You guys think Discovery has any chance of being good?
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As much as I want to hate those redesigns, I really can't deny that big glowing red bussard collectors - while iconic - look objectively silly and extremely vulnerable.
>eh, ok..
>this is my fetish
>oh shit nigger what are you doing
How often will Trump's presidency be mentioned in this show as something that set back the multi cultural utopia by many decades?
>bridge so close to the warp nacelles
doesn't that give you subspace cancer?
T'Pol's mom is actually pretty hot
Seeing as we didn't actually have the Eugenics wars in the 1990s, you can cool your autism
It's still hilarious to me that back in the 60's they thought that by now we'd have genetically modified supermen
We're still finding the cure for baldness
I just want flying cars already. And not with fucking wings, either; I want that thing that Obi-Wan flew in Episode II.
>By the 90s we have genetically modified supermen
>But we're still using tapes by the 23rd century
TOSfags will defend this
"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."
It depends on how you define good. As a sci-fi show, no. As a chick show, yes.
It has a good cast. If lots of Bryan Fuller's influence remains in the show, it could be decent.
I'll give it a fair shake
Watch the two-part starter and a few episodes after that
Then I'll decide
Enterprise didn't get watchable until the last two seasons, TNG also had a rough start until Riker's beard and I seriously doubt a series will get that much time to sort itself out these days. The setting and JJ-verse tropes give me grave concerns so expectations couldn't be lower.
>Starts off with Encounter at Farpoint followed by Naked Now and Code of Honor
top kek, why did anyone keep watching?
4 or 5 episodes is decent. Hopefully the talkback threads on Sup Forums aren't just Sup Forums tourists
I think it certainly cool be good, if by good you mean enjoyable. I currently don't have much hope for it being good Star Trek though. I certainly hope I'm wrong though.
vulnerable to what? they're hardly an essential system, they just collect particles.
>two deflector dishes
REEEE this is just as bad as the NX refit!
never gonna happen. The average person is barely capable enough to be trusted operating a vehicle that only travels in 2 dimensions.
What is that middle ship and why do I keep seeing it?
Every time we've see them take a hit, the engines blow up soon after and the ship explodes.
The Federation president played by Red Foreman was orange wasn't he? I can just see a Trump allegory using his species.
Kryton explained. Physical media gets smaller as technology progressed. Eventually it got so small that everyone was constantly losing it. Thus people started using giant tapes again. Smeg head.
Back to redit you go.
The nacelles generate the warp field. Anything going boom on them can't be good.
the bussard collectors aren't the engines, they're just like scoops on the ends of the nacelles that collects interstellar particles for scientific use or if needed, repurposing them into emergency back up power
Given how often the dish gets knocked offline a spare is probably a good idea. In fact given how many backups for the backups of the backups the Federation uses in their systems, much to the displeasure of fertile spoonheads, you would think that the major systems like the deflector array and nacelles would have redundancies.
The warp core generates the warp field, the nacelles are just the output device
The warp core generates the power, the nacelles generate the warp field.
The warp core is just a matter-antimatter containment chamber, like the piston in an engine.
Friendly reminder that Dukat did nothing wrong.
Recommend we fire a photon torpedo, Captain.
Based Star Wars Dubs
Can anyone understand that fucking animal's grunting? Don't understand why we allow it on the bridge, next thing you know we'll even have some bloody Irish on board
Shartner where you at? What's your opinion on this?
Dr. Mok! I'm J.L.D.
Too much lenseflare, not enough strange.
Started watching Enterprise and Im halfway through season 2. Its better than Voyager by miles and Im really enjoying this era of the ST universe. I like that the Vulcans arent as chummy as the older series had you believe.
Archers a pretty comfy captain, Tripp is a great second lead who plays off literally everyone, Phlox is pretty nuanced, Hoshi a cute, Reed is Autism, Mayweather has a cool back story.
I get a bad feeling that Im really going to love it right as it ends. I dont plan on ever watching the final episode.
>You guys think Discovery has any chance of being good?
>It's a Shran and Andorians episode
Don't insult my Reedfu.
I didnt mean it in a negative way I think its charming how awkward he is.
Vote for me.
Left is a modernized Daedalus-class, you dumb casual.
Nah, dont want to disappoint
Martok was best Klingon.
>Gowron was a power-hungry dick
>Worf was a MUH HERITAGE pussy
>Kor et al were has-beens who ultimately never amounted to more than a few notable raids and battles
>B'Ellanna barely deserves mention
>Alexander is a little shit
Meanwhile Martok survived Changeling infiltration, Jem'Hadar torture and enslavement, and went on to win the fucking war and drank bloodwine over the corpse of proud Cardassia.
Honorable mention goes to Chang, to be fair, based Shakespeare-quoting badass.
>Kor et al were has-beens who ultimately never amounted to more than a few notable raids and battles
I don't see any other Dahar Masters around
>Lets wait until halfway through the last season to finally give her some depth!
>Brilliant idea Brannon! How do you do it?
>muh daddy issues
A meaningless title from a peaceful age. What great, years-long wars did the Klingon fight during his reign?
I'd bet my ass Martok gets proclaimed Dahar Master or something similar for his war services.
Meanwhile Kor got defeated by one dude called the Albino.
