why doesn't the T-1000 look dated?
Why doesn't the T-1000 look dated?
i dont know, maybe things now are just shit
It does though
Massive amounts of time, effort and money went into it. When you have a fairly small amount of cgi like that, you can spend the time to make it look good, unlike a movie where the whole thing is cgi and you're rushed to get it all done on time and budget
It does at certain moments. But the effects are sufficient enough in other parts and the design concept well-conceived and iconic enough to work.
That's something that struck me watching this a couple days ago- the film just looks really iconic. Everything about it. Just simple, well-formed designs that look like they've always existed somehow.
Did you know those effects were done on Amiga?
liquid metal is probably the easiest thing to do in CGI.
Eric, please.
because it's an abstract concept, literally just a blob of liquid metal, it doesn't have to look realistic or detailed, just reflective
unlike, say, shitty CGI on a deer or a car, because everyone has seen that in real life and can tell right away if it looks fake as fuck
Are there any other movies anyone can think of that use a "liquid metal" effect or aesthetic at any point?
Abyss, water tentacle creature thing was a precursor to the CGI they would use for the T-1000.
Because it's stylistically designed to be that way.
aka people give a shit
Hobbit with the gold
Janet Jackson and Busta Rhymes What its gonna be music video
>Janet Jackson and Busta Rhymes What its gonna be music video
Right... I was thinking about this recently, and felt like I used to see that effect a lot in the late 90s but couldn't really think of many movies with it. But that's right, it was in a lot of music videos of that era... trance and all those Timbaland-type RnB videos.
Yeah, often forget about that one. Cool movie.
Only thing that ever glaringly stood out to me is the roll Arnold does off the nitroglycerin truck.
Terminator 1 & 2 are seriously so fucking incredible.
James Cameron should be as revered as John Carpenter for those, and as much as Ridley Scott who gets as much respect for Blade Runner and Alien, and I think Cameron is superior to.
At least he can get a date.
It's held up pretty well but you can see some obvious elements of the early 90s in there such as the color scheme used in that shot.
james cameron is the most revered sci fi director ever what are you talking about m8? everybody recognises t1&2 as all time greats.
I mean more in the whole cult world, and aesthetic world. People tend to worship John Carpenter's The Thing and Escape from NY, and Scott's Alien and Bladerunner, but I think Terminator 1 & 2 are just as aesthetically perfect and arguably better movies than all those others save for The Thing.
t1 has a pretty strong cult following m8. for example many on Sup Forums recognise it as the better movie than t2 (I do for example). most irl retards probably dont. it's fantastically gritty '80s synthwave horror stalker movie desu
every t2 thread, faggots
'its about senses with him, in touch with the world analyzing and observing it, perfect chameleon'
It's because people don't go back and watch these movies very often.
If they did they'd realise t2 is a great blockbuster movie, but its not as good as t1 in terms of plot, characters, feel etc etc.
Same with Cameron's Aliens.
>all that deep blue color
Yeah it kinda makes you want to listen to Enter Sandman.
back in the 90's film producers knew they had limitations so they gave us the best they could with what they had
>>all that deep blue color
cameron is obsessed with blue filters for some reason, literally every movie he's made
nice full house
The Secret World of Alex Mack.
Who thought Metal Mario would be a good villain?
Yeh but that color scheme was early 90s kino. Watch some music vids from that era (like, of course Enter Sandman). Dark blue everywhere.
Not to mention is he one of those faggots who goes back and changes shit for re-releases like that fat-fuck hack Lucas.
Pretty much this. It's like in LOTR where the Balrog looks so fucking badass yet those quick shots of CGI Legolas are so immediately off putting. It's the same technology however it's presenting something unfamilar alongside something very familiar.
I don't remember Titanic using blue filters.
It does. You just don't care because you've got a huge nostalgiaboner for T2. I bet you think the stop-motion Terminator scenes in the first one don't look dated either.
of course it does. when the ship is getting wrecked he's got blue filters all over it. also all night time scenes.
>I bet you think the stop-motion Terminator scenes in the first one don't look dated either.
T1 is amazingly dated and why wouldn't it be? It's 33 years old. To put it in perspective, in 1984 that would be the equivalent of watching a movie made when Truman was president.
Problem I have with T2 is that its kinda soulless and has an annoying kid. Its a better made blueprint of most of todays action movies: Quips and lots of boom.
Aliens is even worse in that it isnt even a good action movie. It takes for fucking ever to get to the action and the rest is pretty dumb. Cameron should really be technical advisor to someone who can write good stories, if such a person still exists.
ITT bunch of faggots who cannot appreciate kino and keep thinkng about a dildo in their asses
People knew the limits of CGI better in the 90s.
Cameron saturates all his movie with blue. Titanic, Abyss,True Lies, Christ in Avatar the tree goblins were fucking blue.
Watch any of his stuff and there is always a blue temperature throughout the film.
Dont know the technical jargon for it, but you can tell when you are watching a Cameron movie by it.
Neat scene but I'm really glad it was deleted. Turns T1000 into a full blown retard. Nice to have in deleted scenes where it belongs though.
The lighting looks off sometimes.
I guess they didn't really had the power house to do ray tracing without taking months to finish rendering they had to compromise.
I love this scene and webm. In terms of concept it's so damn simple and easy to execute but so damn cool. You don't need billions of dollars and CGI to execute such a well made action scene, and all these shitfests like Die Hard 4 with crazy budgets and everything fail to get anywhere close to a scene like this. Cameron just makes the best fucking action scenes ever, he's so damn great.
I would have killed to have seen this live in cinema when it was first released. It would have been fantastic. I was like 5 when T2 came out and it was easily one of my favourites.
