Make money

>make money
>lose money
>make a great program
>lose a great program
>get investors
>lose investors
>get an office
>lose an office
>be in literally the same spot 4 seasons later as when the show started

rinse and repeat. great show great story

You forgot

>get into trouble
>get out of trouble

This show is no better than big bang theory

Yeah it's fucking old now.

wtf I hate acknowledging that complication drives stories and that making everyone rich and happy will turn the show into a piece of shit like OPs imagination

wtf I hate the fact that 99% of start ups fail much worse and much faster than Pied Piper and it's only the very rare few exceptions that become profitable or very profitable

I hate reality now

the only unrealistic aspect of that is how richard hasn't ended up in a situation where an unrelated parent company has come to own all his ideas and sees no further use for him and kicks him to the curb.

Though, the bit where he avoids such a situation because a judge read his employment contract and found it to be in gross violation of the law, thus voiding it, has actually happened.

>figure out how to efficiently run quantum computing style programs and holographic data storage/compression on contemporary hardware

>completely limitless applications

>have no idea what to do with it and come to hate any application of it

It's still a bit better. At least no gf for the nerds in this

>hes never heard of a product being too ahead of the market and never making any money

many such cases

99.9% of the time, that's just a bullshit excuse for a horrid product

>palm pilots failed because they were too ahead of their time!
>videophones failed because they were too ahead of their time!
>the ps3 failed because it was too advanced!

richard's shit is literally goddamn magic with completely limitless application. But for some reason he can't think of anything to do with it other than put other companies out of business.

Except it's an illusion of complication. It has no consequence nor benefit. Things get done and undone and you're back again where you started.

nah, hes slowly leaking applications of his tech out into the world. None of which may be what he wants them to be, but they're still there.

its basically how all technological advancement has happened over the years. People wanted to make X, ended up with Y, weren't sure what to do with it, someone else found it, made a fortune. The difference being, right now, there are large predatory entities hoovering up any sort of potential technological advancement and sitting on it forever because it's a threat to their current business model.

>People wanted to make X, ended up with Y, weren't sure what to do with it, someone else found it, made a fortune
This. See: Everything apple has ever made




the electric car 100 years ago WAS shit though.

shh, he doesn't know electric cars actually existed 100 years ago

it was ahead of its time

many products have been

youre autistic

The concept was ahead of it's time. The actual cars were just shit due to shit batteries, motors, and power grids.

Ahead of its time but completely infeasible as a consumer product

ask jeeves spent more money on advertising than they did on improving search engine results

And if the market had bought into the concept and early adopted had spruiked it, like Elon Musk does today, instead of being stuck with inefficient products that nobody buys you'd develop infrastructure to mass market the product.

The product was ahead of its time, didn't have the cool evangelist to sell it in Mr. Musk.

Richard isnt the cool evangelist to sell Pied Piper. He's a faggot. If that fat guy from the sixth sense owned the IP to Pied Piper it would've been successful by now.

Mike Judge has lost it, in my opinion. Too much time in LA, I suspect.

No, the infrastructure for practical electric cars would be literally impossible 100 years ago.

the main problem with the electric car of 1910 was internal combustion was more efficient and practical in every way, shape, and form.

Especially considering all electricity was being produced by fossil fuels anyway.


negro, hes made a sitcom last five seasons with just about no flandardization.

He deserves a fucking mcarthur grant for that shit

Pretty accurate tbqh

you should be careful what you call reddit

at a certain point it just became a codeword for "good"

t. reddit


>muh platform
>muh app
Why is he so fucking retarded. If he business-faced and sold to Google, Netflix, Microsoft, Apple etc. he could make billions of his tech from practically every online entertainment avenue

because he wants to do something that matters

But it still matters
>Youtube powered by Pied Piper
>iStorage powered by Pied Piper
>the whole internet powered by Pied Piper
Their name would be everywhere, their impact would be tremendous

>things go well
>show formula ruined
wow I can't believe this!
The real problem is that the peter gregory actor died. They clearly had a peter/gavin showdown planned as an incident was alluded to in s1 about what caused their separation.
Thus they had to introduce a bunch of filler characters to keep the show on formula.
I didn't really find the formula getting stale until they got to the nice office in s3 when all I could think was okay how are they gonna fuck this up?
I'm kinda thinking in s5 they'll be forced to change it up because t.j. cuckler will be gone

A lot of episodes end with things going well though

> things get done and undone and you're back again where you started

You can pretty much reduce any work of fiction ever to this.


