ITT: Films you saw in school
ITT: Films you saw in school
Other urls found in this thread:
your mom's BBC training video
12 Angry Men
Brian's Song
Good Night, and Good Luck
Shattered Glass
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Blade Runner
this, the goodies, heavy weights, holes
There was this movie where some teacher did an experiment in his class and then at the end showed them a video of hitler.
My English teacher basically just played Little Britain episodes in every class, and then gave everyone a passing grade at the end of the year. Literally the coolest teacher ever.
It was an uncomfortable day in class,
My middle school teacher gave zero fucks.
If you don't know every line before graduating you are too young to be on this board
Better off Dead
Why? It's a movie about teen suicide, the teacher said.
The Dark Knight
A couple taranino movies
butch cassidy and the sundance kid
Stand By Me
Good Will Hunting
that shitty Romeo and Juliet modernization with Leo Dicaprio
couple more I can't remember
My favorite was Butch Cassidy, it was my video productions teacher in highschool that put it on and we got to watch it in the schools drama theater. Comfy af, and the teacher was a super cool guy, great movie too
Downfall and other nazi movies, my history teacher was obsessed with them.
Romeo and Juliet on those rolling TV's
>teacher covers Romeo's ass with a piece of paper but forgot to cover Juliet's tits right after
>watching this in class
>dead silent the entire time
>most of the class can't even look at the screen
>the teacher hands out a test afterward
>read through the questions, become even more uncomfortable
>kids start passing in their test and leaving for their next class
>last two kids are me and the only black boy at our school
>he hands his test in and leaves
>as I get up to hand my test in I see the teacher throw his test into the shredder
>he locks eyes with me and says "I'll be damned if I let some filthy nigger pass this class. He'll stay behind and learn his station in life."
really fucked my shit up that day
Ninth grade English teacher was queen of kino
>(((Schindlers))) List
Every year at least once
Harry Potter 1?
The Santa Clause 2
What why.
why what?
Why are there like three or four of these movies?
>Summer School is an 80's comedy about Summer School
>That one with Hilary Swank
>187 a movie about Samuel L Jackson playing a teacher that doesn't take the students shit and kills a couple of them.
My history teacher and I talked about American History X on occasion and I had to miss school the one time he played Glory. Did I miss out? Still haven't watched it to this day.
I vaguely remember watching this in middle school. I think it was for my health class?
>The Dark Knight
>A couple taranino movies
Why did you watch these.
Yeah a few.
The Mummy
October Sky
Richard the III
Shrek 1 to 3
That one movie where Don Cheadle is counseling some guy who locked for allegedly shooting a white man
Of mice and men
All of Monty Python
And couple of others I cant even remember.
I took a film class and the teacher was a moron
Damn, I wish my school was patrician enough to show Grapes of Wrath and The Battle of Algiers.
Senior US History
I think I was the only one who wasn't bored by it
Spartacus and Grapes of Wrath are too kino for modern pleb kids these day.
*US Government
is this good?
They still make kids watch this film.
of course it is, it's a classic and essential journalism kino
Thanks for the stoked racial tension, teach
Except for Fahrenheit 9/11, that's a damn fucking patrician list.
Is schoolcore the true kino?
We read Fahrenheit 451 in 10th grade, but the teacher wouldn't let us watch the movie because he hated it.
He said he didn't last ten minutes before turning it off.
Is he a pleb?
>no gattaca
where did you people go to school
we watched A Scanner Darkly, Inception, and What's Eating Gilbert Grape in AP Psychology
there might've been something else we saw as well but those were the only films I remembered in that class
my humanities teacher was pretty based and showed us schindler's list
Watched Saving Private Ryan in a history class I took my freshman or sophomore year of high school. Had to get a waver signed. I had already seen it a couple times by then anyway though. I think we watched Hotel Rwanda in the same class.
Saw this too. Teacher didn't cover anything, just said before starting that there was nudity and not to be children about it.
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Spirited Away
Fahrenheit 451
Pay it Forward
Strange Brew
The Princess Bride (At least 4 times)
Cool Runnings
O Brother, Where Art Thou
Romeo and Juliet