What's the Sup Forums equivalent to Mighty No. 9?

What's the Sup Forums equivalent to Mighty No. 9?

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Bee and PuppyCat.


this ^^


Pretty much. Could /thread right there.



It's not a perfect comparison.

Bee and PuppyCat at least had a pilot of sorts to base expectations on, but absolutely failed them.

Mighty No. 9 got funded on anti-capcom hype, because it was made by the guy who made Megaman. That's it. Just a name, a circlejerk, and a vague promise.

I guess you could say that Homestuck Adventure Game is similar in that sense given that it got funded on Andrew Hussie's name alone and fan hype, but at the same time we don't know if it'll be good or shit.

Came here to say this.

Quality web animation is made.
Kickstarter goes up and is funded.
New cartoon is complete dogshit.
Eternal butthurt.

First post best post

>because it was made by the guy who made Megaman.

That's the funny part

Keiji Inafune did not create Megaman, Akira Kitamura did, Inafune just took over once Kitamura left Capcom and he's taken credit for it ever since.

The Sup Forums equivalent would be the animated adaption, wouldn't it?

>was going to donate to the kickstarter
>forgot about it
>remembered way later
>literally years later see the final product
>it's fucking shit

Unintentionally dodged a bullet there

For Mighty No. 9 or Bee and Puppycat?
The former, absolutely, the latter, I still feel like people got what they paid for, but people just didn't know what they were paying for. I never saw what got people so into it, and I never paid a cent so maybe that sense of entitlement, which people are absolutely in the right to have, is lost on me.
Not as dramatic as MN9, but basically it was kickstarted after showing off itself which got a lot of people looking at it as the next big thing, especially gaining notice since it was made by a person who worked on an old big thing.
But it's taking too long time to finally get out, and by the time it actually starts coming out, some people are already regretting being into it, not being satisfied with the actual product or progress, as there were too many changes to what was initially shown off to what we got (art style, animation quality, etc).
I'd suppose it's also similar in that MN9 already has a planned cartoon while Bee and Puppycat already has a couple of comics.

I don't know the whole story, but didn't it get revealed that Inafune isn't even a game designer, just an illustrator and businessman?

Sonic Boom was a steaming pile of shit, but the cartoon was... well, it was okay.


Inafune was originally just a contributing illustrator to the original Megaman game.

He also can't draw very well.

Oh so you're saying mighty no. 9's cartoon might be okay too.

Eh maybe.


I believe he DID work on the game concepts and designs, maybe some level design, but he wasn't a programmer or anything.

Which is weird, because people would probably like the game a lot more if he had actually gone with, you know, drawing the fucking game.

Did anyone back this?

Over 3500 people gave him like 136000$.

>people would probably like the game a lot more if he had actually gone with, you know, drawing the fucking game.

You sure about that?

He was drawing tumblr art before tumblr art was a thing, and the man has literally not improved at all since the original game.

Yeah can't really argue with that.

On the comic side of things, I was about to say the whole John Campell/Pictures for Sad Children kickstarter, but I'm not sure that's even applicable.

Inafune didn't literally burn the codes that backers purchased, at least.