> Some dago from Tony's past shows up
> Tony doesn't pay him respect
> Dago gets buttmad, but Tony comes out on top
> Tony has a fight with his wife
> Meadow tries to be progressive but is really a hypocrite
> AJ fucks up

7 seasons, rinse and repeat.

if by "going well" you mean they are no longer in a shit storm? I guess that's true. The formula has been
>Idea/company and minor roadblocks that come along with it
>outside interference in company
>Quandary that makes richard stick to his ideals
>outcome that makes richard sticking to his ideals seem like a bad idea
>loophole/benefactor/miracle bails them out
>season ends on positive note things looking up
>next season begins
>back to struggling
even mid-season when an episode ends positively you can pretty much guess what is going to go wrong in the following episode.

>just about no flandardization

I love this show, but come on. Gilfoyle, Jared, and Urlech have become way more exaggerated since the beginning.

>it's a "character threatens to fuck them over big time, but by happenstance they figure out how to fuck them back so the threat is completely nullified in the same episode" episode

Is the worst joke in this the Mass Effect 3 ending drop? Don't even care about Mass Effect at all but it honestly just seemed shoehorned in there for no purpose at all.

They've had plenty of story arcs that didn't fit this formula, though.

For instance: Bighead's meteoric rise, Gavin Belson's fall from grace, the slow, gradual revealing of Jared's past,

i said it once and i'll say it again. i'm highly upset that they have not topped the jerk off every guy in the room scene.

how so?

Fuck, you are so right. The absolute hilarity and absurdity of the situation was just so good and didn't seem at all out of the realm from them. Did kind of enjoy Gavins animal's he brought to conference meetings

it's still the best scene, but for me, there's been other great moments.

I recall the "Let Blaine Die"-SWOT, and early Russ stuff, i.e., "I disrupted fatherhood"

Gilfoyle went from a more generic satanist neckbeard to always grumpy and always wanting to see everyone fail. Plus he ALWAYS wins against Danesh. Also his voice is always monotone now when in the first season he used like the same voice as he did for Bill in Freaks n Geeks. That could just be the actor changing it up though.

Jared went from a very obsessive administrative assistant who had some personal quirks too to being a doormat (who FUCKS) that is always revealing CRAZY lil tidbits of his backstory.

I'm not even going to write anything for Urlech because I realized while writing this that they didn't even really get flanderized, you're right. They just had new elements introduced that were focused on more than the old elements.

we still havent figured out how to stock electricity properly, but yeah the concept existed, just the battery technology was and still is qui terrible

well, you said it yourself.

They changed the characters a bit, added new things to them. I think it's pretty clear throughout the first few seasons that they are still trying to figure the characters out.

Dinesh being a womanizing asshole is a new concept, for instance, which I think kinda works, just like I find Jared very funny (though I'm clearly alone on that here on Sup Forums).

It also seems like they don't really know what to do with the Gilfoyle character right now. He hasn't really had any moments these last two seasons.

>I find Jared very funny (though I'm clearly alone on that here on Sup Forums)

jared carries the show is the consensus opinion last time I checked

Gilfoyle feels a bit out of place in the main cast besides being a foil to big D. He seems like he would fit in more on Sup Forums or as on some east coast company's IT team than in the valley.

well this the first Silicon Valley thread I've been in, so I'm really only judging from this one.

Good to know!

When he says something that matters, he means some humanitarian bullshit that will make him feel good while still making him a billionaire.

yea zach woods is hillarious

same for sam richardson in veep, two great comedic actors

and half of the reason i watch these show

>once brainstormed a startup to essentially do kinda what PP is now meant to do and devise a WWW where data is shared by all devices like torrents
>the first and obvious failure of this plan is that it doesnt concern itself with data usage costs of peoples devices
>some poor motherfucker on a shitty plan now owes $10,000 because some asshole kept refreshing pornhub

How does pied piper account for this in their world? They want to get 250,000 to have p2p internet, but those devices are paying providers for the internet, and surely not all of them have unlimited internet...

I don't think big companies would put 'powered by' at the end like that, it reminds me of in Nightcrawler when Jake Gyllenhall's character wants the news station to say the strangely long and formal name of his 'production company'.

>tfw no palapa

you forgot
>be funny
there. that's all it's ever supposed to have done.

just Jared, Gilfoyle has been less exaggerated. They haven't even mentioned his satanism since like season 2 or 3

the problem with having a show about autistic programmers is autistic programmer fans have rigid autistic demands

>just like I find Jared very funny
Jared is the best character in the show

afaik, data usage costs is slowly being phased out with time, phone providers can easily handle it, they just do it for the extra money.
Here in France with the provider I have, I have unlimited data, with a 40GB cap on a 4G connection and a 5GB cap on 3G connection or below before speeds are reduced

i know that some people have unlimited data but many do not. the system only works for people with unlimited data. i suppose you could argue their compression makes less data used, but its still data, some plans are horrible and charge by the mb.

