are they really taking credit for this??
Are they really taking credit for this??
Other urls found in this thread:
No they aren't. They very clearly state that they aren't. Did you watch the video?
>outright say they don't, and that they are just messing around
>they laugh at how far they are reaching for similarities
>and make the point that "creepy tall guy in a bussiness suit" isn't exactly an unique character
It's pretty clear that they just wanted an excuse to talk about one of their old shitty movies.
Mike has a huge ego, even though the only thing he ever did of note was Plinkett
Why aren't you giving Mike and Jay $15 a month on Patreon? I've already seen this video.
could've sworn slenderman was created in 2005 in the SA forums rather than 2009.
>*enables ads*
Why's that a bad thing? This is their full time job, you know.
Are you a fucking retard?
Jealous faggot? Get back to your shit job .
Does Jack shave his fucking legs?
Maybe he has alopecia. It would explain his chrome dome.
cyclists do
thanks ridley
He doesn't...
He probably dips his whole body in some solution to get the Moby look.
Is Rich dying?
Watch the video? Of course not who do you take me for?
You'll want me to watch movies before criticizing them next
He has prostate cancer you humongous faggot
chemo takes it's toll
Taking credit? No, but they do point out some interesting similarities, along with the fact that the guy might have seen their movie because he lived in the midwest.
This whole video was an elaborate setup for the joke at the end
it was worth it
>tfw didn't get the last joke
Everyone in wisconsin is fat.
>*enables ads*
How dare they try to make money off the material they produce!!
>turn off ad-blocker to support their vids
>just skip the ads
>find out they don't get paid when you skip the ads
he has millions of more views than you ever will
Don't you see! You have to hate them because they are successful! Once they lose sll their Patreons, only then can you support them financially!
>turn off ad-blocker to support their vids
How did you get past this first step without realizing you were retarded?
I am not retarded
Yes, you are.
They forgot to mention Jack was the inspiration for Slenderman
Please elbaborate more I dont get it
>salt: the post
reminder that RLM used the little girl in their movie without her parents permition
Someone post webm of Jay as a store clerk at the 4:50 mark.
He has AIDS
kino post
holy shit this is pathetic
They're out of ideas so now they're shilling their decade old low budget dog shit films and trying to connect them to half a decade old memes that not even ten year olds care about anymore in order to sell a bit of merchandise
Anyone who actually watches Reddit Letter Media is more subhuman than the niggers. Enjoy your low IQ and eternal failures.
Sweet, dude. What's your reddit username so I can give you gold?
Yes, selling your work is pathetic.
>he said it again!
Cry harder, faggot. Reevaluate your miserable life if you care this much about what internet show strangers watch.
Anyone have the updated power rankings since Mike said mummies are racist?
>all these retards defending shitty clickbait
You're a bitch.
They're not. Maybe you should actually watch the video before autistically sperging out.
runners often do that
What does that have to do with Jack?
I believe this is very applicable to those who talk shit about rlm on a kantonese cartoon videographic forum
He implied it would be considered racist by the audience and media
Literally what are you talking about? There is nothing about racism in this video.
>low budget
How is this relevant to a film's quality? The majority of worthwhile films have far less budget than tripe flicks that coincidentally have millions in budget.
Well you see its a play on words on the perojative denotation of the creature in the something awful forums photoshop contest as a "slender-man". Slenderness being the key characteristic which makes him, among other things, eerie and uncanny. Mike Stoklasa Founder of Red Letter Media° here plays on this denotation to remark that it would be very difficult indeed to find any such "slender-man" eeire and uncanny or otherwise in the state of wisconsin most probably due to the stereotype that midwesterners* are an unnatrractive and unappealing bunch.
°Red Letter Media is a production company founded by Mike Stoklasa. Red Letter Media often puts out (subjectively) "humourous" content on the popular streaming service known as Youtube relating to the creation, consumption, and criticism of film and television media. "Red Letter", perhaps being derived from a common expression denotating significance or distiction, itself originating in an old tradition from antiquity of marking dates of significance in red. Red Letter Media's characteristic form of quasi post modernist humour blends sarcasm and irony, self reflexivity, pop culture references and self depreciation. Thus it would make sense for Mike Stoklasa to label wisconsonites fat in a self aware attempt to point out his own shortcomings in physicial health.
*the midwest is an american political and geographical area comprising of the following states: North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio. Due to the relatively spread out population density and reliance on agricultre as a primary source of state income for many of these states it is often joked by non nidwestern americans that quote "not much happens in the midwest" and this characteristic of unremarkability is sublimated to its population. Thus leading to mikes joke about fat people in wisconsin.
crazy fucker
i hope so
RLM made movies other than Space Cop? I had no idea
If these hack frauds want me to watch a movie they have to do a commentary track for it first.
For a microbudget indie film from two literal whos, it's surprisingly not the worst thing in the world.
I spunked down your mothers anus 9 months before you were born you peice of newfag shit.
There is a commentary track for The Recovered.
I listen to their commentary tracks witout the movie
the white balance is off and he's not a hairy dude
fucking embarassing desu
Me too, it's like a podcast of some shit i don't care about but does the works desu
Is Jay an ass freak?
>*enables ads*
The salt literally made me laugh out loud
Give it up George, the prequels were trash.
Why not just make a video talking just about The Recovered or that documentary instead of a dumb clickbait nudge nudge wink wink shit
Because they are a clickbait nukie nukie wink wink site.
Because the whole reason this video exists is Mike watching the documentary and it reminding him of The Recovered. This isn't complicated.
Does it make you go significantly faster?
It's more likely he thought of that pun at the end, then worked a whole video around it
It helps keep the body cool and lets sweat slide off rather than cling to hairs and trap heat against the skin
>instead of a dumb clickbait nudge
Have you never heard of RLM before this very moment?
we all are
He's gay so yes
It was a neat video, I enjoyed watching it.
sounds like a broscience excuse to go ladyleg, just like "dude fish and lobsters totally don't feel any pain brah it's just like a short circuit or something know'm sayin'?"
I think he is just one of those fat people that when they start to lose some weight they age and just look horrendous.
Which Wheel episode had that anti-barcode video on it?
Kill yourself.
Relax, hothead.
I replied to the wrong post.
Meant to respond to
He is far to old to have been in high school in 2012. That would make him close to 25 or 26.
In order to answer that question you have to understand that RLM operates on a layer of irony that is unbeknownst to most mortal men (and I mean men specifically because women cannot even comprehend irony to begin with). While it may seem like they are 'ironically' trying to suggest through this video presentation that they were the innovators of that specific meme, the fact is that they truly believe they did so, they are only merely covering up that fact with 'irony' to remove any sincerity from the predicament. Similarly, they actually believe that they had some influence regarding one particular joke that showed up in Guardians of the Galaxy 2, which of course they talk about with great irony and insincerity. It is clear that they did think they were taken advantage of when Gunn 'stole' their joke (a more reasonable person would just attribute the circumstances to coincidence), so much so that Jay's entire manner of speaking about Gunn, and the film he directed,
were completely uncharacteristic of him, as if in some way he knew that Gunn was out there watching him closely.
You have to remember these are not highly intelligent people. These are people that have subsisted purely through the means of irony and insincere entertainment. The only way they know how to communicate is through some layer of irony, though the depth of such levels will ultimately vary.
>dat autism
Do you think that The Recovered would have been better if Mike wasn't such an alcoholic?