31 years old

>31 years old

Was there less fluoride in the water 30 years ago and or was it microwaves in homes that have turned all men into mutated man-childs today?, look at all the 31 year olds now.

>Cable was still somewhat of a luxury.
>Entertainment largely meant leaving your house and actually doing shit, not just sitting on your ass all day.

Chad's have always been a thing

Here's a 31 year old from 2014. Clearly, we've gone so far downhill.

smoking and drinking does that.

Kino runs through his veins

Hating jews and negroes makes you look better, objectively.

australian sun does that to you

>tfw 25 and look 40
ten years of hard drinking and smoking really does a number on your body.

>22 and look like babyfaced 16
>Drink and smoke like it's oxygen

I'm afraid of what I'll look like in 10 years.

Come on dude not everyone looked like him.

He was famous in part for his exceptionally good, masculine looks.

Are some of you kids fucking retarded? Do you have no sense of historical perspective?

All these "remember when men were like Arnold?" threads. Men were never like Arnold.

In the 70s all the movies were soft cock flower guys, Taxi Driver was shockingly violent

More sedentary, more obesity and/or malnutrition, smoking less popular (nicotine and tobacco use is highly androgenic) and the environment is less competitive and safer in general.
You definitely see a lot more underdeveloped young men and women today than at any other point. This is due to a compounding of factors, chief among them sedentary living.

>You definitely see a lot more underdeveloped young men and women today than at any other point


cause young women are developed as fuck these days

I'm 22 and look 40 count your blessings

tfw almost 25 and look around 20
feels kinda ok

I'm 34 and Mel looks old enough to be my dad there

i'm 30 and pass for 24, i look manly but i don't have all those wrinkles he has he looks 40 in that picture. probably due to smoking and Australian sun.

>>Entertainment largely meant leaving your house and actually doing shit, not just sitting on your ass all day.

>his bone structure developed sooner because he didn't have a computer

yeah that makes sense good job idiot.

I have no statistical proof, I don't think there has been any studies conducted on this, but it's plain as day observing subjects born post-1980 that there's a much, much higher incidence of maxillo-facial deformities.

Secondary sexual characteristics do occur at an earlier and more extreme rate, yes, this is likely because a sedentary, safe lifestyle does not impact the female organism in the same way as the male.

>>>cause young women are developed as fuck these days

You post proof of this. I see people talking about it on Sup Forums all the time but no evidence.

If you don't reply you only prove my point

>look 15-16
>5'9 manlet

Like two years ago, when I did some food shopping after uni lectures, I had a cashier ask me why I wasn't in school.

i look basically the same as two years ago, hell i look the same as i did back when i was 16-17


I feel like lots of good food, free time at the gym, and a lack of cigarette smoking would put you decidedly on-the-nose in terms of development.

it'll catch up.

Go lift pussy

You don't happen to have photographic evidence of those young developed women, do you?

Jesus OP is either fucking stupid or american why are you comparing actors to normal people

Being out in the sun more and a rougher lifestyle does a lot

>Be 24
>Look 40 with beard
>Look 14 without it
It's either be a fat Reddit mod look alike or be a fat baby

>normal people

Leo, Tom or 90% of actors today would literally be beta with no women if not for money and star status.

Pretty sure you have a survivorship bias. Men that made it in film, music and fashion were always good looking. If you look at average people, there have always been poorly developed people.

I have noticed more women with Natal faces that are famous now. Wide eyes and flat noses to reflect the growing incidence of FAS in our culture.

He was born and lived in America for like 12 years

>the growing incidence of FAS in our culture
Yeah because when people didn't know the consequences of drinking during pregnancy it didn't happen ever.

He's a big guy though


What's the point of being old?I'm 24, look 19 and thankful for that

People take you more seriously.
Maybe I will have some benefits from it when I'm actually old and look younger, but now being 27 and people STILL calling me "boy" is heavily emasculating.

Yes I lift, yes I try to dress like a man, yes I try told myself up like a man, but that doesn’t change my innocent little babyface and the 5'7 height.

Some males become lads some become men. Age doesn't really matter. It's the inner pleb level.

Yeah, I was born in the 1970s. Pretty awesome actually. You couldn't verify a damn thing. You could lie and tell stories as though they were the truth and people would believe you and they never found out otherwise.