A big company would have to put it at the end like that if it was in the licensing contract.

A big company would just steal the IP and drown Pied Piper in legal fees. They'd license it for the minimum term, reverse engineer, oops we've created our own, try sue us. In the mean time we're releasing it for close to $0 or $0 so your product runs out of customers and you go broke in business and in law suits. Oops.

Fair point

That guy sure does fuck I tell ya what

It's a comedy, the plot doesn't actually matter. It's about the jokes and how these funny characters interact with these funny scenarios.

>Why isnt Seinfeld ever gonna settle down?
>Why is Larry David always getting into problems?
>Why is Frasier never successful with women?
>Why ...

Autists are the worstists

any smartphone is constantly yanking and spewing data all around the place, it'd be pretty easy for their "compression" application to drop that to nothing and then use the difference for, essentially, free bandwidth. Especially between the distributed storage platforms.

they're already lying about how much their app compresses data and using more than half the space it frees up for their own purposes.

It's actually has a very solid plot though. The only real flub is how they haven't been swallowed or raped yet.

When are they finally going to get rid of T.J Miller?

this is his last season

>dude i was an extra in a capeshit movie so now im like a real serious actor on the level of 90s Jim Carrey give me $40m or im walking ok bye guys

>no flanderization
dude big head is literally patrick from spongebob now, which is hard to believe considering the whole show's premise was set into motion by big head going to a TED talk.

When it's all said and done I think this show will let me down even more more than The Office did.

It all went downhill after they killed of Peter Gregory for no fucking reason.

Big bang theory is %100 more normie friendly. Doesn't it have a laugh track?

The actor actually died when s1 was airing

Is almost like they gave him flaws to balance out his magic algorithm.

>if they make them all rich the show will be bad

i know there's a lot of reddit socialists here but being rich doesn't solve anything and richard trying to run a successful company worth billions (aka being galvin belson) has its own dramas. rich people do, in fact, have problems despite what bernie sanders says.

Big Head started as a smart guy who was just kind of in over his head. He became a functioning retard who gets himself into highly improbable scenarios all the time.

Jared started as just sort of an earnest guy looking to succeed, and he was a little quirky. Now, he is a completely fucked up weirdo who is barely a member of society.

I read they cut him out of the show very suddenly and honestly thought the scene where he set the hut on fire was him committing suicide

not to mention that the COMPANY could be rich, but the people who run it can (and often are) be very very poor during the first few years of operating. Many times the company operates in the red for years and as the owner of a company you may have to choose between cutting yourself a big check or investing that money into cutting other people checks for the betterment of the company. "Net worth" is a sham - I had a net worth of 1.2M and lived with my fellow founders in a 2 bedroom apt while trying to start a company which evaporated into a final payout of 16k.

>the only unrealistic aspect of that is how richard hasn't ended up in a situation where an unrelated parent company has come to own all his ideas and sees no further use for him and kicks him to the curb.

so hes essentially playing himself?

corporate entities always operate in the red or at a very small profit because actually making money in the US means losing most of that money to taxes.


Is Jared gay? They seemed to imply that he knew massage chad but makes no sense.

Nah the office stuff in S3 was just the trope of "characters come to perfect heavenly place for them but they don't know it's a trap". It wasn't set up for them to fuck up.

ps3 didnt fail

my theory is that they knew each other from some kind of fucked up orphanage or foster family

Likely a very abusive place

Jared worked for Gavin and seemed to be one of his trusted employees, so it's likely he was at a meeting where Gavin used the bloodboy. And of course Jared would remember everyone he's introduced to

oh yeah, forgot

Also explains why the blood boy knew his real name

They dropped him because of his agressive behavior (hiting his trump supporter uber driver, etc)

On it's last leg this show is league's above the office.

Isn't Martin Starr also gonna be in Spiderman?

I was thinking the same exact thing.. I thought they had some sort of golden algorithm, but apparently they lost it and somehow got it semi- got it back. Legal issues are now looney tunes quality writing. The show is starting to lose my interest. It has never been as funny as the peak of the show, the shroom episode.

I'm ready for halt and catch fire.

Name ONE just ONE funny joke this season other than the one that closed the last episode. It used to funny, but it's not funny now

> most Jared lines
> Gavin Belson's garage
> Gavin/Jack on the plane
> Erlich speaking Chinese
> Bloodboy

Ed chambers