>Elizabeth Banks, who was presented the Women in Film Crystal Award for excellence in film, called Steven Spielberg on the carpet last night for not employing females as leads in his films. “I went to Indiana Jones and Jaws and every movie Steven Spielberg ever made, and by the way, he’s never made a movie with a female lead. Sorry, Steven. I don’t mean to call your ass out, but it’s true.” That’s when someone from the audience yelled out “The Color Purple!” Banks, corrected herself and said, “Okay, The Color Purple, okay, I’m wrong. Ummmmm … he directed?” Someone in the crowd then yelled out, “No!” so Banks said, “Oh, so I’m right still.” I guess no one remembers that the enormous and well-publicized snub by the Academy that year when the film was nominated for pretty much everything but Spielberg as director. He also directed The Sugarland Express which starred former Crystal Award winner Goldie Hawn.
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So what? Maybe he doesn't think he's good at directing women, maybe he doesn't feel a strong connection to female stories. Are we about to pressure creators to create the content that we like, instead of what they enjoy creating?
What a dumb cunt. This is why everyone hates women.
read more than the headline in the picture
Sup Forums was a mistake
"You meany male directors should make movies with women in it because we're interested in watching those movies but not making them for some reason."
Jesus Christ, any time a man says he wants something people ask him why he's not doing it. She's a fucking woman in Hollywood. Why not encourage women to make movies about women? Why the fuck should men be the ones to make them?
What a stupid fucking cunt.
liberal women were a mistake
Women's suffrage was the real mistake.
Sup Forums was a mistake
tumblr was a mistake
twitter was a mistake
the 2010s have the lamest political feuds of all time, what a shitty time to be young
>doing things that aren't complaining
>Sorry, Steven. I don’t mean to call your ass out, but it’s true.” That’s when someone from the audience yelled out
>“The Color Purple!” Banks, corrected herself and said, “Okay, The Color Purple, okay, I’m wrong. Ummmmm … he directed?"
>I guess no one remembers that the enormous and well-publicized snub by the Academy that year when the film was nominated for pretty much everything but Spielberg as director. He also directed The Sugarland Express which starred former Crystal Award winner Goldie Hawn.
I'd make her carpet red if you catch my drift
The "Oh so I'm right" after someone incorrectly supported her incorrect statement is more galling.
Also calling out Spielberg is beyond retarded if you want to continue to have a career in Hollywood. Bitch getting too big for her britches.
I sincerely hope the Jews end her career for this.
>by the way, he’s never made a movie with a female lead.
She's implying he's a sexist for brownie points, isn't she? What a cunt.
So she's literally fucking wrong
this; she's being a bitch just to be a bitch and try to be relevant outside of those shitty home buying commercials and being Rita Repulsa in a garbage movie
So who gets blacklisted from Hollywood? Banks or Spielberg?
You were a mistake
t. your mummy
How did she not fact check her own speech? Do women even try to do things or do they just think they can show up and do whatever and be praised?
Fear not goyim (((they))) most certainly will.
Fuck her Spielberg is one of the few jews I like
Isn't she Jewish though, it'll end in Jew civil war
>the rich jew who's been a hollywood giant for decades and built countless connection or some nobody dime a dozen blonde bitch
Gee I wonder who would win.
by not knowing the color purple was directed by him it means that she is a racist bitch and didn't see a movie starring black people
just fucking think about that
>convert to Judaism
>start saying Hitler was right and that she was making her own Schindler's List with Spielberg's name on top
what the fuck did she mean by that?
From the comments
>Spielberg DID direct “The Color Purple.” He wrote and produced “Poltergeist” whose two leads were Jobeth Williams and the little girl whose name I can’t remember. He also produced “Memoirs of a Geisha.” He produced and directed “The BFG” which starred a girl as the live lead. He was the executive producer of the remake of “True Grit” and “Twister” with female co-leads. He was executive producer of “The Lovely Bones” with a female lead. So, way to go shooting your mouth off without knowing what the hell you’re talking about. So Banks’ (and I do love her) misplaced rant should really be directed at, oh, I don’t know, Michael Bay?
