Questionable Sup Forumsntent General #840: Alice Grove Edition

so now his white characters can turn dark skinned on command. HOW FUCKING PROGRESSIVE

>no nanotech
>can change skin and eye color just by flinching

Ol Stabby really has no clue and just wants to pander, does he?

Yeah this is great n all, but where's my giant robot wife? And by great I mean complete shit.

What am I even looking at?


So Nightcrawler is just a character in this, now?

He can't even pander right. He seems to have given up on Claire cause people only cared about if she has the equipment or not.

Being darkskinned won't prevent you from getting a sunburn or skin cancer
you should still wear sunscreen that doesn't have oxybenzone do prevent your skin from damage

What happened to Claire? I haven't caught up on QC for months now.

exactly why he's a pandering idiot. her changing her skin to "ambiguously dark" serves no other purpose than adding another minority character to his "pet project"

If only some kind of sci-fi futuristic society where science has advanced enough to have nanotechnology and the ability to alter their skin composition to change it's refractive properties or even photosynthesize had thought of that! Thank god for you, 21st century super genius web comic critic!

The comic is fucking absolute drivel, complete and utter shit. But the more you people comment the more I think you deserve it.

Jeph is on a brown girl kick right now, I guess.


Those dead eyes.


here you go

>made a show of accomodating my bulk
>should be livid
...really? Should you be?

Goddammit jeph if none of your world makes sense don't try and obliquely add hanners having special decent communication powers with robots as a trait

originally Marten was a generic minority. Now he's not in the comic anymore.


It's official. AIs in this world are built with internal programming preventing them from hating Hannelore.

Anyone have that edit when Bubbles was at that party and murdering everyone but Hanners?

She's busy getting an undercut hairdo, tattoos, and a pierced clit.


I think its supposed to be in character for Bubbles to hate anyone making a spectacle out of her or calling attention to how different she is.





There it is. Thankyou.

I miss her old helmet hair. Why did the robot need a more detailed hairstyle anyway?

These edits are amazing

i don't know shit about Alice Grove and i refuse to give Stabbinton the ad revenue so would anyone mind telling me what "baseline" means in this content?

Baseline means like a normal, shitty, everyday human. The comic is a shoddy attempt at transhumanism and chameleon girl up there's all augmented.

i never asked for this