Is BLADE the highest point in Marvel cinema history
Blade 2 is
anyone got the 100% true copypasta?
nah it's Iron Man.
or Winter Soldier.
BBClade is
>Blade 2 is
by far the worst of the trilogy. Del taco has zero talent you baiting fuck.
True story: a classmate of mine in grade school, when these movies were new, kept on calling himself Deacon Frost "from Blade", except I don't think he heard it right because he shortened it to "Dick Frost"
Blade was basically a modern day blaxploitation and it owned
Why did the jews take down Wesley Snipes?
Nigga didn't pay his taxes, aka didn't pay his accountant
Blade is a no bullshit GREAT movie. So good it can't even be called cape. It transcended the comic book genre.
Kikes gonna kike.
Why wouldn't he open his eyes?
Marvel has yet to release a movie that tops Blade 2 or X2. Or First Class. Or Days of Future Past.
That was Blade Trinity, and he was pissed because Goyer was sabotaging the franchise.
He was right, goyer was clearly trying to make that whole team of people the stars and diminish blades role in the franchise
2 was great except for the shitty CG. Trinity was fucking awful. Goyer is a terrible director.
How many kids actually knew where he got the name from?
>he just didn't
I remember when I first watched it and thought his eyes looked pretty weird. But the commentary on that movie is hilarious.
>that one cool friend in grade school who got to see R rated movies with his parents
Close, but not the best
>tfw Marvel has fallen to making kiddy-shit films now
>we will never get another hard R blade or Punisher film
I'm pretty sure only christcucks shelter their kids that much...
When I said grade school, I meant elementary, from 1-5.
It's the darkest point
>some motherfuckers are always trying to ice-skate uphill
what did he mean by this?
nah even then it doesn't make sense. I think you're the exception not the rule. Most of the other kids in my classes would watch the "cool" R rated movies, specially if it was something hero/comic book related like blade. Something like nudity was a much bigger deal than seeing someone get their head sliced off.
Well, you only ice-skate on flat planes of water. Ice-skating up a slope would be much harder due to the lack of friction you old onto the ice, so you'll constantly be sliding back down it as you try and gain more momentum to push with the other foot.
>even then it doesn't make sense
>you would let your 7 year old see Blade with you in the theater
Parenting is parenting, but I wouldn't exactly hold that exclusively to "Christ fanatic" parents.
doesn't Wesley actually have a black belt or something?
My parents let me and yea i'd probably let my kid too if I had one. What do you think watching blade would do to a kid that's harmful?
anyway I wasn't really trying to make a moral argument, just saying what all the other kids in my class did.
yes hes a karate master.
Yes, 3th dan in not paying his taxes
>Del taco had zero talent
Now that's bait
Not much. I saw Predator when I was 8. Not that many kids saw R rated movies that I knew.
try again
bloody awesome