Not Falsetto Edition
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I hope you're all listening to this Twin Peaks inspired mixtape right now:
Lucy is way too underrated
Ask me anything
thanks mr jackpots
The perfect assassin.
Season 1 > FWWM > Season 3 > Season 2
FWWM 2nd Half > Pilot > 103 > Finale > 201 > 207 > Season 1 > Season 3 > Season 2 First 7 Episodes > 202 > 208 > 209 > Season 2 Post Leland Death
faggotry scale
Bears > queers > you > traps
(RE)MINDER: Windom Earle is inquestionably the best part of season two, simply because what enshrouds the Deleuzian representation of negation in “The Black Lodge” is by nature (W)indom (E)arle. We, the pure ample aspiration, the capital v-Viewer are held fantastically in a grip of pleasure as
>"solicitude", certainty as “knowingness” and “The Black Lodge” as ontological blockchain/godhead. TMFAP is absolute fact in opposition but the baroque villainy of WE's (and any Lovecraftian) the same sin to die “now” as on the path to Madness. The conditional “It” (DC) creates nothing in response, Earle's own humanity is reflected in his oeuvre of disguise-personalities. (performed) To WE (& the normative Cooper &Briggs) the Implacability of unsure sentiment is Earle’s selfenforcing principle, pleasure--simplicity. In Palmer, the reprised intelligences move towards psychosomatic transgression. WE's sickness is symptom & myth unlike the Palmer daughter his active agent is not important, but “normal” and yet pronouncedly considerable as such, bidding. “We a the, of not can he.” The subject of Earle is in an undiluted terrace viewed viewers become wrote wonders, noting nothing Indian anyhow in the Black Lodge (negation).
Then, there’s Earle, the something coupling with Lodge entities, (call it “force”, of what? of course: illusion. – by since And because of supremacy In ALL perceptions, (rare & cloistered the issue may be) what we then Now view as reality, IS,) [in WE's] subjection a full picture. In an open letter to Kenneth Welsh “Windom Earle” one asks to which if not to want introduction (Mark Frost) gigantic of up wrote run life, (MF) introduction, revelation, dreams, & value system, (MF,MF,DL,MF) ie. AS Windom Earle hAS in the Black Lodge. (the rudimentary transition in S2 of Windom A into form Windom B) Perhaps to “comfyfags“ will greet these upon death, a paradoxical death for those who existence infects.
traps aren't the least bit gay, so you're basically calling me curious at most on the faggotry scale
>sonny jim
/tpg/ is already dead after only 24 days. What a joke of a series and fanbase LOL
Imagine these grape is Judi
Lucy was my low key waifu. Cute personality in season 1, nice legs, pleasant face. All the Twin Peaks girls are so good, though. If Lynch knows anything it's waifus, top tier taste.
I'm not gay but there also aren't really any ugly guys in Twin Peaks. The series appeals to everyone.
Who is Judy?
why did he run over the kid?
why was the old man there?
THIS- I love Titanic and in my dreams doc Hayward and Jacques Renault always take off my pants first before he goes to town.
how did evil coop hack the police station with a phone
All the men from show aged better than the women too.
You know what I mean.
tumblr btfo then
Hawk looks exactly the same, but his hair is completely grey now.
that applies to everyone
When is Audrey going to show up?
user... she died
>ok sweetie remember that Fire Walk With Me scene we rehearsed, lay down and get ready to scream
She aged the best from the bunch but she was still 10 times cuter back in the day. Now she's just a MILF.
Cooper looks better now than he did with old man makeup in 1990.
I guess /ourguy/'s taking over the business then?
Sherilynn Fenn and Joan Chen basically look exactly the same as they did back in the original series, I'd say they've all aged pretty well aside from Donna's actress
>Sherilynn Fenn basically look exactly the same
except chubby
look at me
im DONNA now
Her face is still the same, though. Madchen is a little thicker, too.
Ask me anything
>>All the men from show aged better than the women too.
How retarded are you when you STILL dont know men age better than women. Why the fuck are you surprised? Are you 11?
Tracy is the new main character.
Probably out killing another autist.
My gf has a weird DoggieCoop fetish
How's Annie?
Still best donna
Is that why she dates a retard?
Uh no.
Joan Chen doesn't count cause she is Asian. She isn't coming back anyway. Luckily.
Who's this tranny?
you must act retarded when she dildos you??????>
fwwm donna
thanks Tracy
Forgot picture
There was a video of her and the rest of the cast and she looked pretty good. I'm obviously wrong, then.
We need more nudity with Amanda and Pissfu.
I would die happy if an alien brutally killed me\
after some raw strokes inside Zima
Where's Judy?
netflix n chill redditors btfo
That scene still unsettles me just thinking about it. Maybe it's because I watched my grandmother bury my uncle, but losing your kid must be the worst feeling in the world. And the way Dick just drove off then wiped his car down, like it was a deer or something instead of a human kid. I get Lynch wants us to hate this character, but the method was a little disturbing and I hope there aren't similar scenes. Call me a fag if you want, I really deserve it for this Reddit tier post.
Why and how did Lynch's boys turn on him?
stop watching and go back to TWD and lame tigers
>Gracey grew up to be a slut
That's what happens when you hire a prostitute for a nanny
>yfw the season will be dedicated to catching the killer
Balthazar Getty was addicted to drugs, yet any girl you ask will tell you he looks hotter now than he did in Lost Highway.
I'm banging her now
Thank you, Mr. Jackpot, thank you!
David Lynch hates black people. Sad.
They realized that all the woodpeckers were not real
I would. Love to kiss her full lips.