The Only Chart You'll Ever Need

This destroys the liberal talking point.
Every time.
Manufacturing declined significantly since 2000? Use this chart.
Illegal immigrants doing the jobs we don't want? Use this chart.
GDP higher than ever! Use this chart.

But wait!
>Manufacturing output is increasing in USA, and yet jobs are still in decline - this means all the job losses are due to productivity increases!
Not so fast. Manufacturing output per capita is totally stagnant and the % of GDP derived from manufacturing is falling fast. What does this mean? Labor intensive industries have been outsourced while capital intensive industries are the only ones that remain.

Other urls found in this thread:

the boomers are wealthier than any other demographic
their capital gains income alone exceeds the MEDIAN household income in the OP, so explain how it's the boomers bringing the MEDIAN household income down? It doesn't since the majority of boomers will be retiring after 2014. Meanwhile, the last peak occurred in 2007 and the crisis was over by 2010.

Because it isn't the boomers bringing the MEDIAN down, it's the millenials and spics.
When all the work for the biggest section of income earners is shitwork, the median income falls.

We need to do something about this.

crucial chart

This kills the leaf




Hillary brings more of But at least you get to have a richer 1%
At least the stock market does better since the company earns more profits now that it hired Hardeep on an H1B to do your job for half your salary.

>this destroys the liberal talking points

>clinton years amazing growth
>bush years fucked it all up

>damn liberals

fuck off



>This kills the leaf

It's a sad commentary on the state of this board when the syrup shill gets threads dedicated to xim (not that xe didn't come running to shitpost, of course).

shit wrong reply

we were fighting a currency war with China fucknut, we had to devalue in order to keep what remained of our industries and employment for millions of americans across the heartland

meanwhile Obama doesn't give a single fuck, he just wants Malia to be able to spend it up on her Euro trip and get fat speaking fees from his crony buddy buddy relationships funneling into huge overvaluations of any kind of asset imaginable. Its a fuckin shitshow and Yellen is going to take the heat, not Obama next time we see you on Sup Forums isn't she you flaming faggot?

I thought you said the economy lagged policy you stupid fuck
ya played yaself like a chump.
only a shit tier shill argues against themselves

I came here to declare victory. These right wing retards blew themselves out.

meanwhile Obama doesn't give a single fuck

Obama gave me a strong currency which means everything is cheaper.. wtfI hate obama now.

Clinton was fiscally conservative desu. Modern Liberals generally either think debt is a good thing or completely ignore it

>everything is cheaper
>except US products and services
Wow, I thought you said you liked Trade?
Exports are the currency you use to buy imports, otherwise there's a deficit.

Holy fuck, its amateur hour. How the fuck are you such a famous shill when I can demolish you in every post?

Clinton massively raised taxes on the rich.

holy shit you're literally complaining about having a strong dollar right now. A strong USD is the best thing for America. STFU with your muh manufacturing meme. The economy is 75% service. Get over it.

Then in the next thread you'll make fun of dude weed lmao currency.

Who convinced you right wing retards that all service jobs are mad and only manufacturing jobs pay well? Seriously? What lord of tards told you this.

It does, your graph shows it.
The question is not whether the economy does or does not do better under the democrats you stupid fuck. It has to do with the policies put in place that led to that occurrence. DUUUUHHHHHHH


this is the correct answer.

>Let's BTFO the OBama Leaf by praising Bill Clinton

holy shit what a day

So does it matter that our dollar is strong when 70% of the economy is based on internal consumption and only 16% is derived from imports NO!!!!
It hurts because it leads to job losses. It doesn't matter how cheap imports become - UNTIL YOU LOSE YOUR JOB AND HAVE TO SHOP AT THE DOLLAR STORE!

Leaf, we have large % of our population that is pretty much fit only for manual labor. Is it not the same in leafistan?

>It hurts because it leads to job losses

you better stfu before i destroy you some more

Harper fucked Leafistan pretty good desu. I want to move to America to take advantage of the thriving OBama economy. No joke. I wanna move to America.

help me?

Incorrect. Clinton is the best friend of the super-rich, the elite, the one per cent, and in setvice to that friendship they attacked the rich but not super rich.

inb4 "le bush was le globalist jew leftist democrat" meme

You mean like this?

I'm not going to argue the decline during Bush or the rise during Obama, but Clinton got lucky with the consumer tech revolution of the 90s that heavily boosted the US economy.

Oh I know, let's try trickle down!

Those jobs being created are either shit tier, or not available to people without college degrees. There, I blew out your stupid 60% above average wage spike 2014 graph so you don't even need to post it.


