Borderline /x/ here

borderline /x/ here

i heard some bullshit today, some guy claiming he worked with FEMA said that theyre creating literal internment camps in america where people cant leave..

so naturally, i had to ask you faggots how true this is..? all ive found is bullshit conspiracy websites.. stuff abouut turning a walmart into a fema base etc, etc..

Other urls found in this thread: &cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

they're for people displaced by natural disasters. it's a total waste of taxpayer money

You know that if Hillary wins and there is riots that these will be put into action immediately

>Fuck innocent people who have had their lives ruined! Fuck em!

Obama is getting the concentration camps ready for Trump when he takes office.

Greater American Republic here we go!

>theyre creating literal internment camps in america where people cant leave..

You mean like Sup Forums?

Nice strawman.

jade helm comes to mind.

Jade Helm is a routine series of standard military training exercises. There's nothing fishy about Jade Helm.

I don't find camps for hypothetical disasters - where much is probably wasted on what lobbyists want - to be a proper use of taxpayer money.

>detention camps will have PSYOP teams whose responsibility will be to use “indoctrination programs to reduce or remove antagonistic attitudes,” as well as targeting “political activists” with such indoctrination programs to provide “understanding and appreciation of U.S. policies and actions.”

>applies to citizens detained within the United States, whether they be DCs (displaced citizens) or “civilian internees,” in other words citizens who are detained for, “security reasons, for protection, or because he or she committed an offense against the detaining power.”

>the U.S. Army would work together with the DHS, ICE and FEMA (page 24) to implement the policies “within U.S. territory” as part of “civil support operations” in the aftermath of “man-made disasters, accidents, terrorist attacks and incidents in the U.S. and its territories.”

>“The prisoner’s last name, first name, and middle initial are placed on the first line of a name board, and the prisoner’s social security number is placed on the second line.”

Thank conservatives, they initiated it.

Yeah, goy- uh, guys! CSMRF and JSOC are totally cool too!

You think that wall is going to be used to keep people out? Hahahahahaha. Suckers.

the real redpill is the FEMA camps are armored compounds made for the elites to hide in in case of collapse. Not EVERYBODY is a billionaire with their own private island sanctuaries like Epstein, Soros, Buffet, Bloomberg. The FEMA camps are for those guy's millionaire henchmen.


that's true. Black Science Guy accidentally revealed on the Joe Rogan show that there is a bunker he is suppose to run to when shit goes down.

>in a walmart


Everything he says is scripted including the religion of science epistles

so are you saying that this shit is true or not..?

i mean what about that letter the fucking leaf posted?

I saw a dude walk in to 711 today in night camo on my way to work.

A shade of light blue/green
German for helmet

UN forces will invade America...

yes, FEMA exists and it's built camps

there's nothing /x/ about it unless you're paranoid about any government. I'm only pissed off about the cost

hillary openly states its for the autists.

Leaders probably saw how useless Niggers are at handling disasters

In civilized places, such as Japan and here, natural disasters means people come together and help one another

Doesn't seem to go that way with Niggers, no matter the country they're in; Haiti or the US

>Invading america

>A shade of light blue

The UN can't invade itself, after all

do niggers need to be mentioned in every single fucking thread on this god damn board?

Do you have any fucking idea how tiny a walmart store is compared to a military base?

Would "blacks" be better?

Camps to hold displaced citizens are due to them needing to be protected from themselves in times of disaster

Katrina is a perfect example

but the kicker this faggot said was that they dont allow people to leave at all.. and its all contained and everyones fenced in

>fuck this why aren't we using these it's a total waste.

>Holy shit FEMA why weren't you prepared for this disaster. What the fuck do we pay you for?

Nope, they won't let you leave until they can assure your safety

Think of it that you're children

On a related note, have any of you been seeing really low flying aircraft, not commercial jets or bug sprayers, crisscrossing your neighborhoods after 11 pm lately? I'm a little freaked out. It's been happening the past couple weeks. According to some sources there are FBI spy planes over US cities and this fits the bill. Wtf is going on?

You think they'd keep the blue helmets? That shit sticks out like a sore thumb.

Need I remind you American riflemen are the best in the world?

The disaster would be a civil war if Trump is elected I think.

Haven't notice this in Chicago

Been a huge uptick in helicopters, then again there's been a huge uptick in murders and they always seem to be heading out to the west side.

Probably for policing activities

Using FLIR to look for illegal activity at night

well people have been rounded up and put in camps before, right?

so why is it hard to believe, especially with all the retarded niggers and subhumans running around in usa.

i mean use your heads. it isn't conspiracy, its common sense.