So faux outrage that can be summed up with "please make a movie about me"
black people are just finding this out and already starting in her twitter mentions
>implying Michael Bay discriminates
Explosions have no gender
Does she even get roles anymore? Her entire career seems to be shilling for the DNC.
God women are retarded
how long until the apology?
You don't insult a powerful man like Spielberg, especially in the incestuous hellhole that is Hollywood. She's finished
There seems to be a trend toward sjws making these incredibly stupid and wrong statements. Instead of attacking muslims who are raping millions of women, they pull shit like this. Or screeching about gender pronouns. It's almost like whoever is pulling their strings wants them to fail.
She must have hit the wall, cause most of her shit recently has been producing and she's getting into directing
nothing new here
move along everyone
Oh man this is going to be so messy. Everyone's gonna come out of this with shit smeared all over them.
Nope. Irish Catholic. She JUSTed her career.
Jokes on you, I'm already covered in shit.
She's gone and done it now. Insulted the biggest jewish director in the industry and overlooked a movie that's sacred to black people. Dumb cunt is gonna be begging on a street corner a year from now. All for a couple of brownie points.
What a stupid mother fucking bitch
Spielberg is pretty powerful and owns a whole studio company. I don't she knows what she is doing
Are you effin' serious? From the way you described it, it seems obvious that Spielberg will win. Your retarded if you seriously didn't know the answer already....
I don't think Spielberg will give a fuck
But then again he has the power to blacklist people and has used it before
>and has used it before
Go on
no you are not supposed to do thaatttt
she's finished
So on top of just being flat out wrong, what the fuck does she mean she's "calling him out" over not having female leads?
Is there some law I wasn't aware of that requires any director to make at least one movie with a female lead? Is it a secret hollywood tradition?
And what did she even expect to accomplish? Did she think she was the first person to ever notice this easily researched piece of information? (not like she actually did any research mind you) Did she think she was going to suddenly ruin his career by revealing his dark secret that nobody else had somehow never noticed? Force him to publicly apologize to her and devote the rest of his life to only make female lead movies?
Like what the hell.
>try to pull a meryl streep
>"call out" director for dumb irrelevant shit in sad attempt at using the woman card
>said director hauls in millions of shekels for hollywood each year
>while shitting on a movie that blacks consider sacred
This has got to be the dumbest moves ever in the history of hollywood
D-don't bully me I can't help being a big ol' baka-chan.
How she dares to bash my jew?!
Why are women so self-entitled?
No video?
Her career should be dead after this.
Basically destroyed Megan Fox's career because she made a hitler joke
Did he relent on that? She vanished for some years before surfacing in those god awful TMNT movies.
Good. She can't act and I'm glad to be cut at birth.
Not related but what the fuck
>thinking this will be on his radar longer than it takes for him to finish reading about it.
Nah. If it had been any other movie besides the color purple, then maybe, but it's too much of a bench mark for both women and blacks. It was also done before people started demanding representation, so he gets extra points for that.
She inadvertently also may have drawn the wrath of Oprah. If so, she's done. Hope she saved some of that power rangers money.
Why wouldn't you check IMDb before running your cockholster?
Didn't she also shit on micheal bay and the transformers entire production staff, i remember reading that letter from pissed off gripper
I see Chris is as autistic as ever
She popped out like 3 kids in a row for a while there, I think that's why she had a gap between This Is 40 and TMNT
>gets proven factually wrong
>is still the right one because she acted smug :^)
What went wrong? Why is this kind of shitty behavior encouraged today? Discourse today is just a matter of who can be the most smug shitnosed faggot.
Identity politics make no logical sense, which is why women are drawn to them.
Its entirely based on emotions.
