What are some films about unjust ultimatums?
What are some films about unjust ultimatums?
The Taking of Poland 1-2-3
>Germany gives ultimatum to Poland
>WWII happens
>Germany gives ultimatum to Poland
Polexit soon?
poland gonna get blacked
Doesn't Germany remember what happened the last time they issued Poland an ultimatum?
I wonder if Poland and other countries in the region have a much bigger sway over EU simply by threatening they'll leave it? Considering EU's state right now I'd say that has much more weight on the global scene.
Fucking christ liberals are pathetic
>poland starts taking in refugees
>starts having mysterious terrorism attacks
The core needs it's cheap labour from somewhere
Haven't a lot of EU countries offered to take in refugees but they simply don't want to go anywhere that doesn't give out welfare?
I'd be surprised if EU hadn't taken some clandestine steps to prevent its members from getting away in the future after Brexit.
yeah poland has taken a few hundred and they immediately left for germany
I know they passed through Croatia last year when there was that whole "will they let them through or not without papers?" debate and yet I think only a dozen or so out of hundreds of thousands refugees settled there.
And don't they travel through numerous safe countries just to go there for the welfare?
Yeup, I read an account from one family where they gave them shelter, food, and jobs. They woke up one morning and they had left for Germany.
What are some movies about Sup Forums cancer shitting up Sup Forums?
What justification do they use for this?
How can you force a country to take a group of people if they don't want to?
Ia this why the Brexit crowd wanted out? I can understand now.
t. frog posting twitter cancer
That's right
EU is completely retarded
V4 countries would literally had to force them into internment camps because otherwise, they would simply go back to Sweden and Germany for the bigger gibs
Maybe the EU's refugee quota plan is having the Polish build couple of death camps all along.
>dat feel when your country is shit on social supports so refugees won't settle there no matter what
good for us, I guess
Are there any German citizens on this board?
How is this even economically feasible?
It's very feasible because they're a cheap work force. Problem is more along the lines of social issues and integration.
Well, that's surprising.
Czechs and Poles took in some Christian refugees, they immediately left for Germany and Swedistan.
This fucking guy. Seeing him trigger other representatives at the EU was hilarious.
in order for them to be a cheap work force, they need to actually work. Which they don't.
t. citizen of swedistan
Yeah, but that's the social issue he was talking about. You're coddling these refugee instead of saying they'll get deported unless they find a job in X amount of time and they'll be off benefits in ever less time.
LOL europe is finally ded
>How is this even economically feasible?
It's not.
The politicians assumed/hoped they would be like Eastern-European refugees during cold war (at start there was "doctors and engineers" narrative, but soon even the most optimistic people saw through it).
Those tended to be more upper-class, right-wingers and educated people.
They assumed secular educated people like that would flee Islamic hellholes while the rabble stays there to rot. That wasn't the case and like half of the muslim immigrants can't even read, let alone have a decent education.
Now they hope they will start slaving out in German factories for minimum wage for the rest of their life, which won't fucking happen. Even if they wanted (they don't), they can't.
German industry is extremely automated and robotized to a point where you need a computer science degree to operate a drill press.
That would be INTOLERANT and ISLAMOPHOBIC, they're bringing their best and brightest.
>yuros bought this hook line and sinker
>be Poland
>Claim lots of benefits financed by richer EU countries
>refuse to offer help in face of a humanitarian crisis while other countries are making great sacrifices
Cut their funding then and let the Polacks work shit out on their own
No agenda here guys.
Poland already told them to fuck off. They said taking in refugees would be far worse than any punishment.
>looking after #1
Gee, user.
it's a good point that they were the ones that willingly signed a deal with the devil for the gibs. it's poolan's fault
>refuse to offer help in face of a humanitarian crisis while other countries are making great sacrifices
this right here is bullshit though. there's absolutely no way you could ever take in enough subhuman brown people to make a difference even if yurop was taking in 10,000,000/year
Poland and Czechia literally said they couldn't guarantee their safety and have exhibited public bouts of xenophobia, so no shit they leave for safer and more welcoming countries
poland need to fuck off
I think what's happening in Syria and Iraq is definitely a humanitarian crisis. I support taking in refugees from those countries. No need to let in North Africans though
So they're treating them as if they're migrants/refugees during/post WWII who actually contributed positively to their new host country's society but the modern migrants/refugees aren't doing that?
It seems like there's going to be a pretty big wake up call for when these people eventually have to be deported.
>create a broken system
>complain when people take advantage of it
Germany is already deporting folks. For all the cuck talk, Germany has been pretty tough, they've sent Afghanis with faulty asylum applications back into warzones.
Not that Sup Forumstards Talk about this though
The turks from the 60s never left and their children and grandchildren are now an integral part of Germany and Europe.
The migrants right now will also have children and grandchildren so they will not be considered out of place in future Germany.
Germany is by far the largest beneficiary of the EU system you inbred uneducated pleb
poland is shithole lad, they need the EU a lot more than the EU needs them
EU shill pls
UN is the most anti-semitic organization in the world
Weird. I would think Sup Forums would like deportations.
What you are explaining makes no sense.
But isn't Germany also a country that doesn't care if your child is a citizen of the country and will deport your family if the parents are not?
>EU """""warns""""" Poland
What are they planning to do exactly? The EU has nothing to threaten them with.
>Now, Warsaw has said it would defend in court what it sees as its right not to accept any refugees at all. Taking in refugees from camps in Italy and Greece would end in "social disaster" according to PiS leader Kaczynski. "In addition to an increase in terrorism in Poland, there are many other dangers," he told a Polish newspaper.
