It Comes at Kino

It Comes at Kino

Joel Edgerton continues to prove he's one of the most underrated actors atm.

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I can't think of a less interesting leading man that Edgerton, and he was still the least bad thing about this

Why did it take Joel's wife so long to shoot the guy who was bashing Joel's face at the end? She had the gun pointed at him and let him get like 4 or 5 full power bashes in.

What was the dog chasing?
Who was that guy in the background in the driving scene?
Why was the son so weird?
Were the parents infected at the end?


>What was the dog chasing?
An infected animal or human

>Who was that guy in the background in the driving scene?
I must of missed this

>Why was the son so weird?

>Were the parents infected at the end?

>What was the dog chasing?
>Who was that guy in the background in the driving scene?
>Why was the son so weird?
grew up in a house with no one his age and only a dog as a friend. that's why he had dreams about fucking will's wife. he never got to experience a normal life so hes not a normal person
>Were the parents infected at the end?

I was surprised how ambiguous they were

they dont tell you where they are
they dont tell you how long the virus has been going around
they dont tell you how long the new people were there

Horribly marketed (great marketing for a zombie thriller) but as a potboiler mystery it's a fucking masterclass in building tension.

Dudes that shot at them earlier
He jerks off to strangers


I was really annoyed that the relationship between the kid and the new woman was never followed up on. It played like it was setting up a new plot development but in the end I guess it was intended as just a bit of levity, or filler before the very obvious ending

You mean using the unexplained dog and dream sequences as a crutch to introduce discord and make the kid sick suddenly? I thought that was such incredibly hackish screenwriting.

I loved it. Edgarton was amazing and the ending genuinely got to me.

One question: How did the two kids get infected? Did Joel Edgarton's son sleep walk, open the door, and touch the dog?

a. the black kid sleepwalked outside and found the dog brought him back , got infected and touched the kid

b. when he chased after the dog he actually found it mauling the dog and killed it, brought the dog back and got infected and is just halucinating large chunks of the movie

c. the monster brought the dog back, broke into the house and fucked with the kid and thats why he was in the other room and the door was open. then the black kid touched the kid and got infected


I like to think it was C. I don't see how else the dog would come back after however many days it was.

same. i also think its way scarier that the monster was actually inside the house.

Did you forget about the key that Joel had or the woman had? Or was only the outside door that was locked by the key? I distinctly remember Joel saying that both doors are locked with the key.

well he kept it on the bedside table so if the black kid really wanted to go outside it wouldn't be very hard to steal it?

and im pretty sure both doors were locked. this fact is what leads me to believe the kid opened it , because if something broke in im sure it wouldve made a lot of noise.

>my wife's son

What did they mean by this?

joel was sick at the end right?

the scene him sitting in the chair across his bitch

his eyes were fucking bulgy and black looking

>a black + white couple can't produce a black kid

they were all sick
the mom was literally touching travis when he was sick at the end without gloves or a mask

He was darker than his mom, and had kinkier hair and a bigger nose. It was just bad casting for looks

It doesn't make sense for the kid to steal it and put it back. Too tedious and complicated. Also, how did the dog come back inside then if the front door was locked? Something must have brought it in. I am sure the door wouldn't have a doggy door because something might come through it at night. The key thing and the dog coming inside mauled and infected is the only thing doesnt make sense logically with the story but it doesn't even matter imo since the ending and the whole movie is meant to be taken a metaphor.

great movie.
i think the moral of the story is stay within your own race. that way you avoid having a goofy autism nigger son who ends getting you killed.

one of a kind

truly redpill kino

Nah this movie was total shit kinotard, just like your shit thread.

When the movie ended, almost everyone in the audience let out a groan something like "that fucking sucked". This happen with anyone else?

No as it was just me and my GF in the whole theater .

>Dog chases after something
>Gets fucked up and infected
>Somehow makes it back in the house
>Gets everyone infected
>Real monster all along was man (ignore the one in the forest that fucked up the dog)
11/10 GOTYE -IGN

lucky. i had to watch it with a group of like 7 niggers all in my row. every 5 minutes was "oh SHIT NIGGA HE GUNNA DIE NIGGA"
some based user behind us yelled at them to shut the fuck up though.

Yeah because it did

thought that was just a tree, still kinda just looks like a tree

It was an amazing movie. It should of been marketed more as a DayZ survival type thing. It has some of the best "end of the world" logic and tension I've seen in a film.

when this movie gets torrented do you think we will have any monster sightings? like in the background hidden or something? that people may have missed in theatres?

I was the only white person in my theater which is weird because the theater was in a 90%+ white city. There were like 5 or 6 different groups of black people and one of the groups had a kid that had to be less than 10 years old. Everyone was quiet all the way through though.

>Everyone was quiet all the way through though.
same here was really weird, had to keep crunching on popcorn because the quietness was creeping me out

This movie is total shit. Boring, predictable. Totally not worth watching. A complete waste of time

does its head move up and down ?

It's strange how a movie with literally a GOAT-tier trailer manages to fuck itself up and still mismarket itself lol

the only bad part of the movie was the trailer mismarketing and the niggers relentless fucking nightmare/wakeup scenes

yeah it like just begins to stand up? it could just be an optical illusion tho, will need better quality when some rips come out

>watching trailers

Well there's your problem.

literally all of the people who went to see this movie went and saw it because of its excellent trailer

it's a part of the experience and if its misleading ppl r gonna be a lil miffed (which has been the experience so far)

personally i think its great tho im this guy

I thought that was just the guy that shot at them

based off the preview i assume he is a werewolf

now i will read thread

I saw the first trailer months ago and thought it looked good but nothing amazing, avoided any other trailers, and even then the movie wasn't nearly as good as my memory of the trailer.

i cum at night
laugh pls


I had a friend walk into the theatre thinking it was the remake of IT. What a fucking idiot lol

I saw it because it was an A24 film playing in my local theater. I knew nothing about it other than the studio and some user on Sup Forums made a thread saying it was a good movie.

I just watched the trailer and I see how it is misleading.

Trash movie and a waste of joel edgerton in all honesty. It was a nothing film that failed in everything. This is basically a slice of life set to the backdrop of an apocalypse scenario yet falters all over itself in the conflict it tries to set up, as well as abusing the degree to which it's open ended unexplained nature teeters between poor writing and an interesting unknown.

save urself the time

>It was a nothing film
This is what gets me the most. It's not even really a bad film, it just has such incredibly low ambitions that I left wondering why I wasted 97 minutes watching it.

Everyone just started laughing at the theater I was in when the credits started
I heard a few people say "That was it?"

I cum at night

yup pretty much how I felt.

2 late

Very well executed film. Achieved clarity and cohesion through several plot twists. Quality conceptualization. Breakout acting performances. Realistic portrayal of character through the character's choices and development. Very well chosen ending.

Also, great setting both temporally in theme and geographically. Well shot too. Not to mention the great background music and sound design.

Solid and rare 10/10 horror/suspense film.

Fuck the critics.
Like seriously..

the critics loved it tho
it was the retard pleb fans who went in expecting a run of the mill horror movie

there's been reaction at both ends of the spectrum, but all-in-all, it hasn't received the praise it deserves.

>I love the smell of my own farts, the posters

Do you like doom preppers?