>american """"""""""""comedians""""""""""""
American """"""""""""comedians""""""""""""
Other urls found in this thread:
>2 month old late night skit is worth making a thread about
>American """""""""presidents""""""""
sorry is it taking away room from you reddit frog threads??
This isn't real, right? Right?
After Trump is impeached Colbert will have no material to work with.
Sup Forums- alt right pussies crying about literally everything.
It's funny because we're starting WWIII.
>Sup Forumsddit is STILL butthurt about based Colbert
It's real. Colbert is like those autists on deviantart making pictures where they marry Nintendo characters.
>last Trump safe space thread gets purged
>quick better make another one
Are Trumptards absolutely pathetic?
That's the one thing it isn't doing.
they're not used to being outside their pol echo chamber.
Hollywood celebs need to have their wealth confiscated and thrown into labor camps to bash rocks until they die from exhaustion. It would be both fitting and hilarious.
>2 month old late night skit
from the filename it's from 2016, so over 6 months old
however it's funny that you mentioned the number 2, as it's the same number that triggers this "comedian" when it's the number of ice cream scoops the POTUS gets served
That said, my thread isn't about that skit, it's about Colbert and American """"""""""""comedians"""""""""""". The only joke in their shows are themselves.
no once trump is impeached the real hero will save the west and mobile posters will end
Traitors don't get freedom.
>implying my problem is with their politics
I seriously can't believe burgers laugh at those "jokes"
If they want to be commies, they get to live like commies.
This guy is way scarier than Trump.
now that would be comedy
>not the obviously better choice
Why aren't we allowed to make fun of trump exactly?
Scary how? Because he's against fag marriage?
literally shaking.
Disgusting. Why don't they try to write some jokes about airlines instead of pushing double good right-think on the proletariat every night.
Oh, so you're against redistribution of the wealth? Fuckin' Conservative scum.
I hope you get shot.
Great, does that include Hollywood celebrity Donald Trump?
>make fun
no wonder Colbert is such a ratings success, burgers are truly devoid of intelligence
It's not about making fun of Trump, there is plenty of good material for that.
It's about pushing a political agenda for the DNC under the guise of 'comedy'
you know the rest of the world is laughing while your country is imploding, right?
>Donald Trump
american education
>implying America cares about the opinion of tiny irrelavent shitholes
Fuck off, my state is probably the size of your country
Would be worth the sacrifice.
I don't understand your insult
Because he's a good boy who dindu nuffin and if you say a meanie about them I will call you a Reddit CTR Shariablue shill until you KYS.
and there are people who say this place has not being overrun by reddit.
>giving a shit that you competitors and adversaries think while they are flooding their nations with niggers and muslims
>american education
What's the difference?
oh boy. I guess it's time for me to do my yearly check up on any cwc news.
>literally appears in Home Alone and Fresh Prince
>reality star host of a famous show
>literally had a Star on the walk of fame
>not a Hollywood celebrity
Trumptards in a nutshell
t. Ahmed Mohammad
What about making fun of daddy Colbert?
You do realize all you're doing is giving Colbert more coverage and attention, right? This daily infantile tantrum ritual of yours over his jokes isn't achieving anything but giving him more Youtube views and prestige in the long run.
Go for it. Never watched his show, don't care for him, so I'm not emotionally invested.
>hurr durr some cameos make you a hollywood celeb
>hurr durr the apprentice wasn't a NY show
yeah and you're probably the size of any two given people from my country put together.
oh I forgot the US had no blacks or Muslims. fascinating.
Why is Trump always depicted as having orange skin?
Because of his fake orange tan.
I don't do it to hurt Colbert, I do it for the lulz
it greatly amuses me that burgers are so basic that they find his show funny
>hurr durr I'm a Trump supporter who hates celebrities by default but also support a literal celebrity who got his fame from a tv show so I'm desperately trying to justify my cognitive dissonance
Here's your last (You), r/T_D plebbitor.
