Why did Stone btfo Twoscoops?
Why did Stone btfo Twoscoops?
Two Scoops bites the dust again
>audience laughs
hello fancy bear
we know your game
That fucking Jewish antisemite Stone.
I hope he's banned from Hollywood!
>The source said they “watched from behind [their] hands” as Stone said words to the effect of: “Israel had far more involvement in the US election than Russia.”
Why do people want Putin to be such a bad guy, he runs his country his way
.02 rubles have been deposited into your account
We didn't have any problems with Putin during the Bush years, now he's suddenly Hitler because he didn't like Obama?
Or maybe it's because he's been invading nations and suppressing basic human rights?
How do you even interview Putin for two years?
Doesn't he have a country to rule?
>romney-san; russia is our biggest threat
>obama; its not the cold war anymore mitt )))))))
>liberals: russia reeeeeeeeeeeeee
shadilay amirite my fellow kekistani? it's just the #fakenews once again! all of us america loving americans know that putin has literally never done anything bad!
He only hacked the election to help is piss fetish friend orange general tsao
when is the uncut interview gonna leak
drip drip drip
Not like USA, Saudi Arabia or Israel huh?
liberalism is a mental illness
something something literally hitler amirite XDD something something trump derangement syndrome! it's good that we can help each other stay inside our bubble safe from all the mean scary facts
i hope oliver stone lives to see the complete and utter destruction of the american war machine he rightfully despises.
that said, i would be ok with harsh interviewing by colbert especially regarding a fairly totalitarian dictator, had he not kissed kissenger and hillary's asses in interviews before.
what exactly is off the rails? its two people with different opinions exchanging thoughts in a calm and friendly matter.
>piss fetish
prehaps this is merley a quincidicne?
during the bush years the us was overly aggressive against any nation that was not on the band wagon. also during that time, russia was in immense inner turmoil.
read a history book sometimes.
>he's been paying to use Sup Forums for 5 years
Why does your kind always have to bring up other subjects? Why not address the fact that our current president supports the Russian regime?
Also, I don't know if you are aware but Obama was tough on Israel and the Saudis, far more than Trump.
Allegedly the stuff that was cut, where Stone criticizes Israel. And instead of showing it and counter arguing, they hide it and do the hysterical wife treatment to Stone.
>Obama was tough on Israel and the Saudis
False. Obama was just as nice with them as every president since the 50s.
>implying trumpkiddies seek out information that isn't pre-approved by someone in their political sphere
because it exposes your moral hypocrisy
holy fuck I hate colbert
what are you trying to say? my point is, that russia wasn't on collision course with the us. now putin has consolidated his power, pacified chechnya and dagestan overhauled his military, enhanced his cyber warfare capacity and so on.
>plays clip
>"Thank you, Mr. Putin, tomorrow we'll talk about some heavier stuff."
>audience laughs
they're all from the same clique
>that russia wasn't on collision course with the us
It absolutely was. Bush and the jew neo-cons were the ones who started the NATO encirclement of Russia. Georgian-Russian war was under when Bush was president. The jew neo-con were lobbing hard to get Georgia into NATO
It's amazing how leftist scum try to rewrite history.
>yes, Putin, your semen tastes great.
>what did you say? every time you invade a country it has been their fault?
>georgia, ukraine, the chechen war, really?
>and every time the US was backing that, wow
>what did one of your predecessors say about NATO?
>oh they agreed that the NATO isn't allowed to encroach further east than Germany's eastern border
>oh and none of this was written down
>wow, bunch of bastards, those Americans, I have to agree, Mr Putin, why did they break their promise?
stone is such an idiot
I still can't believe a fucking memester on Sup Forums wrote that and sent it to a vox website as actual news
Blows my mind how low we've become
>Tfw someone takes a photo of you and you're deciding whether to have him killed or not
>Conservatives: Yeah I agree with Romney, Russia is a problem.
>Conservatives: Russia isn't a problem, Putin is a good boy who dindu nuffin.
See the problem with you pointing out liberal hypocrisy about Russia is that it also exposes conservative hypocrisy. You both flipped sides.
ugh cringe thats so cringe I cringed so hard right my fellow millenials lmao what kind of idioot deviates from the norm thats so cringeworthy
it doesn't at all, the USA, SA and Israel are shitty for doing that too, what now? Back to the original point, tell me how are Russia's action okay now?
>Why does your kind always have to bring up other subjects?
Your such a fucking hypocrite holy shit.
