Now that the dust has settled, we can all agree this should've ended with the second season, right?

Now that the dust has settled, we can all agree this should've ended with the second season, right?

It should end with first cause the us election is much better show.

The problem was third season. Now they are trying to clean it up, but they are doing a terrible job

At least Based Tusk reappears every once and then

And the bitchness of Claire and stagnation of Frank (who hasn't done anything outstanding since Season 2) give room to Michael Kelly to show his abilities

Yup. Stopped watching after the third. Even if it weren't for the Claire bullshit, it's like the writers have absolutely no clue what the president does.

They actually shadowed congressmen and got the party politics right in 1, and every VP has a different role so they had freedom with that one, but they went way off the rails with the presidency to the point the show became nonsense.

anyone who watched past the threesome has an amazing ability to endure horribly shit television

The latest season is a gigantic train wreck. And not even one that you can't look away from.its one that is just horrifying

It was fine until the last couple episodes. I'm still mad at the finale. I mean, they alluded to that outcome halfway through the season. So on the nose. I was really waiting to see Francis Underwood the fuck out of that situation and even Underwood the fuck out of Claire, which he should have done in hindsight anyways.

I stopped watching after S2 E1. Frank was VP, the leak was shut up. It seemed like a very fitting finale.

the show was always a contrived piece of shit

maybe except for the first few eps that fincher directed, you can really see the quality drop afterward

>It was fine until the last couple episodes.
This. The last two episodes were the only really bad ones, with Frank realizing something that was obvious in Season 2

If they truly had balls they would make Conway President. Then Frank would go to private sector, try to destroy Conway, and put Claire in the White House

We're keep watching the same script all over again

I really appreciate Frank's transformation into an alpha male bisexual cuckold. Can't wait to see what the future has in store for the first female POTUS!

Yes, I thought season 2 was a great place to finish. Although they could have made season 3 about Frank's downfall. The likes of Tusk, Walker, Lucas, and everyone else Frank had fucked over abandoning him, one by one. Then the last episode has even Claire testifying against him.

Nah, it had so many plot holes that it was embarrassing.

Remember how the entire thing with Conway having PTSD and people keep alluding to war crimes just was flat out dropped, despite having been built up from the previous season? Claire becoming acting pres for no reason? Deep state people come out of nowhere and decide to become main characters. The entire ship in the Arctic thing that went nowhere, to say nothing of Russia invading a science outpost for MUH OIL despite having shit tons of it.

The entire season was all over the fuckibg place.

I stopped watching past S3 but what exactly happened afterwards?
The last thing I remember was Clair leaving Frank.

>season 3 about Frank's downfall
Nah, that would be too rush. Frank deserved two seasons on the spotlight (but without that Tom Yates-Evil Putin shit), only for losing to Conway (without a scandal about killing Zoe and all his corrpution being made public). Then, he'd go to private sector, keep controling the Democratic Party, and destroying Conway's Presidency, giving room for Claire to run. Then the scandal about his corrpution and murder would be made public, and Claire would kill him to stop it and get sypathy, winning the election. Then, the show would be over

>first female POTUS
VEEP is good Sup Forums

i hang in until the middle of season 5. american politics are interesting to me as a non-american. but season 5 was such a shitshow i lost hope after a couple of episodes.

I think Frank needs to fall from the top. The show is called "House of Cards", after all. You could maybe stretch it out over seasons 3 and 4, but I think for the sake of the narrative and the type of tragedy it's supposed to be, he has to go straight from the presidency to his death. Maybe with scandals closing in, Claire quietly poisons him, similar to what President Harding's wife allegedly did when he was dealing with a ton of corruption scandals.

Underwood dies and the whole lionization of the dead spares not only him from further investigation, but also protects his legacy. Ironically he wins and gets what he really wants despite dying. Then Claire runs in the next election and wins. Like a Juan Peron/Eva Peron situation, where Eva had a lot of political support in her own right and might have even won the presidency.

>and Claire would kill him to stop it and get sypathy, winning the election. Then, the show would be over

Come on, that's just silly. If she publicly killed him she wouldn't get sympathy, she'd go to prison. And she certainly wouldn't get elected.

Just don't think I can get into a female lead aside from Buffy.

How about Ripley or Sarah Connor?

UK version was better even before this season. After this season, they're incomparable, because they turned the American one into vacuous schlock.

>Captcha: Deal Britt

UK version had

>far more realistic plots
>a proper message about where the power lies (not in the person but in the secret services)
>better side characters (Tim Stamper>Doug Stamper, Mattie>Zoe) and opponents
>better humour
>better message (doesn't try to make the evil couple 'le relatable dramatic people who r just like us pls feel bad for Claire and Frank when they're down')

I thought the American remake showed promise in the first 2 seasons because they were original and did their own things with the source material,. but they needed to end it. It dragged and it ruined it. It's too preachy and full of non-plot.

That's where I naturally stopped, it just felt different and lazy at some point

I thought the first season of the US version was better than the first of the UK. Not much comparison for 2 and 3 though. Also I like that Urquhart is an actual politician with actual goals. He wants to take British society back to its prewar days and bring it back as close as possible to its old level of global prominence, while simultaneously forming a great long-term legacy for himself. Frank stay President? To kill stuff? I don't think it's a coincidence that the US version declines dramatically once Frank is in office.

