What's your favourite Scarlett Johansson role?
What's your favourite Scarlett Johansson role?
The one where we have sex and the cuddle afterward but then I wake up and kill myself because my life is shit.
Hottest in: The Island
Best acting: Lost in Translation/ Under the Skin
under the skin
The Stay-Puft Marshmallow Woman
i wanted to fuck her so bad before i found out shes a kike
>I was sexually attracted to someone before I knew their ethnicity
Based Sup Forumsfags leaving all the Jewess women for the rest of us.
The one where the reporter asks her a fluff question and she spergs out on a feminist rant.
That one where Steve Buscemi fucks Thora Birch
Niggas in paris
ive seen this image a million times
but everytime i see it again
my brain has to take a few seconds to really process what the fuck im looking at
I don't watch shitty movies.
Her Hillary Clinton's biopic.
Nanny Diaries
Welp that's the thread folks
The one where she disappears, stops ruining movies and I don't have to look at her ugly kike face anymore.
worst actress working atm
and meryl streep is still making movies
Remember when she was actually hot?
Lost in translation.
don jon because it makes he seem like the manipulative bitch i always imagined her to be.
You mean when she was in her late teens/early twenties, the time when all girls have overactive hormones that exaggerate their sexual characteristics? Not exactly a big achievement.
This one
How is this bodyshape called?
>Hottest in: The Island
This, hands down. All was downhill from there.
Gays detected.
probably Ghost world
I'm pretty horny and want to jack it to an actress, what's some good pics for Scarjo?
Jesus Christ, Favreau
one where she doesn't take off her clothes and I can still imagine she looks hot naked
Probably her only movie where she seemed genuine and not just "Hey it's me Scarlet Johansson I have big boobs and my face doesn't move but I'm somehow an Alist Hollywood actor!"
Iron man 2 was her peak. Shes still really hot though, only a butthurt manlet on Sup Forums would say otherwise
The madam president
What is it with reddit calling any woman without clear physical deformities, hot? She is better looking than the average burger lardass, but she is not hot. I see better looking girls on the street all the time. She had her moments but now she's really just in the "clearly attractive but nothing special" category.
aye. if scarjo was my personal property, I would take her to the grocery store in her black widow outfit, then take her into a bathroom stall and inseminate her with my hands around her gut
If you find this hot:
you are not a heterosexual. You are a closet faggot pretending to find women attractive to make yourself feel better. You have selected the woman most known for being "hot" (thanks to the kike-controlled media) as the safest choice of woman to talk loudly about finding attractive so that everything will think you're HELLA STRAIGHT BRO.
She was cute in Lost In Translation
Unironically, the one where she shows her pusy
>I see better looking girls on the street all the time
Match Point
the upskirt
>that wobbly ass camera work
The cameraman was probably jerking off
Does anything happen in this movie or what?
Where is the ping chong chinaman?
I dunno I've never watched it
movie name?
The Upskirt
Sup Forums leaves all women for everyone else to be honest
Perfect Score
I want to cum to ScarJo but I'll feel bad if I do.
I would murder to fuck young scarjo
Lost in Translation and Under the Skin
Sorry m8, she's old and used up.
Silken Floss in The Spirit, easily the best she ever looked.
this is porn
terrible movie though
its proper strange but not in a good way. give it a watch
>that ankle
Queen of Spades detected
Lost in Translation
true kino
Suck my dick, you're absolutely wrong.
It's the terrible choice of clothes, desu. I'll never understand why these people dress like this. Probably trying to start a fad or something, but they just end up looking retarded.
>I see better looking girls on the street all the time
Unless you're next door neighbors with Gal Godot, I'm calling shenanigans.
I really liked her in Match Point
The Ass
Pretty much. Looks like any normal 30 something female who made a poor choice in clothes...when the jeans don't really fit the way they did. She has a nice ass in jeans somewhere in her portfolio just forget name of that flick. In The Island she plays the retarded blond clone perfectly and looks great doing it.
Truly the Rolls-Royce of 7s.
Can confirm.
>visit Danville or Los Gatos
>model tier women fucking everywhere
>live in fucking las vegas
>average women are like models here
>only qt girls are young highschool sluts
as much as i hate cali for its politics they have the best women by far
Criminally underrated post.
Her tits aren't even that big, she just pushes them up as much as she can for maximum cleavage.
The "Her Turn"
Why'd she have to cut off her tits, get fat, and embrace dyke hair?
she shat out some babbies
are you implying that jews have big noses?
>are you implying
Yes, it's brilliant.