Yes because if he manages to survive longer than numale celebrities that called him fat that would be funny.
He's pro NAFTA and pro TPP.
And if he doesn't?
>Colbert gets trump on the show
>nothing but nice and respect the whole time
>makes a cartoon trump for him to strawman, btfo and say all the things he wanted to say to Trump's face but was too much of a puss
Liberals actually respect this guy
So I googled the 2 scoops meme to see if it was self-contained to Sup Forums or what, and I found people complaining about it on knowyourmeme with the same tone, words, and writing style as the people complaining about Colbert memes on Sup Forums. Interesting.
his main job isn't in Hollywood so I don't think he's a Hollywood celebrity
He's still a celebrity though
Then it would be what you'd expect so who cares?
No, they're afraid of him because they're beta fags
The weak should fear the strong
So are democrats
I would elaborate but already explained for me
You just don't understand the complex comedy of Stephen T. Colbert.
>tumblr nose
wow, it's almost like 4channers write KYM articles and comments
This is so fucking offensive
When has trump ever worn a suit that fucking blue?
Yep, I'm not defending them, I'm not even American.
t. reddit
But I've seen some articles where they get things completely wrong like saying "literally me" originated from a Rick and Morty post so I always assumed that website was run by redditors.
Not until I get my delegates Dahnald
Colbert has his finger on the pulse of the nation and he can't let go
go back to Sup Forums lefty autist
Colbert finds a way.
you should have attached this pic to your post
Current Year Man Meme > Colbertposting
Stop posting that because it's already a thing.
Im honestly more offended by the shitty character design
I'm surprised he didn't shit himself holding a gun
I couldn't make fun of American "comedians" and post Oliver though
I would watch a Trump cartoon to be honest.
He does have funny mannerisms and speech patterns.
>#1 in the Japanese box office for 14 weeks, 13 weekends
>Earns 20 billion yen and counting to surpass Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets in Japan
>Reached 10 billion yen 9 days faster than Frozen
>Wins LA Film Critics Award
>Has become the no. 1 highest-grossing Japanese movie in China
>Has become the no. 1 movie in Thailand
>The film immediately topped Korea's box office opening on 555 screens all around the country which is a new record for the Japanese film.
>Also dominated China breaking the all-time records for the most advance tickets sold and the fastest film to reach 100 million yuan ($ 14 million or 1.7 billion yen), with the first 100 yuan earned in just the film's opening day.
>The film also dominated the charts of Hong Kong and Taiwan becoming the number 2 and top highest grossing Japanese film on the respective countries
>Inexplicably jumps 41% in the Japanese box office and climbs from 7th place to 3rd place in one week
>Still in the top 10 in the Japanese box office towards the beginning of 2017
>Now grossed US$353.3 million.
>Surpasses the box office gross of Spirited Away (US$289.1 million), making it the highest grossing anime film of all time.
>Is approved by Shinzo Abe and used by Cool Japan to spur tourism in Japan.
So this is meme magic. Not bad.
Will she(ze?) be held accountable
why do you get so mad when someone points out how biennial colbert is with his "satirical" political commentary
These threads are funny and it sends people like you into a frenzy
thats a xir u shitlord, you have triggered xe (me)
Just like we gave ghostbusters 2016 attention?
hahahaha we fucking destroyed that movie, colberts next it's over for him
>lol fat burgers
>*watches his wife get gang raped by achmeds*
you are literally Hitler you fucking redneck
you are on the wrong side of history
Literally everyone here is false flagging.
So in a sense you are all still arguing with the same people. But you are all retarded.
what did he mean by this?
>Stephen is so forward-thinking his head is literally stuck extending forwards
what happened to Colbert? his GWB bashing was tactful and within limits
it's like watching your grandpa getting dementia and starting to abuse people, it breaks my heart.
Colbert owes this surge in his career to Trump. At least le current year man talks about shit that isn't Brappf