I'm more concerned about waste, fraud, and abuse. Usually with government programs like these the politicians get money from certain lobbyists, like Walmart, and then buy a shitton of unnecessary crap from Walmart using their funding. They spend the maximum amount possible in order to increase funding, and the cycle repeats &cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

topkek what the fuck

>You don't know what sex I'm into......I'm.....into god.

Up here in Canada there is a network of concentration camps in the arctic where dissidents will be interned and worked to death in the event of civil disorder.

check out the fema camps near you!

Man, I just clicked his channel and this crazy nigger has tons of videos of him just yelling at people. Shit is hilarious.

The UN cant even initiate combat unless they;re fired upon. Why did I waste my time replying to you

Different user but here's a (you) for replying to him and knowing how combat works.

I am fucking entranced by this dumb nigger.

FBI please go home

They used the wal-marts to connect an underground tunnel system. That's why they had to shut different ones down for a while to "conduct these drills", so they could dig underneath.

Its always funny as fuck when im doing my drill weekend with the guard and we pull up at a gas station or some fast food place and people just stare.

Some of them come up and ask some weird shit like if were going to invade Iran or North Korea. Or some political shit.

Some of them just give us a stank eye and you can just tell they are they are the "muh fema deathcamp" type.

The official reason given was for "plumbing" despite no knowledge from existing store staff, including management of any plumbing issues. All staff were kept off premises during the repairs and security contractors were used around the stores during the work.

>He can suck my dick right here in broad day light
>Rapist eyed Uncle Tom ass lookin' nigga

Things really went downhill for Pooty Tang after he lost his magic belt.

My sides

>tfw finished papers for national guard today

I look forward to making people paranoid

yeah they're real, there's heaps of info on their locations and everything, they're even starting to staff them so they're getting ready to deal with social unrest aka alt right

why don't we just put the sjws in there instead

then why do they have barbed wire facing inwards, to keep people from escaping

Why didn't you kidnapp him and make a spectacle of it you dumb faggot. You could of saved us all. But you're a dweeb

they've been around for 10 years at least and not once used for disaster relief

also there were rumors of trains with guillotines inside

the thing is, they'll probably get the syrian immigrants to staff the fema camps when they do the purge of islamophobes and white males, and they'll do it, because they will be paid well/recieve citizenship/whatever while the country is starving

they already know americans won't do that to their own kind, and THE economic collapse hasn't begun yet, you are being softened up on purpose

>implying the Special Forces, Seals, and infantry will detain former veterans and conservative middle aged whites

People from poor urban communities might get fucked by the National Guard, but no way will servicemen roll into surburban America and imprison their own familia.

Also, The Police and Military aren't some brainless goon squad. A lot of them are Molon Labe tier patriots who have an understanding of what is going on behind the scenes.

It's absurd how those in power think otherwise.

don't you remember Katrina? the dindus tried destroying norlans and looted a bunch of shit

Every cop I know hates Obongo, if you want proof for yourself you need look no further that that officer dot com forums place, there's more Obongo and libtard hate there than there is here

holy fuck this channel is golden

>but no way will servicemen roll into surburban America and imprison their own familia.
I wouldn't be too sure about that.

yeah, and they weren't used during katrina, they put people in a football stadium and lots of people got raped

The camps were built in the mid 90s, they're not intended for disaster relief, but they might use them for relief to pull wool over the eyes

why do you think they're importing so many immigrants from south america and the middle east, they will have no problem disarming you if it means they get paid well while everyone is starving

There's some conspiracy theory that there is a vast network of underground bunker facilities and train tunnels connecting them underground in the US. There was some patent for a nuclear powered tunnel digging device from like the 50's or 60's that supposedly melted the rock in front of it as it advanced through the rock enabling it to dig endlessly.

I have there are weird low flying planes and helicopters that are flying fast with one green light and also 3 times I saw 5 helicopters in a line hauling ass barely lit up a few times too.
I see it about 2-3 times a day in a western suburb of Chicago that I live in

>don't you remember Katrina? the dindus tried destroying norlans and looted a bunch of shit

oh, then, well of course they're going to imprison American citizens in FEMA camps in times of emergency. what a sensible explanation

>they weren't used during katrina
they were, and some escapees went to my high school for a few weeks
blm + immigrants vs 'racist traditional america'
you're being set up

Real Talkkk.

I'm not so sure.

If even a quarter of military refuses to participate in an unconstitutional detaining of American citizens, then the entire logistical situation become a fuck up.

