Will Joss ruin the movie and turn it into a cookie cutter with "jokes" that stop being funny after 0 seconds?
Joss Whedon replaces Zack Snyder
Talking about JL of course.
Take a guess.
No wonder why Afflec leaving the DCEU
>Affleck not directing his own movie
WB pls
>2 straight months of reshoots
>new composer
one of the sets being built is in gotham, we're going to get a fucking quipfest in qotham
What the fuck is this SJW nonsense. Oh God..
Another is for Wonder Woman, they're adding more of her.
I liked Znyder-verse Gotham.
Is she going to have a tirade about women's equality?
I get the feeling they're going to shoehorn batgirl into this somehow
these are serious preplanned shoots as well, aquaman was pushed back 2 months to december because mamoa had to be in london for these justice league reshoots so they're not fucking around
When is Snyder coming back?
Probably. It's not looking good bros.
No he's just going to add a bunch of shots with her walking around barefoot
so the joked never stop being funny?
More likely just all mens will be useless as Batman, and WW with black flash-chick saves the day
they're never giving snyder another $200m vehicle again
>will joss ruin zack's pseudo-intellectual garbage with his pseudo-comedic garbage?!
They hired Whedon, not Tarantino.
Zero means never?
No. DC will give Joss a lot more freedom creatively, while reigning in his more retarded over-the-top ideas, than Marvel and he'll do something good.
JL will be a return to form for Joss, he'll do something as good as his best Buffy/Angel/Firefly episodes while exploiting the budget of the movie to it's maximum effect like in Serenity.
I Trust The Joss To unJUST.
>DC will give Joss a lot more freedom creatively, while reigning in his more retarded over-the-top ideas
How come they never reigned in Zack's retarded over the top ideas?
I hope not.
I don't want DC to turn into Marvel 2.0 since Marvel's turning to a shitty shlock marketed to their rabid zombie fanatics.
It's fine everything's fine
You can't shackle the Zack.
he does have a good trackrecord though
>mission impossible
>desperate housewives
Yeah, and fucking Spider-Man and Batman. Dude's the greatest capeshit composer of all time.
much better than a cookie cutter without jokes, a plot that's all over the place, a messy editing job, and innacurate and edgy characterizations.
>he did the simpsons theme song
... is this going to be audio kino?
Those were GOAT and memorable. I'm not THAT concerned, I just hope they keep the main themes.
>... is this going to be audio kino?
They didn't return Basil Poledouris from the dead for it.
frankly i don't like zimmer's batman score much at all, i know it'll never happen but if it was replaced with elfman's score from the burton movies i'd be happy
I wonder how the themes for the other league members end up, superman, batman and wonderwoman had very distinctive themes. Supes has the best though
Batman score was epic. Dafuq you talking about?
DC Exec: Joss... we trust you... we want you to go all in.. Go wild. Go free.
Joss: How free?
DC Exec: Buffy comics free.
Joss: ...
*JL movie is about Batman becoming The Bat God, a planet-sized giant vampire bat and trying to eat the earth to clean it of it's sins while Superman finds a way to bring back Krypton from it's destruction so the planet can fight Bat God but something goes wrong and Earth and Krypton fuse together and every humans and animals gets Superman's powers and then we find out it wasn't Superman at all, Superman is still dead, it was a Zod clone created by Lex Luthor and the influx of power from the two planets merging is too mauch and starts to twist his gemes and he becomes Bizzarod but then the real Superman comes back because of the same influx of power and he has blue skin now and he's an electric ghost who merges with Bat God and they become Super Bat God Man, a deity of immense powers but with human compassion and that God turns back time and start the universe over again and the new universe is OUR universe*
Bravissimo Jossarino!
>Zack Snyder
>cookie cutter without jokes
Please stop existing.
The original Batman score was great and iconic.
Batman's BvS theme ('Men are Still Good' starting at 4:30) is epic.
No space fucking? No aliens? No vampire dinosaurs?
Joss is so tame now.
the bat music from bvs was great
You guys want to try picking something from this decade?
"One of the things I like about the X-Men is they're not killing people. I miss the idea of... heroes who stop that kind of thing from happening. Here's why I'm not running Marvel: If I was, I would kill the Punisher. I don't believe in what he does. The Punisher just shoots up places. And if you're telling me he's never hit an innocent, then I'm telling you, that's fascist crap".
I like Age of Ultron but it could of been a much better movie if it was 100% serious to contrast the first film and make a dark sequel. The first movie had more natural comedy whereas this one sets up scenes that could be very tense and dramatic but ruins it by crammed jokes. Ultron has really cool and intimidating speeches that didnt need levity, Hulk vs Hulkbuster could have been really intense if it didnt keep cutting to inside the fucking Iron Man suit (even the original Iron Man had more scenes of him simply talking out of the suit and didnt constantly cut for ever line). The scene I like most is when Steve disagrees with Tony about Vision and they have a mini fight, then Vision is born. One of the only times something is all conflict and no levity. Its only a bad thing if it gets in the way.
