Have you punched a liberal yet today?
Have you punched a liberal yet today?
unmitigated violence is a sign of sexual inadequacy
That's where you're wrong
>tfw knocking liberals out left and right in
>mfw not even right wing
>punching a liberal
>not proving them wrong and thus slowly driving them closer to the right
>implying we would ever want those retards on our side
>tfw linked the wrong thread
>what is zerg rush
>stupidest board on Sup Forums
>an extension of Sup Forums
Not a surprise
>TFW new friends will always claim /fit/, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums aren't pol
why, do you want to get shot too?
>yfw that was just buzzword bait to get you to admit that you're a repressed Sup Forums deviant
um, sweetie...
Friendly reminder that OP is a literal shill from Sup Forums who is trying to destroy Sup Forums culture so he and his friends from r/the_donald can ruin this board even further with endless political discussions and off-topic threads.
>tfw Sup Forumsddit has to claim every large board to give some kind of legitimacy to their autistic belief system
something you got to tell us buddy?
someone spent their free time making this image
How about the fact that you don't belong here, Sup Forums, and that you need to go back?
>alt right exists for years festering, constantly threatening to "fight for far right values"
>they do nothing
>alt left rises in response three months ago
>already an assassination attempt
The right is useless and neutered. The left is truly based
>that bottom image
You just fucking know it was made by someone that doesn't main and only post on Sup Forums
t. reddit
Based magapede
What did r/the_donald mean by this?
t. reddit
back to your /leftypol/ discord
are you going to start posting nigger dicks now?
>this image
I had a good laff. Thanks user.