Bush had even better tech in the 2000s he still mangled the economy bro.

Technological innovation is nothing new. I'm really tired of the muh dot com meme.

How about trickle up for a change? Trickle down doesn't seem to work so good.

>or not available to people without college degrees.

I have never denied that right wing retards are having problems because they're so uneducated.


is there an after-taxes median household take-home-pay chart?

1 more for the final body blow

>those jobs are either shitty or require a degree
>jobs are either shitty or require a degree

>I'm really tired of the muh dot com meme.
>I can't disprove it therefore it's a meme

I'm supposed to disprove that Bush had better technology than Clinton?

so everyone in the country should get a degree?
then we'll all be fine?
how much does it cost for a degree?
how about you get real.
it seems like you've never left your suburb

Wow, people are voting in their best interests. And gee, why doesn't everyone just get a college degree?

Is this the famous liberal idealism I've heard so much about? When you going to join us back down here on earth?

>right wing retards are strongly are against raising the minimum wage
>right wing retards complain the minimum wage doesn't pay enough

You can't make this shit up.

I don't know if you're a democrat/liberal or a conservative, but let me just tell you this

>labour force participation rate at 40 year low
>part time retail employment inflting job numbers
>global financial crisis on our doorstep after eight years of kicking the can down the road

Your shilling is weak, leaf. Read a book nigger.

Middle class liberals with college degrees are so fucking snobby.

Liberals: We bank jews, lab rats and nude artists now, that's where the real shekels are. Let juan, chang and ahmed do the minimal $ manufacturing stuff in their countries
Your move Sup Forums

so did you just concede that median income has fallen in part due to wages falling and unemployment rising for those w/o college degrees? because that is kinda our point. seems like youre back pedaling now. you think everyone should have a college degree? pay to play ponzi scheme?

Do you not know what the dotcom bubble was?

This is just becoming routine at this point...

>>part time retail employment inflting job numbers

Obama job creation is 95% full time.

>>labour force participation rate at 40 year low


Unemployment is falling for those without college degrees but yeah right wing retards shouldn't expect not to finish high school and then land a great job like it's the 1960s.

Nothing compared to 9/11.

what year is it? can you remind me?

In an ideal world, if you'll permit me to be an idealist like you for a second, there would be no minimum wage. There would be no borders and everyone could just work where they want on their own terms lah-dee-dah all is so free and nice.

But thats not reality.
In reality, we have a border. And every day spics cross that border and live 10 to a room so they can make $3.50 an hour under the table to send back to their family in Mexico. Now you know why 'they do the jobs we don't want' includes framing, masonry, electrical, plumbing, tile work, carpeting - and the holy grail of teenagers back in the 1990s - landscaping. So some jobs are created to cater to spics. More hospital staff and educators for their numerous kids, obviously. But the money spics are making for their economy is a fraction of what a local would generate. The minimum wage needs to be revised upwards since everyone has a minimum wage job now. Businesses pass the increased cost on in the consumer and everything is back to normal. At the same time, we need to shut the fucking border and eject any criminal scum and give the rest social security numbers so they can get on the fucking tax roll.

Argue against that.

look at the chart and tell me you're a right wing retard for saying

>and unemployment rising for those w/o college degrees

What they don't tell you is 70-100% of all jobs created since 2000 have gone to immigrants and illegals. Not joking even liberals say it's around 70%

So what?
The reality of the US economy right now is that highly skilled labor is most in demand and it requires highly skilled people to do it.

The years of abundant high-paying low-skill labor are over and it has nothing to do with Reagan or Obama or whoever.

Coal miners get replaced by scientists and factory workers get replaced by machines. It was always going to be this way.

Rich assholes bringing in cheap foreign labor instead of hiring Americans is a problem. You won't get any argument from me there.

Shut up

because 100% of baby boomers who are retiring en masse right now are native born. The next demographic cohort is not as large hence why it was called a baby boom.

next question

ITT: the legislative branch has nothing to do with the economy

I give you right wing retards precise charts of who is not in the labor force and why but you stilll don't educate your tiny little brains.

Republicans promised me Obamacare would be a job killer

full time is 30 hours.
plenty of shit tier retail jobs are between 30 and 40 hours.
'part-time' is a bit of hyperbole on his part, he meant 'part-pay'

Care to tell us how the definition of full time was dropped from 40 hours to 30 hours, and when that occurred???

Debunked leaftard. You can't blame transient structural changes on retirement forever.

Full time is 35 hours or more and has been for decades.