>Do not hate, hate is not so good. And to be paranoid is a bust. Feel the love that comes from us, and try to feel love that you can offer at least from within yourselves for yourselves
Apparently they're now trying to include "straight" into the shitshow.
So the group is now literally just everyone.
Haha converting doesn't mean (((they))) consider you one of the flock or able to call them out.
She's fucked.
>wins a WIF award.
>Wifs taking a shot at Spielberg.
No. She jokingly referred to Bay as "like Hitler" in the way that he ran his movies and Spielberg demanded she be immediately fired from the production.
Bay obviously didn't give a fuck because he brought her onto the Turtles movies he produced but you weren't allowed to cast her for a while.
They've all spent the past decade or so in a society that constantly tells them they can do no wrong ever and can get anything they want by pointing a finger and saying "sexist".
Many of them have let it go so far to their heads they can't properly understand reality any more. I wouldn't be surprised if before long we start seeing women dying in hordes as they start jumping off buildings and then try to accuse gravity of being sexist to make themselves able to fly.
>I wouldn't be surprised if before long we start seeing women dying in hordes as they start jumping off buildings and then try to accuse gravity of being sexist to make themselves able to fly.
Can we meme this phenomenon into existence?
Why is straight first? That's really oppressive.
What do you expect? Of course straight people who want to join the LGBT oppression club without actually being LGBT themselves would be really self-centered.
Like that one white bitch who "identified" as black and thought that was as good as actually being it and could complain about all the racism black people faced.
thinking what she said is retarded doesn't equal Sup Forums
Jewish is an ethnicity. That's like saying she converted to being Japanese
>calls out spielberg for not having enough women in his movies
>turned down a role in jurassic park
Lol what a stupid entitled bitch
>I don’t mean to call your ass out, but it’s true.
That's exactly what she means. Fucking juvenile.
Isn't Meryl Streep one of the leads in his next film?
>“The Color Purple!” Banks, corrected herself and said, “Okay, The Color Purple, okay, I’m wrong. Ummmmm … he directed?” Someone in the crowd then yelled out, “No!” so Banks said, “Oh, so I’m right still.”
boy is her face red
>in 2010s
This is your brain on Sup Forums
And now we're all suffering
>every movie Steven Spielberg ever made, and by the way, he’s never made a movie with a female lead
I honestly dont understand this even in the self serving way
How can you go from even in the most mildest of sense of being Christian to judaism with a straight face
>Oh well my husband is jewish so I guess Jewish was a liar and I keep the same God though
>This is your brain on Sup Forums
He's right though, most Jews consider Jewish an ethnicity. That's why Athiest,Agnostic, or secular Jews still call themselves Jews.
can't wait for traps and artificial wombs to replace these dumb creatures
The thing is if a man makes a film about women he will risk getting criticized for "having a white male view" or imposing maleness or whatever.
Some male directors shy away from female characters in their movies because they feel they should "stay out of women's stuff".
A woman on MCU exchange said she would find the scene where Diana talks about sex in Wonder Woman creepy if a man had directed it...even if it were exactly the same.
Taking on Spielberg is such a stupid thing to do
>Dealing with a guy of connections and awards ever since fucking jaws
>If his name is put on anything its immediately a big deal
>Is not only able to deliver money for hollywood but also art
>adored inside and outside of hollywood
>Randomly and inaccurately shit on him for muh diversity when he has made some of the most remembered minority films ever
He could bring unholy hell down on her, but his friends will do it for him anyways
You're only considered Jewish if your mother is a Jew.
Yeah those wikipedia link prove that Judaism isn't a religion, and doesn't accept converts
Thats not the same as becoming Jewish Ive dabbled in some of that. Even a non trinitarian considers Jesus the son of god in one sense, whether by spirit or at birth, and the messiah. Becoming Jewish would require rejection of all that
Also this.
No, but it's a short hop away from Judaism