Zack's vision: Batman murders 50 people in BvS
reminder that no one died in the invasion of NYC and no one died when ultron lifted an entire city off the ground and crashed it back onto earth
Then have Captain America call him insane, like he does in the funnybooks. Not everyone is a good guy.
>the character themes are already made by Zimmer
>Elfman is another KINO composer
You realize this is good news right?
>Whedon actually believes this
The first 10 minutes of BvS show why DC>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Marvel in this regard.
But Marvel is a piece of shit franchise that only makes toy commercials, we don't DC at that level
Elfman used to make kino scores, now it has a high bar to motivate him
even Zack is superior to this hack
At least Zack's movies look great, Marvel's latest films look trash.
Marvel scene looks like something out of cheap television show
But Punisher and the 2 edgiest Netflix shows are the only good things of MCU.
Compare this with Batman's Armour/suit he used against Superman in BvS. I think DC is clearly superior in these things.
Marvel's costumes and props that are supposed to be metal look like plastic. Always.
Didn't josh whedon get fired from marvel movies because his avengers movie wasn't good?
>I want the same stuff I had from almost 30 years ago
Why are people such nostalgia fags? Burton's score for that movie fit that movie. Just like William's Superman score was made for the 78 movie. Why do people want them to just be copypasta'd even when they won't fit at all?
Why the fuck is everyone such a fucking nostalgiafag? Are your lives that fucking miserable that you can't enjoy anything unless you remember it from when you were a kid?
They did say people died, just a small amount. Which isn't a problem when they dedicate scenes to showing the heroes saving people and dont ignore the concept. There's a scene that has nothing to do with anything where Captain America saves a group of people being round up to be executed and its only there to plant the idea that they're trying. So because of that im fine with it.
>makes toy commercials
Well if you want to bring meme company wars into it, Marvel has yet to play a series of toy commercials back to back as a character watches them on a laptop. When they stoop that low I will agree with you.
>muh capeshit is selling toys abloo bloo bloo
what the hell do you expect, they've been doing this for decades. The comic even Secret Wars was mostly to sell a line of toys.
>I like about the X-Men is they're not killing people.
Meanwhile Wolverine kills about 50 people in each film XD
Doubtful, they turned a very large profit.
both his avengers movies are the highest grossing mcu flicks
he left on his own accord and burned any bridges he had by shit talking them
They are actually awesome. Even to this day.
When the russo hacks made an avengers movie with spiderman on top it grossed like 400 million less than AoU. He was fired because even Whedon has too much artistic integrity for Disney
Wolverine is supposed to be an outcast for that reason, but no one in the movies treats him like he's any different.
>they dedicate scenes to showing the heroes saving people and dont ignore the concept
>muh saving people
I am REALLY sick of this shit. People just arbitrarily demand that we get some meaningless, shallow scenes of people being saved, otherwise they get triggered.
YEs, they are, but that doesn't mean you just fucking use them over and over again, especially when the films themselves are taking different creative directions. Which they should. Why remake the same shit over and over again? Yeah, people buy into it because they're nostalgiafags with no fucking taste, but it's stupid and pointless.
Trying to copy old shit is what gets us abominations like Superman Returns, which is an absolutely shitty movie, but gets praise just because it uses old music and reminds people of the '78 movie. Nostalgia is a powerful fucking drug.
is joss /ourguy/?
>trying to remember a dceu song that wasn't from zimmer/junkiexl
He'll be my guy when his batgirl movie ends up being a 2 hour long episode of buffy
Maybe because they are superheroes? Most of the movies plots are about
>Character wants revenge
Well what does he want revenge on
>something that was the main character's fault
There isn't a setup in place where the characters happen to find powers and pro-actively decide to help people therefor such scenes are needed to remind us we're rooting for heroes and not just an action stat thrust into a revenge plot. They are not meaningless, they support the characters. But if you see it as such then I can see why their inclusion would trigger you so try watching without the mindset of what other people think about it.
People like classic superheo films like Superman and Spider-Man because they're about heroes who want to help, its a pleasant idea. Sorry mr cynical Sup Forums man.
You sound really young and edgy. SuperHEROES, kid. Saving people is what they do.
That... would be kind of cool. But you know he would end it with some depressing shit like BatG getting shot in the spine or one of her friends or her dad getting killed off.
>implying whedon and snyder aren't 2 halves of a good director.
Snyder delivering the kino & action we know him for. Then comes Whedon to help out reach a quip quota & character interactions that makes studio executives and test audiences squeal with glee. The strengths of both, the weaknesses of neither.
the dark of Snyder and the light of Whedon.
The World's Finest
If they manage to find some middle ground, as they did with Wonder Woman, JL will be a huge success.
