Become Jewish
step one: be jewish
One of ny ancestors is jewish
Do you want to be rich and famous or do you want to be an actor?
If your goal is purely to be rich and famous there are many easier ways to get that than trying to achieve it through acting.
Like what? What's the way the will require the least amount of effort?
Try the Lena Dunham route to success
>when i grow up i wanna be
>a rich kid born celebrity
>it's not greed but necessity
>i can't focus on the hopeless, when i look out it's only for me
I mean compared to acting. These days getting big from acting is pure luck, it's not about honing your craft and doing your time in theater, then getting some bit parts, then eventually showing up on the big screen. It's pure luck whether you get noticed unless you are really really good. But anyway try thinking user, I obviously can't say some random thing for you to do and it will change your life you need to look at all the ways you can become rich and famous and see which one seems easiest for you. Mind you it will still be very hard, luck aside, you can't just sit back and become rich.
>tfw girl who i had a giant crush on called me a year after i last saw her
>almost blew it on the phone with my betaness
>she texts me right after saying sorry if she was awkward
why did she have to do this to me, i was just SORTING myself out and i was getting over her.
what did she mean by this? help me Sup Forums
do i justr have to act jewish or actaully adopt the religion?
not him
Whoopi Goldberg's mom renamed her just to gain favor with the Jews in hollywood, worked like a charm
calling you then texting you seems like she might be interested.
just text her and stay in touch, feel her out and work up the nerve to be forward enough to ask her out (sooner than later).
if you honestly feel like she's fucking with you, though, then just block her number and don't feed into it. but you won't know for sure until you ask her out.
assuming you haven't and already didn't get rejected.
>tfw kissless virgin
i'm texting her right now. i didn't ask her out but i just confirmed that she had a crush on me two days ago. At least i'm sure it was brought up to her becasue i told a mutual friend that at least i had a crush on her. She called me tonight. She said she always talks about me because we used to be coworkers and she always talked to me. But a year later? Really? ino way she would wait a year for my beta ass...
i'm here for you my guy
I held a girls hand once, felt pretty nice.
Heh gay
fugg her in the butt
i believe in u user
thanks, she's actually super pretty and nice, but i'm not.
i'll do my best for you
u have the attention of her, that means ur on her level. now ur pretty and nice too
She obviously is really into you dude, just play it cool and go hang out with her. Most important part of a relationship is a friendship, go have fun with her some place.
you guys are too nice
Sup Forums best board
this is too obvious user. just ask her if she would like to hang out, see a movie, go to fucking olive garden. do it before her dumb woman mind gets distracted by another dude. single women have the attention span of goldfish when it comes to men. wait too soon and one of her tinder matches with a shirtless photo and six pack abs is going to make a move
ok, it's just weird to me because she's way too pretty for me.
I do, almost everyone tells me I'm good and will be successful but I'm just so scared of moving out to LA to try and make it, and I wish I could get classical training at a place like RADA but that'll never happen
maybe you just think so since you have a crush on her, she is prob a 6/10 with makeup on
a lot of actors are literally broke hobos before they make it, it just depends on how bad you want it
Unless you can find out easily online that you're rich as fuck or something, an attractive girl doesn't seek out someone below her league for no reason.
terrible mentality to have, user. unless you have a grotesque deformity or you're morbidly obese you shouldn't think that way about women. personality goes a looooooong way for men. they're just regular people, even the pretty ones. she shits just like you and sometimes her finger rips through the paper and she gets a little doodoo on her hand just like anyone.
also beautiful women are insecure too. she's probably unsure if you like her. she probably mistakes your betaness (no offense) as disinterest.
>I'm just so scared of moving out to LA to try and make it
Literally the ONLY time people ever make it in any creative field ever is when they step out of their comfort zone. If you do nothing then nothing will change, you need to put yourself in the situation to take advantage of a lucky opportunity.
true, in all honestly i wasn't beta at all at my old job. I was an autist with his normie act on absolute perfect lock, everyone would talk to me.
You're gonna have to suck a lot of dicks my man
a) suck dicks
b) accuse people of making you suck dicks
Ideally both
step one: be fit
step two: be handsome
step three: have some talent
sorry OP you are doomed to be typecast as the creepy janitor or the fat american extra
You're right. I'll do it. I'm just gonna try and be happy with what I achieve. I'll never be another Brando so I shouldn't hate myself for it.
well your act has this bitch fooled. she thinks you're a normie and she's interested in you. now do what a normie does when they like a girl.
Be a good goy and suck the dick of all the fat ugly kikes in Hollywood, maybe convert to Judaism for the extra boost. Also sell out sell out sell out, take a bunch of shitty roles no one cares about and hope to G-d you get your big break.
99% of actors don't make it.
Good luck goy.
in the butt. don't forget