>Obama was tough on Israel and the Saudis
And yet he still approved to give them billions in """foreign aid""" each year. If you actually gave a shit about human rights you'd send a letter to the White House petitioning ending all non-emergency foreign aid to any nation whatsoever because it doesn't help anyone it's neo-colonialism.
I won't excuse the bullshit that Putin has overseen and how he's in the pockets of Tsarist kikes in Moscow but come the fuck on buddy.
>leftist scum
left / right -- it's all the same, m8
tribalist in-fighting is their most potent weapon
>Conservatives: Yeah I agree with Romney, Russia is a problem.
They didn't agree. That's why Romney lost idiot. Conservatives were sick of Jew Neocon wars and didn't show up to the polls. Amazing how you shill hard for Obama's neocon wars though. How does nigger dick taste in your mouth shill?
Absolutely false. The GOP bends over backwards to earn pats on the head from the left. They signal the exact same things about Russia that the Dems do.
I wrote it and dumped it at Sup Forums
I still don't understand how Russia influenced the election? Are they referring to the wikileaks where they release how corrupt and vile Clinton and the DNC were, which everybody already knew?
If anyone influenced the election it was the MSM which basically campaigned for Clinton and bashed Trump for a year leading up to the election.
These people will never, ever listen to another opinion from anyone.
You could have spent the last thirty years studying anthills and have a Nobel Prize for your progress in understanding anthills but if a talk show host tells them something different they'd believe him over you.
They are not. Moral consistency is important if you want to get people to believe you. Instead you pick and choose which is your enemy because king nigger told you so.
>didn't show up to the polls.
lmao, it was close back then, and now they didn't show up.
Friendly reminder that James Hodgkinson was radicalized by the rhetoric Colbert and his colleges spew. These people lash out at any idea that contradicts their world view.
They're also the same people that scream and cry that Putin oppresses human rights while never acknowledging how much worse Saudia Arabia is, or Islam for that matter.
>well it's called the march of tyranny and uhh...
so how is this not moral consistent, you fucking idiot? just talk in circles and jerk yourself off, you complete fucking moron.
What bit in that clip did he say that was funny though?
>Thank you, Mr. Putin
Is he not supposed to say thank you? Is "Mr. Putin" too reverent?
Jews have a hate on for Russia because they won't let diseased fags run wild in their nation like the USA.
It was over the course of two years, maybe an hour or two at a time.
>talking with yourself
>literally say that BOTH of you flip flopped (i.e the right AND the left)
>REEEEEEE you must be an Obama supporting leftist REEEEEEEE
What's it like to be so utterly paranoid about "da left?" Why do you take any criticism of conservatives as "DA LIBHURALZ?"
To set the record straight, I'm not a leftist.
>it was close back then
Obama: 332
Romney: 206
Lying leftist scum
Why did the audience laugh after the clip?
>Are they referring to the wikileaks
more about the tsunami of fake "pizzagate"-like (((news))) etc.
burgers aren't the most critical thinkers (much less researchers) on the planets, so shit-posts to their Jewbook feed can literally decide their ballot
>"Trump’s replacement of Paul Manafort with Breitbart’s Steve Bannon shows that Trump understands how Americans actually think. They think TV. They think ratings. They think entertainment."
>"We are a TV-based culture. We have been for some time now. The average American spends 5 hours a day, every day, watching TV. After sleep, it is our number one activity."
>"More shockingly, we spend 8.5 hours a day staring at screens — phones, tablets, computers. And more and more of the content on those devices is also video and TV."
>"If you spend 5-8 hours a day, every day, for years and years doing the same thing it has an impact on you. For the past 40 years, we have devoted 5-8 hours a day staring at a screen — every day. And we haven’t been watching Judy Woodruff. We have been watching reality TV shows. That is what we love. That is what we resonate to. “The Real Housewives of Atlanta.”
>"And Donald Trump is great TV. He knows how to entertain. He understands ratings."
>Well I uh, wanted to show basic interpersonal respect and wanted the interview to continue
Really embarrassing stuff from Colbert, hope that shucking and jiving pays well.
If you are not leftist than it shouldn't bother you when I call you out on it. It's like the Goebbels quote.
why is the leftest shop game so weak?
You know how closeted homosexuals are usually the most "homophibic" in an attempt them distract from the fact that they're gay? The MSM is doing the same thing with Russia. They've launched a smear campaign against Russia for doing what they do every election cycle.
No one on the right took the Romney's policy on Russia seriously. In fact, most of them didn't like Romney that much but just saw him as the lesser of two evils.
>Russia isn't a problem
It isn't.