>can kick ass
>not over the top
>is told to shut up when she tries to go off rails

>bongistani can't stop telling everyone they're a bonoloid.

I hate these episodes

Frank pushing Cathy down the stairs was the "jumping the shark" moment for me. It's fuckin ridiculous and unrealistic.

I'm Serbian

I loved this show but I hate Claire as a character. They are trying to make her the female version of Frank, but she's neither as smart nor as ruthless as he is. She can't prioritize, she is brash and very impulsive, she often asks (almost demands) that Frank help her in some way, by passing a bill or making her the ambassador in the UN etc. She is whiny, "I want to be ambassador Frank!", and it seems to me that she thinks Frank's accomplishments entitle her to some accomplishments.

She gets heralded as a strong woman but she's the opposite. Which is a shame because there was great character potential in there.

No because it just delivered the most Sup Forums line in history.

>Don't cheat on my wife Tom

It's weird that the plot doesn't seem to actually matter. The world can be ending in one episode, but at the beginning of the next, Mark Usher reveals he had a secret way to stop the world from ending all along.

So if it's not actually about the conflict in the plot from episode to episode, what the fuck am I watching for? To see how far the Underwood's characters will go? To see them infighting with each other?

What do they even want? I honestly don't remember their motivation. It seems to just be "we want power" since in the first season some people treated Frank unfairly and so now he wants to control everything?

>She gets heralded as a strong woman but she's the opposite

This is exactly what is so annoying

>I am cold,calculated individual
>waaah,Frank,my feelings! you weren't fair to single me out!

She wanted to be a fucking ambassador and to be immune to criticism.

>show ending after 2 seasons

yeah hold on while I throw this lottery ticket away

Yes exactly!

Here's an excerpt from the early episodes. Urquhart would be a Sup Forums favourite.

Those are limited doses (movies) and more of a badass character. G

I'd say Claire looking at the camera and talking, saying "I've always known you were there, I just don't like you." was when it officially jumped the shark. Same episode too. Really gets those almonds activating

Though the episode where Claire ruins everything in Russia over some fag she just met 10 minutes earlier was the downfall of the show and when she was even thought of as being a VP was probably closer to when it truly jumped.

>Which is a shame because there was great character potential in there.

I think it would've been great if she was the proverbial 'power behind the throne' and was always the one that Frank went to for advice or she pushed him along the path he's gone down. Then at the end you could have some kind of reveal that she was the one in charge the whole time. That would've at least been interesting if executed properly.

Something like that happens in the UK version. But I won't go into details, you should watch it.


Wrong hemisphere.

Plot should have been
>s1 as it was
>s2 as it was, frank becomes prez
>s3 frank consolidates his power, rids himself of enemies, begins to gather dictatorey powers
>s4 Frank's hubris and the people he's harmed e.g. Hammerschmidt take him down
Could stretch s3 to two seasons.
Basically show how someone so inclined could work the system and assume total power. He bends and breaks the rules but he's so wily and charismatic he gets away with it, for a time.
Instead I don't know what the fuck they're doing, which is probably because they don't know what they're doing either.

I'm just watching for Doug at this point

This, plues eventual Conway and Tusk cameos


Neve dont be kill :_:

Urquhart was based, especially when he takes on the king

>My ancestors were serving the throne of Britain long before your powerless, talentless family ever sat on it

Sarah Connor isn't the lead in T2 though, and in T1 she's actually sort of annoying.

Is Robin Wright actually responsible for the show turning into shit or is this just some meme? When exactly did she start having more of on influence on the direction of the show?

>When exactly did she start having more of on influence on the direction of the show?
When the fans went banana over her

>no problems killing people
>no problems taking the fall for Frank and going to jail
>no problems threatening people
>"I'm fucking you because I hate you." is what breaks him

Did a woman write this?


>Claire ruins everything in Russia over some fag she just met 10 minutes earlier

And in the next episode she is cold and calculated when they need to support an african dictator because it suits them politically. Writing for Claire is a mess.

Skyler White 1.1


exactly this

i've not watched season 5 (don't care about spoilers though)

the whole point of the show is it's a metaphorical house of cards

the zoe barnes + peter russo + lucas goodwin + rachel posner fuckups should lead to a collapse of frank's entire power structure, like a literal house of cards falling down if one of the bottom cards is removed

I honestly thought season 2 was the end of the show. It had the perfect ending with no real cliffhangers. I then saw that season 3 had been released 7 months too late and I was kinda sad when I started watching it. But I kept going and now I fucking hate the show.

no, at least skyler was consistent (even if she was consistently an ardent bitch)

she had a very clear motive throughout the entire show: safety and security for
(primarily) her children and (secondarily) herself and her family

>I have you now Frank
>well done well done HOWEVER
>*proceeds to counter him with a series of political moves that puts him in a corner
>then Frank tells him " here is what you are going to do"
>I-I-I'll make a few calls
>no no, I said " make a few FALLS"
>pushes guy down 2 steps
>looks into camera

Claire gets back with Frank and is all of a sudden GIRL POWA MASTERMIND XD and becomes president at the end of season 5. Frank is literally a pathetic cuckold that doesn't even want to be President anymore which is 100% against the entire crux of his character. I wish I were kidding, you're not missing anything. S5 is worse than 3, 4 was okay though until you realize where its leading in 5.