solid 80% at best. dog shit compared to Logan. why did they pick such an old bird? she has 2 years of good looks left tops.
Solid 80% at best. dog shit compared to Logan. why did they pick such an old bird...
>solid 80%
You're a special kind of retarded, aren't you?
Stop. Making. Capeshit. Threads.
solid 83938824% if you ask me
>dog shit
OP truly has the brains of a capeshit console war faggot
you mean a solid 1/5 at best
Better than Logan, especially the third acts which are the worst of both
It was better than Logan though
>solid 80%
Nope it wasn't
>Logan being more than 80%
He must be a Sup Forumstard.
Can I get an honest opinion on the movie from someone who doesn't have a grudge on all women because of some Stacy that rejected them to school dance? I need some clear judgment.
Gal Gadot is so fucking pretty it's ridiculous. Too skinny though.
I seriously can't believe there's people on this board over 20 years old who would go and spend money on the pathetic garbage that is capeshit today.
Honestly, don't you have anything better to do with your time or money? See anything but a fucking superhero movie for gods sake, it's pathetic
The dialogue was piss poor, most of the fight scenes were over edited and just looked plain ridiculous. The blatant overuse of CGI and special effects drew me away from any semblance of story going on. The first 20 minutes or so had some good world building sequences, but after that the movie just falls apart at the seems.
Gal Gadot's acting was pretty bad, but Chris Pine gave a good performance and they both had good on-screen chemistry. I give it a 6/10.
>solid 80% at best. dog shit compared to Logan.
>Logan was like 7/10 at best
Thanks user
>It's a retard doesn't understand how RT works episode
I had much more to say about it, but I really just want to forget I went to go see this trainwreck in the first place.
It was fun, good characters, too much CGI. Good for a capeshit, like Iron Man or so. Worse than Nolan
I was vehemently against her casting but after seeing the movie I feel like she's okay. She's so fucking cute I couldn't really stay mad, I dare anyone to still hate her after that London scene
>that scene in London where she grabs Steve's hand and wants to see the baby
so many cute moments
>8/10 at best
>this is a bad thing
Are you retarded
Why don't female action heroes ever wear pants?
Good, fun action movie with some surprising funny moments. Doesn't feel "in your face, enough already" about the girl power stuff either like Supergirl does. She's a demigod, everything she does makes sense.
The only gripe I have is the cartoonishly evil WWI germans that they portray as borderline nazis. Someone needed to pick up a history book when writing the "villains".
Why would they?
Yeah, in hindsight she was a good choice for the role. While other women have better physiques, I think her personality shines through well on screen.
We didn't ask you
9/10 of them are wearing pants
that 1/10 is sucker punch
2 stars, average forgettable movie. Pine and Ares carried the fuck out of the movie, because Gal Gadot should not be anywhere near lead actress.
Why are you complaining?
>who is lara croft
tbqh I never liked her because she always seemed negress tier to me