Hey I never said it was good depth. I cant think of a single other episode besides the Vidiian introduction in Season 1 that actually gave her emotions besides PMS.
And Janeway was an admiral, doesn't make her actually competent
Blood Fever
I completely forgot about that episode. I guess youre right though. I would also include the episode where she is trying to get her mom into sto-vo-kor.
I went to CBS studios once, the place was rife with prostitutes
Can you explain this meme? Martok did not seek power.
Hertzler's running for office
He got into Odo's office without him noticing, while he was sitting at his desk and looking at the only entrance. Ninja.
Even if it is, it will still have an issue with exposure on CBStube. The production issues are a red flag as well (see early TNG) and I don't think any modern show can withstand those truly terrible episodes from the first and second season.
Regardless I feel in the end it has to have a strong cast to survive and I just don't know about that atm. I have very low expectations but am willing to give it a shot.
fucking tranny shit.
When the walls fell
Avoid finale episode like the plague. Terra Prime/Demons is the end.
Its going to sound trite but... it all depends on the scripts
Even the Alt-Right Cuck sorts will forgive it if the script is tight and the characters bounce off each other nicely.
Bryan Fuller has decent form, Alex Kurtzman less so
Will be difficult to determine as most of the screen will be covered by lens flares most of the time.
probably not. why can't they let go of RETRO star trek and make things post next generation? they should address new trends / technologies / problems in the best science fiction stories of NOW. Star Trek was progressive ... they were daring. they are known for that. they can't do this again via nostalgia. Have you heard how many engineers got into engineering because of star trek; they were future shocked and awe and decided to dedicate their lives to making that tech happen and they did. they coded cell phone protocols and shit. Who will inspire the next generation of engineers? Certainly not that shitshow ;_;
That's not from Discovery, it from Pacific 201, a fan film.
why is the loss of 40 ships considered a major blow in the Star Trek universe? don't they live in a space federation with millions of populated planets? with trillions of people? shouldn't the have (at minimum) tens of thousands of ships?
I watched every Star Trek except tos when it aired
I absolutely hated Enterprise
Disappointed bigly
I just started Voyager last night and I'm excited. Despite all the he hate it gets here, I remember liking Voyager a lot. Especially when 7 of 9 joined. But I'm no fag so that's probably why
That was Kor's non-drunk friend.
She managed to get her ship and crew home in relatively one piece with, for Trek, a very low loss of life taking 7 years to do a journey that should have taken at least 10 times that long. And that's with stopping to say hello to every species they met and poke at every anomaly they passed.
She's amoral and guilty of a good number of crimes, but those were executive decisions she made as opposed to fuck ups due to a lack of competency. She's anything but incompetent.
>why can't they let go of RETRO star trek
It happens when very little time has passed between releases of a franchise. The gap between TOS and TNG was just long enough to get it into the minds of studios that there aren't enough old fans to sustain a new series in the franchise so the noose gets loosen a bit for the showrunners to have more creative freedom.
I never felt that Voyager was bad but I thought the format of the TNG/DS9 time period had finally run its course and the series would be much better off taking a long break.
Hopefully Discovery will be the last show for another 20+ years . The series needs a breath of fresh air that only time can give it. A new Trek series needs to be innovative for a new generation of viewers not just iterative.
>son of single mommy defending axe wound capatain
>taking 7 years to do a journey
It took her 23 years for Janeway to get Voyager home. The number 7 comes from a magic future deus ex machina.
7 and 23 are both incompetent numbers, considering that Janeway could have gotten home in the very first episode.
>in the finale, Voyager's torpedoes blow up the hub after Voyager uses it to go home
>in the pilot, Voyager's torpedoes could blow up the array after Voyager uses it to go home
If it works in the finale, why did she never consider it in the pilot? Because she was incompetent.
except letting the bajorans survive
What is this shit, some fan crap?
partly agree: they need to shake things off but there is another way than just wait it out, like i said they could tackle new subjects that a re relevant in contemporary science fiction. they gad a lot of mileage of existential questions related to AI, they had a sort of dumb conservative take on human augmentation with having none on staff except icky borg, had some mileage out of the holodeck...
let's list ideas for episodes. how about make one related to a mega structure like a jupiter brain, one about a multiverse of bubble universes, one about deepest espace exploring using nanobots propulsed by laser or something. one clarifying their take on life extension, why don't they want to live a few hundred years at least... how about their take on the concept of technological singularity, has their civilization reached a certain plateau? why don't they use more robots and androids? if you got other ideas, bring em. as i said, i think sci fi shows should inspire engineers and not just people who fantasize about laser dogfights in space
What are some bad episodes that have wonderful titles?
They're still looking for a baldness cure in star trek, just look at picard and zimmerman
>Dr. Zimmerman, what were the initial symptoms of your disease?
>Radical hair loss
When the fire rises.
If your nacelles are getting hit, then your shields are down.
If your shields are down, you've lost the fight and the only thing keeping you alive is plot armor. For fuck's sake the D's bridge has a massive fucking window on the top.
>the dozens of fights where the shields are down and the ship is still taking hits and isn't instantly destroyed
really grinds my gears
those digits tho
praise be
oh fug
holy shit son
There's certainly a chance, but I'm keeping my hopes in check because I haven't been exactly thrilled by what we've seen insofar
include me