So where the FUCK did they go?

so where the FUCK did they go?

Other urls found in this thread:

A galaxy far far away (which is actually hell)

Wasn't it some chaos dimension? Been a while since I've seen the movie. I don't think it was literally Hell.

to bathroom...on taco night, LOL!

it took them into a plot hole

>"a dimension of pure chaos, of pure evil"
think the bad guy says something like that

Ye the accidentally the warp

I like to think of this movie as a prequel to 40K and they accidentally caught themselves into the warp.

So, ?




Which is scarier? A real dimension that is essentially hell that humans could accidentally stumble into, or the biblical hell after death?

Is this movie good? I'm looking for some new sci-fi Kino to watch

its kind of dumb but entertaining at the same time

This whole movie is a prequel to Warhammer 40k.

I'll give it a go then

Fuck of you stupid namefaggot cunt. Kill yourself let every horrible thing possible happen to you . Piece of shit. You are the reason Sup Forums is complete shit right now.

It was hell. It actually was. I feel like Sam Neil even says it at one point.

Where da Emp then at?


I was so disappointed with this movie, not because it was awful, just because it had so much potential and it obvious got fucked up by the studio either in editing or some shitty producer running his mouth on set.

A space crew testing a experimental warp drive in which they unknowingly travel through another dimension (like some WH40K prequel), analogous with hell, is a really cool idea.

The absolute state of this post

Biblical one. It's basically guaranteed that we go there after our inevitable death and you're trapped forever, nonstop.

We haven't even discovered another dimension yet and maybe never will. If someone did, they'd die eventually and it ends.

It should have ended with the rescue crew being sucked into the warp themselves and then horribly dying. Those stupid, spoopy "you think you got away but actually fuck you haha" endings in movies are hella lame.

to see leviathan, the lord of the labyrinth

So should I watch this after reading this thread, or will the movie be spoiled and ruined for me now?

There's a semi documentary on YouTube that goes over the making of it - they were going to try and do a directors cut but the studio lost the footage / it was damaged. From what I recall the studio did actually mess with it quite alot

if you can enjoy the good parts of a movie without getting distracted by the bad ones, then it's a great movie

i think it's one of my favorite movies

it also features the best black character ever written

You can still watch it.

There wasn't that many spoilers. Besides it's an okay movie.

Fuck Test Audiences: The Movie

Oh what could have been...

Being spoiled doesn't matter for this one.

Thanks brethren

Just let it wash over you and let it percolate. For whatever reason, this shitty little movie sets a hook in your brain and you think about it for years afterward.

>this shitty little movie sets a hook in your brain and you think about it for years afterward.

thats the perfect way to put it lmfao

the first act is good, 2nd act is also good. The third act, however, is absolutely batshit crazy and brings the overall score of the film down so much.

Apparently somewhere where they don't need eyes to see.

second star to the right, and straight on till morning

Sup Forums manifested in a dimension

It wasn't hell nor was it some weird crazy dimention, they literally just went crazy due to the carbon dioxide build up on the ship. Everything that happened can be explained logically.

more like Sup Forums or /d/

Sphere was better.

Nice headcanon
Imma steal it

What could have been

man that shit is fucking terrifying. makes gravity look like bitch mode


>WH40K is cool!

I remember being fourteen years old


Wow this shit is absolutely impressive as fuck.

10 weeks pre production, 90 days to shoot??

Fuck paramount.

Not if you believe in Jesus who died so we wouldn't have such a horrible fate. You have that choice right now.

>they literally just went crazy due to the carbon dioxide
Hold your breath as long as you can.
Go crazy yet?
I didn't think so

it was actually all of that at the same time

>so where the FUCK did they go?
nowhere -- the 'singularity' opened a 'worm hole' to Hell

You guys probably won't believe me, but I could get access to the"deleted footage".
I know one of the actors personally, and he gave me a rundown of what he filmed/what the ending was supposed to be, but he didn't let me finally watch it until like a year ago.
There are 3 endings, all of which are pretty similar, but have opposite themes, if you catch my drift.
He was pretty ok with "leaking" it, but since he specifically requested it, they'd know it was him, and he'd get sued.
You guys were right about it being just barely out of reach from genre-defining kino.
There was some politics around why it was edited, and it was purely dictated by higher-ups, and the director had to play ball.
Talked to him over Easter and he said they're working to release at least one of the endings by end of year, to create hype for some other movie.