>Putin is a good boy who dindu nuffin
You don't need to like the guy, just don't get in his face for no reason. Leftists and Neocons think their being tough by wanting a fight with Russia, but in reality they're just being completely retarded. Compared to China, NK and Islam Russia is a quiet fucking neighbour.
>still trying to push the "Sup Forums wrote the Steele Report!" fake narrative
j̶e̶w̶s̶ ZIONISTS have a throbbing hate-on for all gentiles's why they believe we'll all burn, as they ascend to a pearly boy laden heaven
Because their image of Putin is some childish harry potter shit. Like he's flying through cyberspace arresting fags and electing all world leaders as he puts on the laughable facade of being a human being.
You attack Russia on moral grounds about "muh human rights" while SA and Israel have the same violations. You are so naked in your hypocrisy its laughable. It's pathetic and you should kill yourself you ugly tranny faggot
It doesn't bother me, except when it happens every single time. Come up with a new comeback besides "you're a liberal lmao" and maybe we can have a constructive discussion. But when you say "REEEEE you're a liberal suck on Obama's cock," it just shows you're discussing politics for the team mentality and partisanship, and are no different then liberals who say "you're a conservative lmao suck on Drumpf's cock."
>may have
"Deplorables™" is what lost it -- especially given it was decided by an effective 77K "rust belt" votes...
Doesn't Trump praise Israel and didn't he sell billions of dollars worth of weapons to Saudi Arabia?
thats some nvidia tier graph scaling
>anons literally call others "cucked" while sucking Putin's cock and Trump & Kushner laugh all the way to Israeli banks
When did Sup Forums fall so low?
Good lord.
>Fox News viewer and alt-right spergs defending a tinfoil-head socialist
>because someone laughed at Putin
Let's say Russia didn't influence the US elections, let's just say that for a moment. Also let's disregard geopolitics and NATO. Let's just focus on Russia as such.
Putin is still a massive authoritarian dictator that essentially runs a kleptocracy (with massive Jewish influence btw) that ruins the Russian people. You guys sucking his dick so hard it is starting to look like a diamond make me really wonder that happened to a nation that once loved freedom.
why the fuck do you libtards think this works?
Sup Forums isnt the cartoon caricature you think it is
like invading Irak, Syria and Afghanistan? OMG youre right he's literally Hitler.
>no source
>no scales
>tell me how are Russia's action okay now?
They further the interests of Russia and her allies. If the US and her allies can invade countries, topple regimes, destabilize governments, sow anarchy, spy on it's own citizens, attempt to police the rights of peoples not in the US and her allies countries, arrest and kill their own citizens illegally etc, and it's "okay" for them, it's Okay for everyone else.
Holy shit, Colbert is a fucking asshole
And that audience. Got what a bunch of screeching chimps
>the US needs to stay out of other countries affairs!!!
>the US needs to be against this country that is bad!!!
I really fucking wish the world would make up its mind, because no matter what the US does it is always wrong. Americans are sick of getting dragged into pointless world affairs is what is happening.
Like every US president before him, regardless of their political color. And people go all "oh god so cringy" when someone calls it out for what it is.
beauty is in the eye of the beholder, onan
>Trump supporters are pseudo-intellectual about supporting a buffoon reality star
>Hillary supporters are pseudo-intellectual about supporting a literal criminal
>Bernie supporters are pseudo-intellectual about supporting a socialist fossil who never worked a day in his life until he was in his 40s
>Gary supporters are pseudo-intellectual about supporting a literal anti-libertarian retard
Was the 2016 election the election of the fedora?
so is there a good, well made and non-butthurt rebuttal to the untold history of america, or at least a source that adds another layer onto it?
Why is it so difficult for Americans to consider that they may, in fact, be the bad guys here?
more like that plz
It's literally the same tactic they used to make Putin so scary. They literally live in a fairytale world with boogeymen around every corner
>>the US needs to stay out of other countries affairs!!!
>>the US needs to be against this country that is bad!!!
>implying I implied that
I seriously doubt your reading skills now. Also there are more than two ways to act on the international stage if you stop perceiving the world as a cartoon so eh.
Yes he did. He shills for Israel because Jews own the USA. Thanks for pointing it out user.
Did you not listen to every single American president ever say that America is the best and the most exceptional country on Earth?
so what should the US do beyond the sanctions that have already been levied against Russia?
>When did Sup Forums fall so low?
probably when it popped up on Mossad and FSB radars... around a few months after drointh announced his run for the shite house
It's not that easy. They're doing it to defend American interests, and the media sugarcoats it.
it's because they're a brainwashed mass that lost all hope after ww2 when they couldn't handle the soviet tension better and got corrupted by their own victory.