and started jacking off
I don't remember this part.
Maybe you put it out of your mind, because you could actually see his penis and everything.
I want to go home, I want to go home
Was it when Leo was humping his wife for like 4 minutes?
I didn't watch that part.
No, it was in the middle of a party. Just saw a hot girl and started whacking it in public.
Shit, good on him. I bet he feels pretty swell
>I bet he feels pretty swell
No, he lost weight.
Taxi Driver is a film about degeneracy.
Why would she feel bad?
Why wouldn't she?
looks like he lost the weight properly this time
The protagonists are completely opposites, the tones are different to the point where wolf of wallstreet almost idealizes drugs and sex until the last 10 minutes. Taxi Driver is opposing degeneracy where wolf of wallstreet holds its hand.
And Goodfellas?
Goodfellas glorifies crime but I don't think it has near the degeneracy levels as wolf of wallstreet but I'm not qualified to do a side by side comparison at this time.
"Degeneracy" sounds like something from a Nazi pamphlet
>see Entarten Kunst
Sup Forums is that way stormfag
You mean grasping at his wrists
>being this triggered by a word
This isn't a safe space. On Sup Forums you express any kind of opinion.
People who cry about "B-but that's degenerate, get it out of here!". Are the ones who seem to want a safe space.
How? Drawing attention to something is hardly the same as a safe space, nor is complaining about it. Honestly safe space is misused so commonly, as well as "triggered" that people seem to forget their original meaning. Safe space is the concept that people shouldn't have to be EXPOSED to something, let alone address and discuss it. No one here is not expecting to at least confront degeneracy. But to think that one can't simultaneously both address and reject an idea, like you seem to be implying here, is just spurious.