>Turns T1000 into a full blown retard.
how so? think it just looks stupid? not scientific enough? finds the alcove too quickly?
yeah I think the way he moves around the room is just retarded and far too overdone.
Never liked this shot, even back in 91. Thought it looked like shit.
>tfw I saw T2 opening weekend in the 90's
top ten theater experience
i dont think they fucked it up. It looks strange because he reflects blue sky against red fire.
me too. Yuro thou
The theatrical cuts for all of Camerons films are the best, except for perhaps The Abyss, but even then the pacing suffers from the extra scenes.
They are getting harder to find too. The directors cut of T2 & Aliens seems to be the standard version out there which sucks.
>They are getting harder to find too. The directors cut of T2 & Aliens seems to be the standard version out there which sucks.
I'm trying to find the theatrical cut torrent of Donnie Darko right now and only wind up with the director's cut which is fucking AIDS. I know DD isn't Cameron but I thought I'd lament this here.
This is still so fucking cool.
I prefer the DC for T2 if only for the scene where John and Sarah flip the Terminator's switch so he can begin to learn. Shit was pure fucking kino.
the scene hasn't aged at all and is still better than anything you'd find in a modern action movie
fury road
is a pile of shit
This would all be CG now.
but it literally isnt. the practical effects are amazing
It would also be shot on digital video instead of film.
for you
Terminator Genisys
my nigga
T2 was great for the time, but now it's kinda dated, visual effect have gone a long way since then :^)
All of these utter plebs on here defending T2
This is why every other board laughs at you guys.
plz tell me bottom left is fake
It would also have at least 3 cuts during the part where Arnolod walks across to the cryo truck.
It might be from a trailer doe.
The color, lighting, general cinematography, all of it's a product of that era.
That's literally wrong. His director's cuts are far better than the others. And that weird T-1000 scene isn't part of the director's cut.
How so? The Aliens DC shows way too much and ruins the mystery and suspense of the colony right at the opening scene of the film. The other scenes are interesting but wreck the pacing of the movie.
The T2 scene in the DC where they flip the switch is just acted poorly and feels really out of place. It also drags on a bit too long.
is the dx the one with that scene in the hospital where sarah imagines kyle reese talking to her? did they also use the alternative ending where sarah connor is sitting as an old woman in a park? because fuck me those scenes were aids.
*also has that shit with the terminator turned off and they're doing some kinda surgery on him? shit was dumb dumb dumb
Yep thats the one
yeah that shit is terrible family
when I first saw that alternative scene of sarah in the park I immediately wondered if I was watching an intentional parody scene
>*also has that shit with the terminator turned off and they're doing some kinda surgery on him? shit was dumb dumb dumb
I like that scene, it shows just how mental Sarah is and John has that line about how does she expect him to be a leader if she won't listen to him.
>I like that scene
that's cause you're a moron my dude
but i still love you so no worries
is it true they are releasing T2 again in 3d next year or so ? So gonna see it
>but i still love you so no worries
I don't want to be loved by someone who can't respect my opinion and calls me names.
This year, in august in fact.
Okay I apologise and I take the namecalling back but T2 DX is still AIDS :(
>why doesn't the T-1000 look dated?
why doesn't The Matrix look dated?
>a race to the CGI bottom since
The one with Kyle is in the DC. The one with Sarah as an old woman is not. What's wrong with the Kyle scene? I think it was pretty important for her character.
Cameron IS revered.
The only reason people don't talk about him often is because the so blatantly obvious he's good at what he does.
Contrast with Carpenter, who never really got the mainstream recognition he deserved, and Scott, who sadly degraded over time. Both are reasons to reflect on and discuss their good works
>I think it was pretty important for her character.
I don't think so. We already know how much Sarah loved Kyle, we don't need another hamfisted and unnecessary scene to remember this. Also the scene is just way to soppy and out of place for the rest of the film. It sticks out like a sore thumb. The acting was also really bad during it, scene felt incredibly forced. I hate it.
That's all true, but I also think, related to what you said, that because Cameron is so huge, in a way he thus gets slightly dismissed as "that douchebag that did Titanic / Avatar" and otherwise is just attacked somewhat because he is so big. Which I always think is a really misguided sentiment. Some people just know how to make a giant fucking crowd-pleasing movie that is still awesome (and I'm not a fan of Titanic or Avatar but they don't at all take away from the Terminator movies or Aliens).
>that because Cameron is so huge, in a way he thus gets slightly dismissed as "that douchebag that did Titanic / Avatar" and otherwise is just attacked somewhat because he is so big.
Didn't mean to repeat myself there, was reformatting the sentence and forgot to erase part.
>and Scott, who sadly degraded over time
He's aged incredibly well doh.
nice argument
I bet you watch anime too don't you faggot
Probably to most Millenials, Cameron is forever going to be "that Titanic/Avatar guy".
The film is amazingly designed, production and special effects.
Nope. You've been wrong twice now. Keep going.
This compared to that 25 minute soggy bowl of porridge chase in T3 will never match something as cool as that.
I also think that lot of people aren't really aware of his total body of work because he's been tied to so many franchises and what not that steals the show away from him.
Like people KNOW that Aliens was directed by James Cameron, but since it is a sequel to Alien that fact tend to be the first thing that comes to people's mind. Same with Titantic. Sure we all know that he directed Titanic, but it is also an early DiCaprio film and it had that song and the fucking Titanic. With Terminator and True Lies. it is basically Arnold that steals the attention.
Really, he doesn't get a lot of attention because people tend to talk about the films rather than Cameron's role in making them. Compare that with say Woody Allen which is all anyone really talks about when discussing Woody Allen films.
Even Bill Hicks talked about this masterpiece for a while in his routines
I think Cameron and JC should team up reboot Dark Star for lulz
who the fuck is JC u cuck