If you can get it then go for it. I actually really liked Event Horizon so I'm curious to see shit like that.

Please do. Especially that clip of Weir talking about hell in cenobite form. On the blueray, Paul Anderson talks during the footage and you can't hear what's being said.

Also there was a rumor of a early workprint with all the deleted and gory footage somewhere but it hasn't been leaked anywhere.

What's that pic from? Was that really in Event Horizon?

If he flew out in front of the camera and set it to a timer, we would have a photograph containing all of humanity in one frame

Theres enough of a following now for this movie that the actor could probably just do a kickstarter to recoup the cost of being sued, if not public support for this would be huge.

I hope its Sean Pertwee

>there was a rumor of a early workprint with all the deleted and gory footage somewhere
Yeah it was found in a fucking transylvanian salt mine.


The Warp.

sheesh...everybody has known this for years.


"hell is just a name, the reality is much much worse"


>transylvanian salt mine.

why? wtf?

was it so spooky that draculas and mummies had to protect it from normies?

perhaps, a buried kino...

>perhaps, a buried kino...
Basically yeah




give us an idea of what its supposed to be, oh mighty one

They went to a blood rave, similar to the one featured in Blade

fuckin around on earth prolly

he cant because he is a liar.... imagine being so lonely you have to pretend to know celebrities and make up stories about endings to movies...

Truly you don't need eyes there.

feet heaven, when all the feet are the feetest of feeten, and the impure feet sacrileges goes to feetabyss

Kill yourself tripfag

KILLKID is awesome and one of the top posters here. leave him alone. just becuz you are too stupid too know how to trip? lol oh wow

Us catholics believe that you chill in purgatory while St Michael checks your sins. If you have enough good boy points you go to heaven.

>so where the FUCK did they go?

Sup Forums

Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece, "man on the moon"




It's the Warp

red dwarf is literally rebdit tier....

>futurama above red dwarf

i'll go with this

why does it take him so long?

oh ffs, they explain it pretty clear on the movie.
It's a dark corner of the universe, beyond the reaches of human understanding, a place that is called "hell" but it isn't just a religious idea, it was real and much worse than anything imaginable

>Same Neill fights the Old Gods in Space
>A sequel to Sam Neill fighting Old Gods on Earth, the spiritual successor of Sam Neill fighting Old Gods in his girlfriends vagina

Movie with great potential fucked by studio exec

Ya, what was that ending even implying? Like is she now permanently mentally fucked up and will just see the badguys face everywhere, or did they all actually not escape...or what?

just PTSD probably

>Bodacious Space Pirates
God that was a wasted opportunity

Don't forget The Thing (2011), that also gets the fuck test audiences award

This is probably bullshit but I want to believe

Red Dwarf is severely overrated.

Even so it is still better than Futurama. At least, the first 4-5 seasons are.

What if you tie with good boy points and bad goy points

Oh fuck off.
This wasn't that great a movie, the 'dimension of chaos' was a few flashy strobed images of a bad car accident and the rest was build up. It's a ghost story poorly told and the way kids who weren't born talk about it you'd think there was more to it.
It's a shit-tier b-movie, stop trying to hype details or depth that don't exist.

He's a slow reader, plus he's been backed up since the bubonic plague.

>good boy points and bad goy points
Aren't they the same thing? Remember Jesus whipping all the usurers at the temple? The J-man wasn't into Jewish tricks.

Perhaps his Jewish trick was making people believe he was the Son of God just to let you think you have a chance of going to heaven only for him to taunt you for eternity in hell for being so gullible

Best black character? The funny one or Lawrence?