I get hard just imagining Barack Hussein ordering the arrest of 100,000 Americans only to be met with keks from JSOC.


>in an unconstitutional detaining of American citizens
During times of Martial Law or civil unrest, it's perfectly permissible and don't think that your armed forces will refuse - they will simply follow orders, the main emphasis being on safety and security.

If you think your military will NEVER turn on you, that kind of fucks up the reason for your 2nd amendment, doesn't it?


>Newly created civilian security force prepare for their first battle against racism.
>Ordered to take control of local area
>Morale is high after their weekend of UN training
>Their Chinese handlers are hard to understand
>Take six gorillion casualties the first week because 300,000,000 guns
>Implying all our society's true warriors aren't already serving the country in the real "civillian security force"

When half the country turns 3rd world with refugees and immigrants, we will need those camps.


fucking retard

>look at me
>I'm Sup Forums now

>$0.05 of taxpayer's money has been deposited into your FEMA account

>also there were rumors of trains with guillotines inside

Actually, I think it's a code word for Green Berets. I'm pretty sure they're the ones that are involved in the exercises.

That's oooold news, sure they are real, there are maps of them and one is likely close to you, go check it out. Inward facing barbed wire, many have train tracks leading in, large stacks of plastic coffins. They are all over. It's not even a secret, he'll they have info about them on their website.

Why the hell would they bring back guillotines? I mean, that thing looks fairly cost-effective. Actually I've probably answered my own question there.

Most cops can't stand Hillary and won't follow her orders blindly.

FEMA camps were created for what is coming.

The End.

The destruction.

The world will become engulfed in chaos.

Water will begin to rise all over the world, flash flooding everywhere.

Riots in the streets as citizens fight back against the Government, because of the economic collapse.

Murders, thefts, and gunshots all over the world.

Get ready.

We are in the End times.

Yes, there are FEMA camps.

They exist. It is not a secret. These camps are not secure, they are not prisons. They are camps for people that have been displaced by natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, and forest fires.

99.9% of the time these camps are empty, and only see maintenance workers. The other .1% of the time, FEMA might have an exercise for disaster preparedness where they pick up and move the modular buildings and infrastructure from one place, to another.

The US govt does not magically summon buildings and logistic capability out of thin air when disaster strikes. These things are stored and maintained until they are needed. Storing a camp as a camp provides the capability for instant housing in a local area. It can be moved fairly quickly

Every year, several thousand people utilize FEMA emergency housing within the USA.

Of all the 'gubmint is up to something' conspiracies, this one is tip top tier mindbogglingly retarded. The purpose of a government is to see to the needs of its people, and that is literally what FEMA is doing in this case.

Mismanagement and crippling bureaucracy aside, FEMA has a legitimate purpose and mission that is important and useful to all Americans.

There is plenty of other actual-conspiracy shit you could focus your energy on. Believe me.

Walmart went on a huge neighborhood market expansion to compliment their superstores. A lot of these are closing and people are saying that they have witnessed many being turned into detention centers without markings and manned by military guards. Many believe the story about storm shelters and disaster shelters are false, that they are processing and internment and perhaps even execution camps. I work nights and get bored and the conspiracy videos on Youtube are interesting, What DOES seem weird to me is the placement. If you look this up on Google maps you will notice they appear clustered near military installations. They are in most large and mid sized population centers but they cluster up unreasonably near the military bases.

Cost effective, quick, clean (for the most part) and one of the most humane methods of execution (if that's even a thing).

Do you have a link to more info about that?

>implying US military will go and imprison the very people they swore to protect because someone told them to

yeah right. governments have nothing to threaten the military with if the military doesn't go along with imprisoning and, as implicated, possibly killing US citizens who don't agree with the globalist agenda. it'll never happen. our people have so many guns and there aren't even that many national guardsmen, army, usmc, etc. to just round up all these people and put them into FEMA camps. even if they tried, our means of communication are so efficient that even with the use of radio if it came down to it, people would either escape, hide, or be armed and ready for their corrupt government trying to round them up so disrespectfully.

and then what? what's the next step of their master plan?

It's gold jerry, gold!

It's a good thing blacks can't be racist or he would be banned from jewtube for ToS violations and we'd never see these gems.

100% real.

Prep so you don't have to go.

Get escape/evade training

It most certainly is. For example, did you know that the cocktail of drugs used in America do not kill peacefully as they appear to but instead paralyse so that the victim appears to be tranquil and then painfully destroy the organs? The executee died in abject agony, fairly slowly. Guillotine would be far better if execution is on the cards.