What does Sup Forums think of this?
What does Sup Forums think of this?
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Absolutely nothing.
except for the prison sequence it was pretty good.
This movie was really really asking you to suspend disbelief at some points.
>7 year old kid can talk a pedophile out of shooting a CP movie
Really now?
Nice stolen plot material from Forrest Gump.
For someone with the power to go back in time to correct past mistakes, this guy sure is a fucking idiot. How hard could it possibly be to make your life exactly how you want it?
This was back when teenage girls were all wetting their panties over Ashton Kutcher.
i remember it invoking some feels within me. that was a long time ago that i saw it at the cinemas. i must have been 17 years old
One of my favourite films as a teenager. Probably doesn't hold up nowadays.
Ashtun Kutcher does some good acting, the Directors Cut is the only legitimate ending.
It also has an actual plot hole
>Ashtun goes back in time to puncture his hands to convince a cell mate he has stigmata, but it's the time travel rules where the cellmate would have seen his stigmata from the moment he met him
My mom liked it, I didn't.
Didn't mind it. Check out "About Time".
It's literally the same movie, but British and a comedy.
I'm not exaggerating. It's the same movie. I have no idea why there wasn't a lawsuit.
I want to marry Amy Smart
>It's literally
No nigga it is not "literally" the same movie. If you water down their plots to "Guy inherits time travel powers from his dad" sure but they seem to be very different movies. Haven't actually watched it though so don't know if he also starts in some CP
thats my gf's favourite movie. like ever.
yeah... i know...
too bad she's old and ugly now. if you're into the cougar thing maybe...
She looks stoned out of her mind here.
different user but he did add an addendum to the literally, not like it's going to be a british comedy about CP.
she doesn't look bad for a 40 year old
>If you water down their plots to "Guy inherits time travel powers from his dad" sure
You're making this sound a lot more common in film than it is.
Not much in the chest department...
I like it, but only with the original ending and all the implications it brings really makes it a gut-punch of a conclusion.
my heart
Terrible movie and only entry level normies like it. Same people who think Donnie Darko is complicated.
It was a little too cheesy for me, also like the other guy said the unnerving similarities to Forrest Gump.
It's one of the most terrible films I ever saw. Epitome of mid-2000 garbage edgy movies.
The movie equivalent of Avenged Sevenfold.
Wow, I murdered some guy
Wow, I did a CP movie when I was a kid
Wow, my hands got cut off
The reviews on IMDB weren't that flattering.
Your mom needs better taste.