It's time.
Time for kino.
It's time.
Time for kino.
Nice opening.are we wrapping things Up? Oh Vargas! I usually have to walk out of the room.
He's a lot more nervous than he penalty is, understandably. This should be interesting
it's on tonight? i didn't think it was on since there was no hype thread.
Genes the new chief right? He's such a douche. I hate his character
*pokes you*
why is this thread dead as fuck?
theyre gonna kiss and hold hands
shit she's about to die now, they will confuse her for Coon
The scissoring is coming, lads.
Power of the hug!
This is how crack began
lesbian love has cured her
man this kid has got such degenerate parents
This is retarded
oh shit, MEW turned over evidence to the IRS
he's gonna get Al Caponed
Look at this cucked faggot.
Ok there's only one episode left for shit to get real
I love big black cocks
That is all
he's a real life Figgis
are those the real books?
And MEW knows his name how exactly?
That was Emmit. He sent the real books.
I think Emmett sent the papers, not Mew.
isnt it magical
we are like watching kinos when we watch this show
why would he, he's a broken man now, Varga has completely defeated him
MEW however raided his truck and has all kinds of financial info, plus she promised to punish him by handing a book or two to the authorities
he can't, he's under house arrest with Varga
You think they let Emmit out of their sight after the little stunt he just pulled?
>some super untouchable billionaire criminal
>IRS guy is going to take him down
This show is jumping the shark more and more each eppy
Reminder that Emmit is the fall guy. Vatga's getting away scot-free, unless Swango/Wrench get him
How did Nikki knew about this guy? This is shit, hope it's last season.
Nigga shut the fuck up about "jumping the shark" if anything it feels weird because its realistic in an otherwise absurd setting
I can't believe Meeno got arrested
The IRS got Al Capone.
Why is Sup Forums the lowest IQ board?
You do realize this was incredibly obvious after the third episode? This episode they literally beat you over the head with it at the end.
Fargo : Somebody to Love
75 minutes
S03, E10 (First Aired: June 21, 2017)
Gloria follows the money; Nikki plays a game; Emmit learns a lesson about progress from Varga.
so the moral of Fargo is... closeted lesbians can't use modern technology?
Varga will jump ship, Emmit's business will be ruined, morgue woman gets to move in. All part of the plan.
Well Mew has no idea who the IRS guy is.
The explanation would have to be that Mew sent the papers into the IRS and since this guy is already investigating Stussy the papers went to him.
i got btfo
the IRS may very well take down Trump
Al Capone was a meatball-chugging cokehead without access to 21st century methods of money laundering
>implying he didn't send them BEFORE he went to the police house
Nigga he had like a few hours free in the time between when he woke up and when he went to police starion
Why would Emmit turn himself in if he wasn't aiming to take down Varga? He mailed the real books as a fail safe. How would MEW know who the exact IRS worker who was investigating them was?
Emmit sent the papers, not nikki.
>yfw it was yuri who sent the real books to the IRS guy
That would be bad writing for it to be waved off like that without any build-up or allusion
it was obvious she was somehow the robot, it wasn't obvious her being the robot was linked to her being invisible or that it was further hammered in by her uselessness so far throughout the entire show
seriously, this whole season everyone has been saying gloria scenes suck and are boring or useless; turns out that was all on purpose for the character development
IRS guy bravo noah
Ok? And nikki just handed them the evidence they need. Millionaires get raped by the IRS all the time lmao
Jeez, why are the ratings so low this season?
I thought this show was supposed to be good?
Other female officer
Why isn't anyone entertaining the possibility of aliens having delivered Stussy's genuine books to the IRS?
>Wrench can't hear because deaf
>Meemo can't hear cause headphones
Goldfarb and Moe
Who /Meemo/ here?
>all these fools not realizing who really sent the irs man the papers
>turns out that was all on purpos
LMAO that isn't how it works.
are we gonna see him in the finale bros?
>didn't die when Maurice pulled a gun on her
>didn't die when DJ Qualls tried to poison her
>didn't die when the bus flipped
>didn't die when Yuri beat the shit out of her
>didn't die when Meemo was sent to kill her
>didn't die in the clearing with Wrench
>didn't die at the hotel with Meemo sniper
Any other near-death experiences? Trying to figure out if the "Cat" character has run out of lives
it literally is though
Who will Emmitt hook up with at the end? Nikki or Gloria?
Who the fuck was that anyway?
the twist will be its Sy working for Varga now, he's all about the $$$
You don't write a scene to be purposefully boring. Yes her character was relatively useless but, to say writer deliberately made her scenes boring is fucking retarded.
Wait so are they actually supposed to be lesbians or is Sup Forums misinterpreting a sign of female friendship?
What did Winnie say before she said "I like you"? I missed it.
her scenes werent boring unless you are an adhd "there needs to be shooting or action in every scene" kiddy. they were just useless with respect to solving the case or taking down varga.
and you can write a scene to be purposefully boring to hammer home a point or theme. ever read Heart of Darkness? the entire trek through the jungle is just that
How did Wrench and Mew know exactly what to take in the truck? There's a bunch of shit in there. Computers and such and they knew to go right to the briefcase. They knew to bring bolt cutters.
>knew to bring something to open up locks when theyre breaking into something
and they didn't know they were looking for a briefcase, they were looking for bank ledgers and books and shit. they checked other places for it before nikki finds it in the briefcase and points to wrench saying this is it
Who's to say that she actually took something useful? For a guy who lives on obfuscation, leaving everything bundled together sort of out in the open doesn't seem like his style.
They had 3 months prep time.
How did wrench know which room meemo was in?
somebody answer me pls :(
Could've waited outside the hotel to see when Varga would come in. Meemo seems to drive him around so it makes sense they'd arrive together. Wrench could then follow Meemo to his room, although I don't really get why he wouldn't stop Meemo immediately (or why and how he let Meemo live without getting killed himself).
They're gonna have a kissing scene in finale!!!
It was yuris lost soul that possessed the paper and transported itself to the IRS, Yuri's trying to make up for all the bad things he's done.
screencap this
could have checked a bunch of rooms while they were talking
that's a serious question though, were they supposed to be lesbians or friends?
they have been granted access to (((chosen))) knowledge
Meme-O is cute. CUTE!
I love Meme-O.
I admire Varga.
I sympathize for Emmit.
I'm indifferent towards Gloria.
I'm annoyed by MEW.
I want Wrench to die.
agreed, i'd eat out his hairless butthole
just really sweet friends. Winnie said "it's okay, I like you" to comfort Gloria so she knows someone out there knows she exists.
I still don't really understand why Wrench is in this season. Why did he just so happen to be on that bus?
>I'm annoyed by MEW.
>I want Wrench to die.
>I want wrench to die.
I want you to die.
Goldfarb is the only answer that really makes sense. If it's someone else it will truly be out of left field.
Any other possibility is either out of the picture (Sy), is already known to work for Varga, or makes no sense (the police officers, MEW, Wrench).
>i want wrench to die
fuck you man