You sound really old and driven by nothing but blind nostalgia for the shitty funnybooks you used to read as a kid.
Also, if you're going to bitch that Superman didn't save anyone in MoS, you're patently wrong. It's just that the movie didn't dwell on it. It never shoved it in your face of glorified it. It just happened and people were too busy being faggots to notice.
FUN FACT: Superman directly saves more people in MoS than Diana did in Wonder Woman. In fact, not only that, but the people Wonder Woman "saves" in the city later just get killed by the chemical weapon anyway, but because the movie's tone was so safe and bland, nobody noticed or cared because it wasn't directed to elicit any kind of significant emotion.
No, he doesn't sound "young" and "edgy". It makes zeri sense that Iron Man, Thor, and their gang of useless SHIELD Agents kept 1000s of Aliens flying in every directioned contained to a 2 mile radius. It makes no sense that those aliens killed only 500 people. Do I need to connect the dots to how their "heroics" are weightless?
>CLAP CLAP CLAP they POOFd everyone out of the area with 0 explanation makes me feel like a kid again even though my original Spider-Man and Batman movies never pulled this nonsense
Fuck that. Superheroes deal with criminals. And Snyder shows he knows exactly how they should be doing it. Just straight up kill them. No criminals, no crime.
Seriously that bit where he was wildly firing rockets at the truck was fucking epic. I mean, he might have hit someone else by accident, but fuck em, they live in Gotham, they're probably a criminal and deserved it.
Sounds like too many cooks in the kitchen tbqh.
Wonder if the reshoots will be super jarring like fantastic 4 where random scenes of the invisible chick mysteriously have her in a wig and the tone is all over the plcae
THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FROM MAKING EDGYGRIMDARK CRAP INSTEAD OF SUPERHERO MOVIES. Enjoy your quipfest, faggots. Should litent to Nolan from the begining and fire Goyer.
>Batman's Armour/suit he used against Superman in BvS
>make a powered armour
>leave lower part of the face open
Amazing design.
>older Bruce post-JL as her Watcher/Mentor
>Ace the fucking Bat-Hound
>Huntess as the killer anti-heroine who Babs can have lesbian subtext scenes/fights with
>story is about fighting against the Bertinelli Mob
>they bring in some supervillains like Lady Shiva and... no, just Lady Shiva
>Babs and helena team up to take her out
>Lady Shiva beats the shit out of them but Babs uses her smarts to defeat her in the end
>movie has an old school kung fu/hardboiled detective/organized crime vibe
I would watch that shit.
WW is alright but forgettable as fuck to be honest
I prefer BvS with all its faults
Don't forget quips quips quips mirite my fellow marvel reddit fan xDDD?
The quips in Buffy/Angel were good and original. Almost timeless too. Unlike the MCU ones.
>while Marvel was shitting out Iron man rehashes, DC was making their characters known with videogames and tv shows
>now even if they make a visual torture of a movie like suicide squad, it makes mad bank because people know harley quinn
>no MARTHA to remember
>no MMM BOYS to remember
>no cgi monkey to remember
>no piss jar to remember
>no the whole jar jar bings as a main villain to remember
>no dead horses, nothing stays good and superman was never real to remember
Better this way desu
>The quips in Buffy/Angel were good and original.
Haha, fricken epick! I loved quips. Especially in Marvel. Doesn't Marvel just do the funniest quips!? Have another upvote xDDD.
BASED WB for....making money on superior universe with great adaptations and turning their cinematic universe into disgrace to a source matherial which will make money no matter what?
Suicide Squad could have been something interesting, it was cast very well along with great wardrobe. Too bad the script sucked.
>Whedon makes a Batgirl movie
>he uses Cass Cain and makes a non-stop martial arts movie with almost no wire work and almost no dialogue
>then he gets fired when they find out he just photoshoped a Batgirl costume on Jeeja in the movie Chocolate and put the Batgirl label on the dvd cover
I thought Martha scene was pure kino
DC has already proven with Wonder Woman and Nolan that you can make fun movies without committing suicide by quips, shill. Just because Disney ruined Star Wars by turning it into marlel doesn't mean that the other studios are going to do the same. And please control yourself, people are laughing at you
Great it's going to be impossible to discuss the movie with all the shitposting even more than usual. Assuming the movie will be worth discussion. The only news that could make things worse is if Ben Affleck quits.
I thought the execution was a little awkward with Superman's throat being crushed, but unlike most people I'm not stupid enough to think that "HURRR THEY BECAME BEST FRIENDS BECAUSE THEIR MOMS HAVE THE SAME NAME!!!"
Action movies are usually as good as their villain
So far that has been lacking almost in all of capeshit
Last one i remember is Dr Octopus
>DC has already proven with Wonder Woman and Nolan that you can make fun movies without committing suicide by quips
Exactly. They should go on following this path.
wonder woman was really helped by pine though, not many other actors can carry those quips with pure charm