There was nothing at all to distract you from the things you wanted to do. You focused and got shit done. If you wanted to talk to someone distant you had to be tethered to the wall with the phone cord. Paper-based mail was exciting when you sent and received letters. You had to actually get up and drive, walk, bike to your friend's house to talk to them. You had to wait up to 1 month to get photos developed and you had to choose your shots carefully. You had to ask local people for directions when traveling.

Everyone talked to everyone else when you went out somewhere. Sometimes you'd sit down to a meal and have a group conversation with several other people in the restaurant and everyone else would be listening in.

Secrets were kept. Porn was in magazines and on VHS/Beta you had to hide from your parents or randomly find in the woods. When you were out in nature you had to focus on nature and not your phone or battery life. Walkie-Talkie hide and seek was a thing. There were only 3 TV channels, if you turned the antenna correctly. Movies were neighborhood events.

Hidden ponds didn't have trash around them because you were the only person who knew about them. Trails didn't have graffiti and twitter tags, if there were trails. The fish were bigger then. The water cleaner. There wasn't any jet trails in the sky. Rainbows were not for fags. You used gas lanterns and flashlights with massive square batteries around camp.

Where ever you were, you looked out from that spot to everything around you. You didn't look at a screen to determine where your place was in the world. Your place was where ever you happened to be.

Sounds like some pretty shitty times my dude.
Also the only thing that was "cleaner" back then was cocaine.

Are you shitting me? I was born in the late 60s.
The rivers were filthy, Chinese-style smog was a problem in several major cities, acid rain was nasty as fuck, industry was dumping toxins wherever the fuck they wanted.

It was so bad going into the 1970s that even the Industry-friendly Republicans were moved to pass strict regulations on pollution.

You tried so hard to be deep with that last line I wouldn't be surprised if your post shows up in future cringe threads

Im nearly 29 and look like an unrealistic tv teenager like something from the OC

>looking 40 when you're 30

Everything being wrapped in plastic and chemicals in food probably also have to do with it, but the biggest thing is people being entertained by just sitting on their asses these days, and how everyone is fatter because there are more good tasting but unhealthy foods. Now you can sit on your ass all day and be entertained. Back then i don't even know what people did with their free time, but they sure as hell didn't sit 12h/day. At least kids had to play by moving which creates a whole different kind of development and puberty.

Mouth breathing and eating soft food does that to you.

I hit puberty at 11 and looked 15, but then I stayed looking 15 and I will be 28 in September. However I am a grill so its not a problem.

>dis kid nowdays and their internets amirite


>tfw 21 but look like I'm 14 still
>tfw ugly and acne scars on top of that
>tfw also a kid's voice and multiple times over the phone people have asked me if "mom or dad are home"
Almost complete hard mode, only thing that makes it easier is that I'm not a manlet and don't have any deformities

>don't have any deformities
>acne scars

Nigga I meant shit like not being able to walk properly or walk at all, but I guess you're right
It's definitely hard mode because of how my face looks

Try growing out a beard. I have an awful jawline and growing a beard completely hides it. Also I went from getting told I look 16 to never getting carded. It might hide your scars too, depending on where they are.

>Try growing out a beard
I wish I could, my man, but the density is almost non-existent, it doesn't hide anything, just makes me look even uglier. As you know, you can't choose how your beard is, it's all in genetics.
Truly hard mode.

Theres studies that show sperm levels are decreasing

Im sure test has also decreased

How could it increase with all the estrogen water? Everytime some slut on the pill takes a piss that goes back into the water and now youve got estrogen water going into guys food and drinks and in their showers.


>aussie reared
>burger nu-males

Yeah, the ability to grow a full beard is one thing I got lucky with. Maybe consider surgery if you're really self conscious about your scars. It can be costly but if it helps improve your self confidence it's worth it.

>from the suburbs
>feel normie
>go into sydney city
>suddenly im fucking clint eastwood surrounded y manlets and child faced ''''men'''' in suits

I guess it's because all the physically large guys become tradies? And theres no women tradies so youll never be around them in the middle class areas.

In any event its awesome being surrounded by betas.

I've given up on my looks a long time ago because even if I fix the scars, I'll still be ugly (only a bit less), but I might do it only because I am annoyed myself because of not having a clear skin like most of the population does.

do you actually think it's a good thing to look old as fuck at a younger age?