Poland is redpilled after World War 2. They want no part in the global elite's schemes to destroy the west. Slovakia, Hungary and Czech Republic are all telling the EU to fuck off.
They will be very cross. They'll send them a letter telling them just how cross they are
Isis is definitely not anti-israel
They literally apologized for accidentally attacking them about a month ago
It doesn't have France's jus soli system so they could technically be deported but considering Germans don't have children and most of the German populace is old they kinda need new people.
Ethnic germans will just die out.
Not just Poland, entire V4
Stand strong fellow Poles, Magyars, Czechs and Slovaks. About us without us.
lel, are they going to force muslims to move to Poland?
Those fuckers are going to build shitty rafts and try to flee to Sweden.
lmao, you really think countries like poland can "threaten" to leave the EU?
Both EU and Poland can be shit you idiot.
In fact in 2004 when the eastern Europeans joined the EU was the moment many western Europeans hated the Germans for letting in all these "leeching subhuman slavs"
Funny how the slavs are now the ones complaining about Germany letting in leeches into Europe.
they know Israel would wreck them in matter of days
Or they'll just get bashed and chased of by some Pole nationalists. I don't think UE realizes how deeply unpopular quotas are here.
How can you force them to take refugees? If that hurts anyone at all it would hurt the invading hord- I mean the migrants the most
oy vey
Warsaw (and Budapest, Prag, Belgrade, etc) is unironically far better than Brussels. It still has its own unique culture, instead of being some boring cookie cutter multikult city.
I would imagine that the families where the parents who don't would get deported though, no?
I don't mind refugees and migrants. There are a few who genuinely do want to integrate, work, speak the language and join society but the ones that don't should simply be told to go back.
Give a source then
>Germany accepts millions of rapist barbarians who harass and molest children going to school and don't get punished in the courts
>invade small German towns and outnumber the natives 10 to 1
>shit everywhere, wipe their asses with their hands, start popping out kids immediately, form huge mobs to sexually attack people, police have to form blockades to stop them from raping women at events
>most can't even read, set up centers to teach them to fucking read and pass out flyers on how not to rape people
>all of their food, education and housing accommodations paid for by the German people
>try to force other EU countries to take them under threat of economic sanction
>oh they just sent like 20 rapists back everything is forgiven nvm Germany is le ebin based xDD
Sorry Hans it doesn't work like that. Now quit trying to force us to take in your pet rapists you asshole, you're the ones who wanted them not us. Fuck right off.
This is so pathetic, Germany and Sweden opened their borders completely and now having all kind of problems, so they try to force other countries to "help".
I fucking hate my country for doing this. I hope Hungary, Poland, Czechia continue to say "fuck off we're full" to the EU.
>but the ones that don't should simply be told to go back.
Some were. There was a guy who literally said if I can get back into Germany I will call as many Germans as I can
And there was huge protest to stop him from being deported organized by Germans.
I don't think most people understand just how suicidal Germans have become. And a weird kind of suicidal that isn't sad but happy about suicide.
Its fascinating to witness in a fucked up way.
did you have a straight face typing this? kek
Can't wreck yourself
>you're the ones who wanted them not us
Literally what the Brits said about the poles in 2004.
And now that they are sending up their shitty Slav plumbers you sperg out.
I've never been happier to be an American mutt than I have in the last year or two. I would be going bananas if I was an ethnic German, or Swede, or whoever, and see hordes of shitskins invading my country.
>I will call as many Germans as I can
Rightists in Germany have literally been whining that refugees should have to stay in the first safe country they pass through and go no further. So you either enforce that and the country they pass through has no choice but to take them or you don't and you let them stay somewhere else. Now, to be fair, that shouldn't be Poland either but the actual neighbouring countries of Syria are overencumbered as it is. Those countries aren't nearly as wealthy as Germany, Sweden or even Poland or Hungary yet have to deal with ten times the numbers. So at some point the European Union has to deal with the excess and as easy it is for poorer countries to say"Let Germany deal with it, they have the money" there's a point where they should take responsibiloty or, by all means, leave the union.
sure, that's why Polish people fuck off to germany and the UK to clean toilets, it gets boring having the best culture so they have to mix it up.
Why don't they make Israel take some refugees?
or what ?
Why do the mods allow threads like this to stay up when it's obvious the op didn't make it to discuss films?
It's 6-11 million now. The number goes up every year.
Why do mods allow kragerposters to post? Just some of lifes many mysteries I suppose
Nah, refugees after World War 2 had to deal with the, if not worse antagonism than those arriving in Europe now do. My great grandparents were Hungarian-Germans and some of the story my gran told me of how people treated them and looked at them are very reminiscent of the prejudice refugees now are facing.
"They're all thieves/rapists/lazy parasites" was the narrative back then too.
But don't you have European Ancestry then?
Shouldn't all of Europe hurt you then? I guess I never really realized how little European-Americans think about Europe. Asian-Americans and African-Americans usually at least use the identifier. European-Americans are encouraged to throw away their heritage and just identify as American.
The thing is, the German and Swedish citizens don't fucking care, they take it up the ass and ask for more. They're beyond redemption.
there's a good book about this, i think it's called "savage continent" iirc
It makes sense for the Germans at least.
>tfw a bunch of eastern euro countries are the only sane members remaining in the EU
what the fuck went wrong
ffs, never ever respond to Krager always filter and ignore
Wrong side won the war
Leave it to leeches to recognize other leeches.
I think the Eastern Europeans are still happy who won the war.