I propose that piracy is something to encourage. It's your responsibility to drive the profits from traditional sales down to the point where copyright holder's finally adopt the subscription model that Netflix tried and Spotify succeeded.
The technology of the internet has given us the means to access all our movies an TV shows, our culture, at any time. The potential for learning and entertainment is greater then ever but greedy copyright holder's are holding us back.
If a service is easier then piracy and has a fair cost people will pay, just like the model Spotify has. By not pirating films and TV your propping up a failing business model that only want to rob you. Piracy is the only way to stand up to them. Am I wrong?
Piracy is the right thing to do
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stop trying to justify your shitty attitudes.
>our culture, at any time
it's just fucking entertainment you moran
So your both happy to pay £20 for a 30 year old movie that's been screened on the TV multiple times on a crappy optical disk that won't last out the decade before you have to buy it again?
Oh sure, I'm the Moran.
i only need to see the movie once. And yes, why not?
movies usually break even or get small profits. It's a risky business.
To illustrate how much it can go wrong: Mr. Right.
Mediocre film, $8 million budget + advertising, $400.000 box office.
booze is nice, isn't it?
>don't mind me, just ""pirating"" this car because those evil car companies deserve it
But it would be a much more stable business if it adopted the subscription model like the music industry has. It's better for artists and better for consumers. Plus old movies have already made their money back. But still cost full price even if all the cast and crew have died of old age.
There's nothing worse than a moralfag pirate who constantly feels the need to justify his pirating. You're poor and can't afford to buy whatever it is you're pirating, that's fine, you don't need to justify it. Stop acting like you're on some grand moral crusade to save the industry, the only person you're trying to convince is yourself.
you're just reaching out.
iTunes and Spotify barely pays its artists, and netflix,amazon TV, fandangoNOW, etc. aren't too far off.
So many artists resort to bandcamp because they can't stand the milking off these companies. So many genres are killed off this particular business model.
>It's better for artists
lol no
>prying open a car window with a crowbar
>it actually slides down instead of breaking into pieces
This nigga gets it.
>stealing is copying
Most pirates in the West are middle class and spend more on storage and VPNs than buyfags on media.
It can be but it's pretty tricky to measure since there are too many variables.
So I ask you again, are you happy to pay £20 or however many dollaridoos for a movie where all the cast and crew have died of old age?
>I'm a poorfag! Join me in my poorfag ways!
why can't pirates just keep quiet about their ways? Are you seriously trying to recruit more thieves so you feel less shitty? Just shut up. You probably don't even seed.
Just because you've made peace with getting fucked in the arse doesn't mean we all have to go along with it.
I agree but not even bandcamp does a great job of supporting its artists there's been plenty of times I've gotten an email from them about people buying my albums only to lose all the profits to "revenue share"
>Most pirates in the West are middle class and spend more on storage and VPNs than buyfags on media.
not really, your average piratefag is some Sup Forums toddler who downloads shit from thepiratebay over their own connection and doesn't even seed
yes, i am exchanging money for goods, that is how the world works
>car company creates car
>a few people buy it
>people start coming along with their magic car-cloning devices and copying it
>everyone loves the car, it's wildly popular
>car company only got money from the few people who actually initially bought it
>can't make new cars
>goes out of business
Why are you paying £20 for an old movie? I get all my movies through Amazon and never pay more than £1-2 including postage for anything older than 2010.
Where is the 3D printer revolution, want to pirate some new trousers and shoes
>implying the car company couldn't just buy a car-cloning device and keep producing their cars for practically free, giving them the ability to sell cars much cheaper while getting an even bigger profit-margin, all while telling the costumers that by buying an official copy they're funding further car-improvements
How is exchanging money for goods in any way getting fucked? If anything, it's the creators of the media you pirate that gets fucked, and I couldn't care less about them. Shelling out a few bucks for something I want just doesn't keep me awake at night like it would a poorfag like you.
This, why do pirates try and actually encourage more people to pirate? Pirating only works because most people are normalfags who buy media, I always discourage people from pirating because it is not in my interest to have more people pirating.
good job. you made me grin so hard.
woa ladaaladeee
*hooks you away from the threater*
that should be obvious, unfortunately, some people doesn't get it.
>your average piratefag is some Sup Forums toddler who downloads shit from thepiratebay over their own connection and doesn't even seed
Sup Forums kids are a very small minority at everything, and full of consolefags. It's generally third worlders who do it all directly.
Most in the first world are either really serious about it and go full autism or normal people who stream shit from grey sources because the legal options are too limiting.
Then they were stupid and didn't adjust their business model to a world where people got a cloning device. Given that people like their designs, they should've have no problems to make money with them one way or another. Or they could provide additional service to the car.
Sounds like a plan too.
Pirates are like pot addicts, pointlessly smug and obnoxious about something literally anyone can do. But fuck Hollywood so whatever, keep it up.
By limiting the market it's the publishers who fuck the creators.
Take something as simple as watching a movie that is in the cinema. I got money to blow and want to support the people who made the stuff I like, but I want to watch it at home, not surrounded by annoying children. I don't want to waste time ripping a bluray either. Why can't I just buy a fucking movie the second it's available in the cinema, download and own it? These are thousands of bucks the industry could get from me yet they decide to push their archaic business model.
>Why can't I just buy a fucking movie the second it's available in the cinema, download and own it?
You have the piracy scene to thank for that. Companies always, ALWAYS go for the option that makes them the most money at the least amount of risk (they're smart/scummy like that). The "archaic business model" is simply their safest bet.
Don't get me wrong, I'd snap up a day 1 digital sale too, but as long as that day 1 torrent is an inevitability, then companies will never let us have it. Try an alternate reality.
>The "archaic business model" is simply their safest bet.
Is it though? Torrents are going to come out either way, remember how bad Netflix was harmed by the leak of some shit before release? Series like GoT (wasn't first part of season 6 leaked before release as well?) tend to have livestreams (same with sport streams) and HBO or football are growing businesses. And these are things people often watch at home. Cinema is a completely different experience altogether and can't be replaced by one day torrents for people who really enjoy it. Then ones who don't, might go for cam rips or waiting.
A lot of the problems are created not by pirates but by in-fighting about crazy DRM, regional locks, licenses to fuck your competitors and force customers to choose one ecosystem and the likes. Since all of them are making nice profits one can say it does work either way but is there really no way to maximise the profits further? The war on piracy doesn't appear too effective.
Poorfags won't be able to buy shit either way so a new approach is needed to get some of their money (ad financed stuff like Spotify or even Jewtube, I guess), while people who simply want more freedom and do have money are an untapped market.
nothing stopping you poorfag, if you can't afford it just pull yourself up by your bootstraps. The only thing stopping you from being a billionaire is your bad attitude and regulations.
>theatrical-quality 1080p resolution
>copy to be stored on the player’s hard drive, ready to be viewed for at least as long as the film is in wide release
>Aside from Universal, movie studios haven’t exactly been crawling over each other to get in line
Seems like a crappy deal even if you ignore the price.