What the fuck did I just watch?

What the fuck did I just watch?

Lynch's best film

A good movie about the horrors of relationships and babies

>inb4 some college kid mentions Lynch and pretentious


Formerly "A Film By David Lynch"

Looks like the title says Eraserhead.

uh that doesn't look like lost highway

>movie is called eraserhead
>his head doesn't erase things

also the main character is acted by pete from twin peaks.

Have you been, dare I say,

I got the same thing out of it. Decent movie. Hater = brainlet.

One of the best films ever made

it literally did tho

what is the point of this post

great movie to watch stoned bro lul

this stupid faggot would suck lynch's cock and drink the cum if he could. fuck lynch fanboys don't you have some transendental meditation to do and some children to rape

wrong, that's Lost Highway

His head was literally used to make pencil erasers.

All wrong, Lynch's masterpiece is Inland Empire which will be topped by Twin Peaks season 3 once it finishes

inland emprie is a meme movie

>medicating yourself to be able to enjoy things

I know you're shitposting but if someone actually does this they should kill themselves, waste of space

the elephant man is the best one

haha what drugs were they on when they made this? it's fucking weird omg


>which will be topped by Twin Peaks season 3
top kek

Literally his worst
>muh edgy music
>mug edgy main character
Edge: The Movie

I've been meaning to rewatch Lost Highway. Is there anything I should keep in mind for unravelling its mysteries? The first time I saw it I just let it all soak in without delving into it too much.

One of the greatest American feature debuts of all time.


Balthazar Getty is his imagined redemption, which falls apart because his denial of guilt isn't strong enough. The smoke and light at the end is him in the electric chair, still in denial.

What does it mean if I like Twin Peaks but not Eraserhead?

He watched Blue Velvet?

It means you're not ready for full LYNCHING yet, but may be one day.

It means you belong in /tpg/ and should stay there.

It means you weren't in the right mood when you watched it

It means you're a normal person, probably with a 9-5 job, and not a manchild with an art degree who has time to analyze movies that are "like moving paintings XDDDD LYNCHED!!!!"