>Care to tell us how the definition of full time was dropped from 40 hours to 30 hours, and when that occurred???

See pic related and admit you're a right wing retard.


>Red = full control of congress by Republicans
>Blue = full control of congress by Democrats

makes you think doesn't it?

>Debunked leaftard.

LOL WTF? Any facts that conflict with your right wing retard worldview are "fake". LOL you morons are too much. Then you wonder why you're unemployed.

>implying democrat presidents signed in republican laws and vice versa

Democrats taking control of Congress in 2005.

Yeah you're just a liar.

Those years are way off and you've proven yourself to be a right wing retard.

They took control in 2006 you moron

Here's some facts leaf:

You mean the very same Bill Clinton that cut welfare? Hmm, looks like if you stop paying for people to do nothing they'll actually go out and get jobs.

They don't take office until 2007. Fuck you right wing retards really know nothing about your own country. You should be fucking embarrassed.

Agree with your counter-argument. I think the split forces compromise so there is some back and forth going on there with policy

Not an argument.

Triggered leaf is triggered.

>Coal miners get replaced by scientists and factory workers get replaced by machines. It was always going to be this way.
That's not what is occurring. Jobs are being OUTSOURCED. That means that the labor is still being performed, it's just going to be performed elsewhere. We have to end outsourcing and bring back well paying industries. Carrier air conditioners and Ford trucks, and thousands of other factories that have been sent across the southern border and to Asia, only to produce the same products that are sold back to us at the same price. This doesn't save the consumer money, it increases profits for the owner/investor class and balloons the stock market at the expense of entire communities.

What do you do with all the people who do not have an aptitude for science? That's probably 50% of the population, put them all in gender studies class? Can we please get real? Is the government supposed to just take care of 50% of the country who will inevitably be poverty stricken? The next 19% won't be doing much better than them if we keep going at this rate.

A company needs a damn good reason to outsource. Increasing profitability IS NOT ONE OF THEM.

well there you go then
lets make laws that put everyone on an even playing field then we can point fingers about who is abusing the law all day long.

If a party wins the Congressional elections in 2006, when do they take office?

Lol so mad and so wrong.

If we take 2007 as the starting point, it makes them look even worse in that graph.

wow you're doubling down on being right wing retards. this is just sad now.

Doesn't change the fact that you right wing retards don't even know how your country works.

And when I ask you which supposed Dem policies Bush signed in 2007 to cause the Great Republican Recession that was caused by 6 straight years of GOP rule, you'll draw blanks.

so whats your point though?
That increasing retirement is causing the decline in MEDIAN household income? Even if their average income is significantly higher than the MEDIAN as an age group?

And once again resorting to ad-hominem without mentioning any actual defense outside of
>muh those lines that you created on MS Paint do not exactly line up with the years they took power but still gives the exact same overall theme. I'm also going to ignore the 94 Republican Revolution where economy skyrocketed.

We were talking about the CLFPR.

Wages are rising. Get over it.

If a party wins the 2006 Congressional elections, when do they take office?

That was Allan Greenspan keeping interest rates low after the 2001-2002 recession.

It really has to do with the Fed. But, yeah, Obama was really a miracle maker with that Obamacare bill right? Really set the economy on the right path with that one. Insurance companies are richer than ever! Wish I had invested like Hillary inevitably did!

It puts them taking office in the middle of that decline period. How is that worse?

>"Average hourly earnings rose 2.5 percent year-over-year, a rate of growth in line with their six-month moving average"
Are you fucking with me? How many times do I have to capitalize MEDIAN?

Fiscal policies don't exogenous shocks, on a structural level, within the context of rhythmic cyclical fluctuations that mainly occur every 8.2 years.

Seriously, read a book nigger. Thinking The president is master of the economy. Lmfao

This Vjd leaf is a master shitposter. Or a shill. I can't tell which.

Republicans predict failure under Democratic presidents. Then when Democratic policies succeed, Republicans try to take credit for it. That's your entire argument and it's pathetic.

FLASHBACK: In 1993, GOP Warned That Clinton’s Tax Plan Would ‘Kill Jobs,’ ‘Kill The Current Recovery’

jesus christ did you learn nothing from the last thread.

Changes in median income reflect several trends: the aging of the population, changing patterns in work and schooling, and the evolving makeup of the American family, as well as long- and short-term trends in the economy itself. For instance, the retirement of the Baby Boom generation should push down overall median income, as more persons enter lower-income retirement.

@ ID: VjdqsPge

Why do you come to Sup Forums despite such strong resistance to the obvious facts?

How did you become so smart?

>lord of leafs